I Have A Crush On My Guy Best Friend.

I have a crush on my guy best friend, who also has a crush on my girl best friend, what should I do?

Oh boy…You’re in some deep trouble.Oh man, this is one of the most hardest things you can be stuck in. It’s like a love triangle, except the two people are actually connected, and the third person doesn’t get connected.Alright, I’m just going to say a few things, since I’ve been the guy in one of these situations before. (And needless to say, it was hard.)First off is whether or not he knows. He probably does, after all, he’s most likely been around you and your friend. And your friend (If she knew) might’ve told him about your crush. If he does, then well…It’ll be easier to explain and get it over with.But even if he doesn’t, you’re STILL in trouble. The only real option here is if he gets rejected by your friend. And if he does, well, maybe that’s your chance to get closer to him. But other than that, there’s nothing really else you can do but play it cool.But just remember, don’t fret over it. The worst feeling is feeling trapped. Instead, be free, and try to discover new people or things that seem exciting. And if they do get together, be happy that something beautiful has blosommed…Man, I hate these things. So heartbreaking.

I have a crush on my guy bestfriend?

Hi, this is probably one of the most difficult situations to be in. It is honestly a flip of a coin and you have to have a lot of guts to tell him. If things don't work out and he doesn't like you, yes it will feel like a enormous blow but don't worry just try not to make things awkward or anything and maybe things will just go back to normal. If he does like you HOORAY that is great, because I honestly think that those are the best relationships ever! If you are too nervous or too scared to tell him then just send me subtle hints, maybe lean close to him, hold his hand, cuddle with him, be a little flirtatious and if he responds positively then he may like you and I would say that maybe you should tell him how you feel. If he responds negatively then maybe you shouldn't tell him :( because that could just make everything way awkward. And about your friends, most people just say that a guy likes you, because they want you guys to be together, they probably think it is really cute. If everything else fails then just trust your gut! It usually never leads you astray.

I hoped I helped, best of luck! :)

I have a crush on my best guy friend. What should I do?

There can be many ways of dealing with this situation and below are some of the scenarios:1. You let your feelings out to your friend loud and clear  a)he feels the same way for you and admits it to you.b)he doesn't reciprocate the feelings and the situation gets really awkward and now he starts ignoring you.2. You don't tell anything to your friend but give little hints now and then a) may be he also feels the same way and sooner or later there is a chance that he'll convey you those feelings. b) he gets the message and you'll get his reaction implicit or explicit3. You don't do anything and wait for some magic to happen

I have a crush on my best guy friend, what do i do?!?

okay, i have a really good guy friend. and we hang out all the time. but lately ive begun to realize that i like him a little more than friends. we're really close, and everyone says he likes me too. im just really stuck but i dont want to ruin the friendship! what do i do!

I have a crush on my bestfriend and we are both guys. What should I do?

First ask yourself this, what are you interested in most? Girls, boys or even perhaps both?Finding out your sexuality is the first step that you should take in this position. If you still have no idea, perhaps you should stop focusing on your best friend and first make your intentions and desires clear. Absolutely clear. I am a straight male. Find out what drives you sexually.Now on the crush part. Most of the times, a crush is somewhat like a fantasy. You just meet the person and there you are in your dreams, together and happy ever after. You have to understand that your crush being a guy will make it a little awkward. You have to consider him as well.What I suggest is you ask him his sexuality. What he’s into. Now, if you’re gay, and I mean you really know you are, you have to know what he’s into. If he’s not interested in guys, well things could go unpleasant. Given the chance he’s gay as well and you’re too, you’re chances are great.So, the first thing you should really focus on is you. Your sexuality. If you are sure of that, then move forward. Crushes will come and go. People tend to put their crush in a high pedestal, which makes them feel great about them but it actually can make it a bit difficult to interact with them. So, don’t think about it too much. You like the guy? Go for it. End up getting rejected? No problem. Lesson learned. Confidence increased. Boom.Cheers.

I have a crush on my friend's best friend. What should I do?

