I Have A Not On My Right Side Why Is That

My right side hurts?

Take your temperature, if it 100 or above, do this test for referred appendix pain:
Press down on your abdomen, and then release quickly, if it hurts MORE after you RELEASE than it did while pressing down, that is a symptom of referred appendix pain.
If it is your appendix the pain will localize to the right side and will be low, just above the hipbone. It can take a few days to localize and the pain can be through out the abdomen until it does become accute and get to the point that even walking will hurt.
Keep checking your temp.,even if you do not have one now, for as long as the pain persists. If you have a fever with the referred pain call your Dr. or go to the ER.
Be prepared to wait while they draw your blood to check your white blood cell count, it will be elevated if you have an infection. The surgeon that treated my daughter made me sign permission for exploratory surgery, even though she was sure it was appendicitis, because until they are actually looking at it they can't say for sure that is what it is.
You need to get treatment if you have these symptoms for if the appendix ruptures,it can cause a potentially fatal infection called peritonitis.It is much harder to treat, for the infection from the appendix dumps into the abdominal cavity and spreads throught out,and must be removed surgically as well.
Do not eat anything if the pain keeps getting worse, for if you need surgery food in your digestive tract will delay it or complicate it. Stick to clear fluids, jello is ok.

These are all instuctions for determining if you have appendicitis.You may have something altogether different going on.

The thing to keep in mind is your temperature.If it climbs to 100 or above that is a clear sign of some sort of infection and you need to get to the Dr.

Which is correct to say ''at the right side'' or ''on the right side''?

Right side is irrelevant here. What matters are the prepositions.We use ‘at’ as a less precise location indicator.We use ‘on’ to give a more exact description of location - as it has a more literal meaning.Let’s replace ‘right side’ with ‘the bank’.If you say‘I am at the bank’.It means you are at the location of the bank. You might be a few meters away from it, you might be leaning against a wall of the bank, you might be inside the bank getting some money. (although here you could also say ‘in the bank’) By saying ‘at the bank’, you are just indicating that the bank is a significant landmark point with reference to your location.If you say‘I am on the bank’You are indicating that you are standing on the roof of the bank. It is a much more precise location indicator.Keep that in mind and go back to your example of ‘right side’.“I am at the right side.”What you are saying is the ‘right side’ is a more helpful reference point than the ‘left side’ or ‘the back’ or ‘front’ or whatever. If the person you are wanting to meet goes in the general direction of the ‘right side’, they are more likely to find you than if they went in any other direction.“I am on the right side.”Literally, you are located on the surface of the ‘right side’. You are not next to, close to, by or in the ‘right side’. You are located exactly on its surface.If your general location will be enough for the other person to find you, then ‘at’ is sufficient. If you feel you need to give a more precise location, use ‘on’.How To Teach English

I have an icy hot feeling in mi right side of the neck that goes up to my ear, Help!?

It is not in the skin, I feel it inside my neck and goes up to the inside of my right ear. It is weird because it is only on the right side and x-rays do not show anything, sometimes that icy hot feeling goes down to my upper chest. I asked my doctors if that has something to do with my wisdom thoot removal, it was about 3 years ago they were removed all 4, and for some reason I don't have sensation on the right side of my tongue, the surgeon said that is an adverse reaction of the extraction, but I'm thinking that it might be a blocked nerve....but they still saying that it is not possible. I'm worried!!!! and I forgot to explain, I was diagnosed with Hyperthirodism but it is under control now, I've been checking myself every 3 to 4 months, I'm taking Cytomel. Studies show a good Thyroid function and there are no nodules there!!!
Any doctor here????