I Have A Question About Social Anxiety

A personal question for a social anxiety girl, how do you know if you have an attractive face?

I’m guessing this girl is probably 12–16 maybe? So your teens are basically an awkward time! I’m sure she’s anxious because all the other people she views as beautiful don’t line up with what she looks like. Social media can be a terrible thing.2. She needs a confident boost! Are you her friend? Why not praise her for her looks or other things about herself? Go out shopping and find her a new outfit she feels good in!3. Boys are boys and for her to find someone she will probably wait til shes older to find someone who want a RELATIONSHIP. One day she will find someone to make her happy.As a girl who too was round from puberty she will find her way.

What causes social anxiety?

social anxiety is known to all of us as an uncomfortable feeling of nervousness. Many people have particular worries about social situations like public speaking or talking to authority figures, or experience more general feelings of shyness or a lack of confidence.

For some, however, these social anxieties and fears can become much more troubling and difficult to cope with. Everyday tasks which most people take for granted - such as working, socialising, shopping, speaking on the telephone, even just going out of the house - might be a wearing ordeal marked by persistent feelings of anxiety and self-consciousness. Public performances or social gatherings might be out of the question.

When the social anxiety becomes this bad, sufferers could be diagnosed with Social Anxiety Disorder, also known as Social Phobia. Shyness is not a criteria for diagnosis. Sufferers differ in how naturally reserved or outgoing they may be and in regard to the sorts of situations or people they might find most difficult or might be OK with. Individuals who are particularly socially inhibited, avoidant and sensitive to criticism or rejection may meet criteria for Avoidant Personality Disorder, now seen by many as only the more extreme or generalised end of an 'SA spectrum'.

Sufferers typically experience excessive feelings of nervousness or dread in relation to feared social situations. They may experience specific physical symptoms such as trembling, rapid breathing, sweating or blushing. At the extreme, panic attacks can occur. Sufferers tend to be very self-conscious and worried about whether others might be evaluating them negatively. They tend to ruminate over past social incidents, worrying about how they might have come across.

How do I know if I have social anxiety or I'm just shy?

shyness is more to do with if your not an outgoing personality who would rather stay on the outside of a group of people, slightly awkward until they feel comfortable enough to join in to the conversation, lack of eye contact and lowered voice when answering direct questions.Social anxiety is when you start having a anxiety attack with the thought of being in a situation where you have to speak or perform to a group of people about a topic. It’s the fight or flight mechanism and the adrenaline rush that stays at level 10 when it should be level 4. It’s pure panic and nerves rolled into one.Both shyness and social anxiety can be successfully treated when diagnosed by a mental health professional, through relaxation and breathing techniques, diet and lifestyle changes. Medication can be used if necessary.Hope this answers your questionSarah

I am 21 years old and I have social anxiety !?

I have had anxiety really bad since I was a little kid. In elementary school, I was always sitting alone and I never had any friends. I have never been to a party in my life because it's hard for me to try to talk to new people and get to know people. Now that I am older, I know it is important to socialize with people for networking and things. I am a college student and I just don't know how to get over this anxiety that I have. Stepping out of my comfort zone has always scared me. Whenever someone wants to hang out with me , I would just not respond or just make up an excuse as to why I can't hang out with them... There are 2 people that I can hang out with that I do not have anxiety with but one of them has a boyfriend and the other is busy doing other things. We do hang out sometimes. It is just hard for me to get involved with the general public and socialize. I am afraid I'll have panic attacks and I get really offended easily by some people and the things they might say even if it's not meant to be offensive, I get very defensive. I would rather just stay in the house to myself without having to deal with the outside world. What should I do with myself?

Do I have Social anxiety disorder?

am 16 years old and female and really introverted and shy.I've been like that ever since I could remember.Even around my family.when I was little people thaught i was autistic because I was reaaly shy> I am extremely smart,honor roll, talented in art,drawing painting. I get nervous especialy when I go into places by melsef I feel as if people are staring at me. I am little anti-social at school,do to my low-self seteem which makes it easier t pick on me. I feel out of place,especially in large groups, and a major art nerd.My mom thinks I'm weird and my brother is very social. How could I be more sociable, so it will be easier to transition when i go to college.some people think just because I'm black I should be more outgoing or loud. I've been feeling more and more depressed lately,at one point considering suicide. How can I be more sociable.
31 minutes ago - 3 days left to answer.
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1 minute ago

I remember being in the cleaners and some guy(the person that works in there) that I was weird just because I really didn't feel like talking to him. nd I don't smile a lot.
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Do I have social anxiety disorder?

I'm constantly wondering if people are talking about me, like if they're whispering, i'd think they're talking about me. I feel like I am constantly being judged, so I just try and do my best to avoid everybody. Now I'm worried because it's affecting my grades, because I don't go in the locker room for gym, I don't volunteer in class or like to get up in front of the class, I sit in the back so that people aren't looking at me, because that bothers me, so I can't see the board or anything like that. I'm a Christian, but I don't like going to church, because I feel like I'm being judged there too. Sometimes I get mad at myself, because I miss things that I wanted to do, or know that I should do, like going to the mall, or picking up something from the store, cause my mom asked me. My family even puts me down sometimes too, not to a severe level, but that's kinda how I take it. This my sound weird, but I walk kinda funny in front of people, because I get nervous that they're looking at me, so my legs feel kinda light, so I start to walk funny. And like in class, i'll start shaking, and so will my hands, for no apparent reason. Its also affecting my weight, cause I dont eat lunch, because i'd rather be alone. Also my mom has been asking me questions about girls and stuff, but when I tell her i don't want one she just keeps asking me why not. But the reason is because the last time I went out with somebody, I just got hurt, so ever since then, I just stopped to avoid rejection. I have ADHD, and take meds for that, and I dont want to have to take any more medication. And how would I tell my mom I think I have it.

When did you realise you have social anxiety?

I knew the first time I heard about Social Anxiety Disorder (SAD) some time during university. I’d always had it, that was just the first time I realized it actually had a name and that it wasn’t unique to me.Shortly after, I met up with a friend studying psychology and asked her if she knew about SAD. The first thing she said - very firmly - was, “You don’t have SAD.” I meekly agreed with her, but in my head I was thinking, “You just don’t think so because I’m good at hiding it.”I probably wanted to believe her though, and didn’t really think about it again until it became much worse during my (unhappy) marriage, where I’d gotten far too used to always having someone with me in a new place or a public setting.The first time in a couple years that I actually had to go to an unfamiliar train station all by myself to meet up with my husband, my legs were trembling so bad I thought I would fall down the stairs. I was so afraid the station attendants were watching me, and that one of them would come and talk to me, either to ask what I was doing or whether I needed help or if I was lost. It was irrational.Also, when I started driving on my own again (my husband always drove our one car while we were married), it stunned me to discover that all the confidence I’d had with driving prior to marriage was gone. I could still drive the car, but I was a nervous wreck because of all the other drivers around me. I was afraid they would rage at me, honk at me, overtake me for being too slow, and just generally think bad things about me and my driving skills. It was also irrational.Once I got used to these situations again these severe reactions/feelings went away. But I do still have social anxiety.

How to get rid of social anxiety about a sleepover?

My friend is having a New Year s Eve sleepover tonight. I m really nervous because 1. I haven t been to a sleepover in at least 2 years and 2. There are going to be people that I don t know there, and I have really bad social anxiety. I ve been really nervous about this since yesterday, and I just wanna stop panicing and have fun. How can I get rid of this anxiety I m having?