I Have A Red Heeler /pit Bull Mix An She Is Not Playful Is The Norm For Her Breed She Is Six Months

What are the characteristics of an Australian Cattle Dog/Labrador mix?

Australian Cattle Dogs are high energy, intelligent animals (they are actually considered 10th among most intelligent breeds of dogs).  They require a substantial amount of exercise and mental stimulation, as they are traditionally used as herding dogs, working for many hours over long distances in a changing environment.  For that reason, they are not good pets for people unwilling to commit to extensive training, dog sports, or other activities.Aussies form strong, protective bonds with their owners and make great guard dogs.  They tend not to bark unless they have good reason and are cautious of strangers.  Early socialization and training is recommended to avoid a nipping habit later in life.Labrador Retrievers are very popular and well-known for being great family pets.  They are even-tempered, friendly, and versatile, lacking the territorial aggression, insecurities, and destructive behaviors that other breeds might have.  Having known several Labs, they are great pets!They do not require the same level of engagement as an Aussie Dog, and are happy to retrieve a ball or stick for hours, but they do require this exercise.  Labs are also notorious "eaters" therefore it is important for the owner to regulate their dog's food intake.A mix breed of these two will likely exhibit characteristics of both.  If you are asking in reference to a specific dog, the "look" of the animal may give you some clues as to which breed he or she favors more.However, if this is a dog you are considering purchasing or adopting, I would suggest you consider how much exercise you'll be able to commit to.  When I adopted my Foxhound mix, he went through several pairs of shoes before I realized he needed a far more stimulating environment than I was providing!

Why would a dog suddenly start to drool excessively?

I'm glad to see you have consulted your veterinarian, and generally, sudden drooling, if your dog is eating and drinking normally, can be attributed to something caught in the dog's mouth. I am concerned that the dog has had excessive drooling for such an extended period of time. If something is caught in the dog's teeth, the problem should have resolved itself within several hours. There are many reasons why a dog starts excessively drooling. The most common reasons are due to dental issues. Tooth decay and mouth disease can cause drooling. Check your dog's mouth and look for tarter buildup that can cause irritation and drooling. Check the gums and see if they are pink and healthy. Make sure there is no foul odor, which can be an indication of infection and other problems. Dental problems can pop up quickly, especially if your dog is not a bone chewer. Dental problems left untreated can cause many other more serious problems. Other less common reasons for excessive drooling range from upper respiratory infections to injesting poisonous plants to liver and kidney diseases. Another possibility is the presence of a tumor. All of these cases require a veterinary check up.It is a good sign that the dog is eating and drinking normally, most likely ruling out the more serious reasons. However, it is concerning the dog has been drooling for three days. You know your dog's behavior best, and if the dog is behaving normally or not. If the drooling continues, it would be well worth a trip to the vet to get the pup checked out.

Why does my dog rub his body against me like a cat?

Because you stink. I don’t mean this literally, but the problem with most people is that they apply antiperspirants, deodorants, aftershaves, colognes and perfumes to their bodies and also use scented adjuncts when washing their clothes. They use scented lipsticks, toothpaste, mouthwashes and a host of other smell-masking substances. Your dog never gets to know your true smell because you walk around smelling to high heaven (to the dog’s sensitive nose) of anything and everything that is not you.Your dog rubs himself against you in order to put his smell on you to act as a sort of I.D. tag: something with which he can associate with you.People also use air fresheners, insecticides and other sprays in their homes, so that there is never a general, constant, comforting “house smell”, but a potpourri of disassociated and confusing stinks. Some dogs go as far as to pee or defecate in the home in an effort to combat this mishmash of bewildering olfactory irritants.The long and short of it is that people have come to regard their natural smells as something to be avoided at all costs. Your dog, on the other hand, wants to know you, not some artificial being that emerged from a bottle or spray can.