I Have A Cut That Has Been Bleeding Since Last Night And I Don

My friend cut herself last night and it's still bleeding?

My friend, who has anxiety and depression, self harms frequently.
Yesterday she made a post on her blog about how she'd "done a silly little thing and now the silly little thing won't stop bleeding." She mentioned her parents would kill her if they found out.
I told her to apply pressure, run under cold water, keep it elevated, etc.
Today, I woke up to see she'd made a post this morning, saying it still hadn't stopped bleeding.
I'm really scared it's going to get infected or be really serious.
The school counsellor knows, and I think her parents do too, but they don't care about her, and there's no chance she will go to them. I'm the only friend who knows.
Any advice would be much appreciated.

I got a cut last night on my shin and it hasnt stopped bleeding. What can I do to help?

Put pressure on it until it stops bleeding. Then keep the bandage on for awhile, and don't change it but once or twice a day. It's possible that the frequent changing of the bandage is keeping the clot from staying there. If it won't quit bleeding, it may need stitches. You might want to see a doctor to make sure. You also might want to put some antibiotic ointment on it to keep it from getting infected.
Hope this helps!

How to stop bleeding from a cut Skin tag?

My husband had me cut off a big skin tag last night from his back (he had been asking for months and I said no for a long time but he caught me in a weird mood last night) and now it will not stop bleeding. What should we do to get to stop?

Don't ever do this Anyone!!! Not fun at all

I have a cut that has been bleeding for over 48 hours with no sign of stopping. What do I do?

I guess it depends HUGELY on how large it is and where it is. And if you are on any natural or prescription medications that prolong bleeding time. If the cut is small but in an area where you bend, move or bump it a lot, it will keep opening up. So it's really re-bleeding rather than not need treatment ifthe cut gapes open and won't closeif it keeps breaking open like on your hand, finger or over a jointif it crosses the edge of a lip (called the vermillion border)If it's on or near the edge of your eyelidif an artery or vein is cut.If its dirtyif it's a puncture (small at the top but deep) from an animal bite or anything dirty or rusty even if the wound looks cleanif its gushing or spurting large amounts of blood.If you possibly have other injuries based on what happened like hitting your head or your belly.If the cut is very red, painful, throbbing, you have a fever or chills, nausea or red lines spreading from the wound or if pus is draining or collecting under the skin (common with punctures) or if the redness continues to spread wider and wider instead of getting better.any cut that's deep or wide too needs to be closed but it is a combo of both that really determines it. for instance, say 2″, but it's barely a mm (less than 1/16″) deep it's fine. But a 2″ long, 1/2″ deep wound, now that can be a big deal.The best thing you can do for any bleeding wound or cut is to apply pressure. If the cut is small, it should stop but keep the pressure on even after it stops. If you are on blood thinners, for it to bleed for a while is common. But even so, pressure should stop it. If the cut is small, but keeps bleeding and the blood is getting everywhere, get some wound glue at a pharmacy. It isn't painless but worth it.Obviously if you are gushing blood, call an ambulance.

I cut myself last night?

Three times on my wrist. They all bleed, but they aren’t deep. They’re actually healing up and it hasn’t been a full day yet, even though they still look a bit red. I don't know why I cut myself though. I did it once before, a week before my last birthday, and I only did one slice, but all that was left was a scratch, no blood like this time.

Today I covered up with a bracelet, and I was ashamed when I think my mom saw, so I quickly pulled the bracelet down. I mean, I don't know WHY I did it, so if it was for attention I probably wouldn’t of pulled the bracelet down, so I can cross that out. I'm also kind of tempted to cut again right now.
It was weird, I didn't really feel anything when I cut myself, a little pinch almost, and that’s it....

I guess I don't really have a question, but I needed to get this out, and logically, I know it’s probably no good to cut again, but I want too.

My girl friend since last night has been bleeding like dripping blood from vagina what is it?

Ok I'm gonna re word this since my previous answers where nothing but alot of butt holes! It's not her period! She is on ortho evra and we didn't have sex last night she called mr told me she was dripping blood! On to this morning and all in school like running blood and stuff is it pregnancy or miscarrige? It's not period that's next week

My leg scab won't stop bleeding....?

I don't know if it's puss or bleeding. It look wet but the color is light red. I fell down pretty hard Saturday night on asphalt and had a pretty deep scab on my leg. It was dripping blood; i cleaned it, put on a bandage. The blood went through that one. Put one on top and it still bled through. I cleaned it more, put hydrogen peroxide bu nothing made it stop (i mean it wasn't bleeding like OMG, but it was still moist and wanting to drip a bit). I woke up to dried dripped blood. I got neospirin and put it on. Put on my bandage....last night i let it breathe a bit then put on a small bandage so I don't let it touch my bed. Wake up, my bandage had blood on it.

I mean this was a deep cut so maybe that's why it's still moist and bleeding. What can i do to stop it, it's about to be a week soon. I can walk, run, dance, and do my normal routines. I just cover it because it look gross and don't want the sun to touch it.

How long does vaginal bleeding last after fingering?

so my boyfriend fingered me a few days ago, and i've had bleeding since then. it was pretty rough, so im guessing that i've been cut. the bleeding is not SUPER light, but not heavy at all, just constant. it almost seems like a lighter version of my period, but i've been on birth control for a while and my period is not scheduled to come for a little over a week. i bike a lot, and there is sometimes slight pain while biking, but not too bad. should i be concerned about this? i have never bled after fingering before.

Why is my cut still bleeding after a day of being under a bandage?

Many possibilities:The bandage of the may be too loose and so not enough compression is being applied to stop the bleedingThe wound is dirty and something is restricting it from remaining closedYou have a coagulation disorder preventing or slowing down any coagulation of the bloodThe wound is being irritated and stretched through regular or irregular movement that is constantly reopening the area.The wound is too deep to heal on its own quickly and so either but me glued/stitched or given a longer time to heal, which may also result in a bad wound repair, i dont advise waiting if that is the case.The wound reopened when the bandages were removed because of sticking pulling it apart.Razor blades make very clean cuts that often take longer to heal and close up because of that. Perhaps wait a little longer.As for which of these possibilities it is, without additional information, noone can tell you. But with a little common sense you can work out which one it is. As for reapplying bandages, don't, if it isn't that deep, once you go to clean the bandage again, if its stopped bleeding use a plaster instead it will keep the wound protected without smothering it and perhaps irritating it further.