Enjoy it!Having a crush is a beautiful feeling, enjoy the phase and don't overthink about it. There is no harm in it. In fact, having a hopeless crush on someone is the most freeing and exciting feeling in world, as long as it is harmless. Do not overthink and give yourself a hard time by analysing a simple and natural feeling of a healthy heart and mind.If you expect something in return, then a problem might arise. So just come clean to your friend and tell him/her about how you feel. Be honest, a “friend” will understand.Who knows, something beautiful might be in store in the future!

I have a crush on my best friend. What should I do?

You’ve caught feelings for your best friend. Now what? Do you ignore it to preserve the fridship? Or do you take a chance and tell them? Growing romantic feelings often become hard to ignore if not addressed head-on, and when a friendship is involved, a crush can feel like nothing but an inconvenience. Telling your long-time friend that you have feelings for them is risky business, so here are some questions to consider:If you do tell him/her, do you have legitimate reason to believe that your long standing friendship will be ruined?Will not telling him/her continue to eat you alive?If you tell him/her and you’re rejected, will you be able to accept it and move on with the friendship as is? Will they?If you tell him/her, hey admit mutual feelings and want to start a relationship, are you both willing to accept the risk that if something goes wrong, your friendship will likely face permanent damage?If you and your friend have a long history, you probably have very little to lose by telling them, even if the outcome is not what you hope for. After many years, you both probably value the friendship enough to not let a little crush ruin it. However, be prepared for anything. If you know the risks and decide to spill the beans, remember that they are first and foremost your best friend. Don’t back them into a corner. Don’t pressure them. Don’t give ultimatums. If they don’t share your feelings, respect it, and accept that there is little to nothing you can do to change their mind. Make sure they know that no matter what, you will still value their companionship just as it is.

I have a crush on my best guy friend, and he likes my best friend. He is going to ask her out. What do I do?

I am afraid there is really nothing you can do. Obviously he fancies someone else and you know who the object of his affection is.The only thing you can do is look at your best friend and try from an objective point of view and not in a jealous way but an admiring one... realize what is that she had that could have made him more prone to like her and not you. When I was young most of the crushes I had endep up liking my best friend... Objectively speaking she was taller than me and had longer legs. I used to think it was because she was prettier but no, what she had that I lacked it was self-esteem.  She would say whatever crossed her mind and guys liked that.... again with self esteem you act and behave more confidently and attractive over all. I thought they used to like her because she was prettier had long hair and all that that... but perhaps the only thing that she had that I didn't that much was that self-esteem and confidence. Find out what she has that you don't... more psychological traits than physical traits and try to work on what you seem to lack in comparison to her or any other girls you see to be sucessful with guys. Start to fake it until you make it, and sooner than later it will be you being the target of all guys instead of your friend or at least the target of the ones you like. Going home and reading Jane Austin's novels also helped a lot to understand human behaviour and what makes guys like girls and that... and the other way around. So I learnt a lot and I tried to specialize on being the "interesting and original" one because I thought being "the pretty" one of the group was already taken. ;D

I have a crush on my gay guy friend?

To start, I think this crush is the most futile thing I have ever heard - he's gay. He doesn't date girls. By you "not accepting" his sexual orientation, you are basically telling him you don't accept him. Period. That's not even a good friend.

You should learn more about being gay in today's world (It's not even a fad - it's been around for thousand of years, can you believe it?) and ignore this crush, it will only ruin your friendship, if it wasn't already.

I have a crush on my best male friend. What should I do?

Your choices are pretty basic: speak up, or live with things the way they are now.If you speak up and your friend is also attracted to you, perfect. But if he isn’t, it will be awkward for a while. How you handle your disappointment will determine the extent of the awkwardness.Maintain your dignity, stay cordial and everything could go right back to normal. I’ve done that. It was enormously difficult but totally worth the effort.If you don’t maintain your composure, if you show how wounded you are that he isn’t romantically attracted to you, your friend will feel like his honesty made you miserable. He will be uncomfortable in your presence.No one wants to hurt a friend.Try to think objectively. It’s hard to do when your feelings are all churned up, but try. You know him. You’re in a better position to guess what could — or is likely to — happen. Whatever you decide to do, I wish you well.