I Have A Son Who Is 5

Would you rather have a son or daughter? Why?

Just a curious question.
Sons all the way!!
I'm a girl and I would much rather have a sons are way better than daughters, it's the truth. Reasons sons are way better:
1) no chance of teen pregnancy
2) they cost less
3) not as much hormonal/emotional ********
4) won't have to deal with periods
5) there is more of a chance that your daughter will become a **** than your son. I would rather have a gay son than a slutty daughter, at least a gay son can actually accomplish something in life but a slutty daughter can't.
6) sons tend to argue less with their mothers than daughters
7) won't be influenced by the media that much or less chance of being anorexic
10) if you have a daughter, she is more likely to get raped
11) with the way men treat women and treat them like sex objects and property today, I would have to say sons are better
12) boys are more active, they can play sports with their fathers, go rock climbing and stuff
13) if you have a son, you will have to worry about one penis, if you have a daughter you will have to worry about every penis.

Mr and Mrs Menon have 5 sons. Each son has 1 sister. How many members are there in a family?

Let the sister be x, which is the daughter of Mr & Mrs. Menon.Son 1’s sister is x.Son 2’s sister is x.Son 3’s sister is x.Son 4’s sister is x.Son 5’s sister is x.As you can see, the daughter’s a common sister to all the sons.Thus the member’s of the family are :-Mr. MenonMrs. MenonSon 1Son 2Son 3Son 4Son 5xThus, there are 8 members in the family.Thanks for reading my answer!

My 5 year old son is sleeping alot.?

my son who is 5 seems to be sleeping alot lately he just had a check with his doc i called her and she said his adjusting to a new routine and not to worry. my son gets up at 7:45am goes to school comes home eats snack then almost everyday falls asleep by 4 and i have to wake him for dinner at 6:30 and he is always to bed for the night by 8 at the latest. should i be worried or just calm down like the doc told me and any suggations of why this could be happeningother then what doc said thanks

A father said to his son, “I was old as you now at the time of your birth.” If the father's age is 38 years now, what is the son's age five years back?

When it comes to riddles like this, especially about age, Alegbra is really useful. The hard part is translating the word riddle into numbers.Let’s have the son’s current age equals X.Father tells the son now that “I was as old as you now at the time of your birth.” So X years back, when the son was born, the father was X years old.Hence the father is now X + X = 2X years old.As given, 2X = 38So X = 19.Since the son is now 19 years old, 5 years back, he was 19–5 = 14 years old.

My 5-year-old son wants to do ballet. How do I get him to pick a more manly pastime?

My 5 year old son wants to do ballet. How do I get him to pick a more manly pastime?This is the first time that I feel as if I’m in danger of straying from Quora’s BNBR policy. I will try to restrain myself.As a number of people have already said, your kid is 5. Kids change their minds a hundred times. You’re much better off letting the kid try out different things and make up his own mind about what to pursue.Ballet is a very tough sport that people in other sports often do to improve their balance and coordination. I suggest that you go watch some ballet if you think there is anything sissy about it.If you quash your child’s hopes and dreams, soon your child won’t tell you what his hopes and dreams are and you will create a very unhappy child. If your child says he wants to be a garbageman or a nurse or a ballet dancer, you should say, “Wonderful! Let’s go see where we can learn more about it. Let’s talk to some garbagemen (or nurses or ballet dancers.) Let’s find out about lessons.”And in between ballet lessons, make sure you teach your son how to vacuum and cook and clean the bathroom and go grocery shopping and play nicely with other children and braid his sister’s hair because these are all skills that will serve him well as an adult when he should be sharing these tasks with his life partner, parenting children, and not feeling as if he’s too manly to do so.Your son will be a much better man and life partner and parent and friend if he understands what unconditional love is and knows how to demonstrate that. He should be learning that from you. So, if you want him to model this behavior on what he sees at home, you have to demonstrate it yourself with kindness and an open heart, starting with allowing him to try ballet. What a great opportunity for you to improve on your parenting skills.

How do i get my 5 year old son to defend himself?

It is very hard to get a kind, sweet, NICE boy to change his ways. I watched our neighbor punching my son in the back and head as my son tried to walk away. ( I was watching from a window, went outside yelling hit him back!!!!! My son is 8 the other kid is 10. When i got my son inside I asked him why he let Ian hit him...his responce, fighting isn't nice and I didn't want to get in trouble! we have told him fighting isn't ok, and in school if you get into a fight you get in big trouble. So we had a long talk about when it is ok to fight back and to NEVER EVER allow someone to hit, punch, kick you and not fight back. I promised him he will not get introuble if he fights back. My son would never start a fight, and wouldn't say mean things..he is a nice kid.

So...sadly, my husband tought him how to fight "back" and punch): It made me sick to my stomach to watch but...If your kid isn't a fighter, I guess that is something you have to teach them just incase. They practice every now and then, and is always reminded to never start a fight but it is ok to end one. We also gave him "words" to use if someone says something mean, and to prevent a fight. We have explained to him many times, fighting isn't a good thing to do. Do you want someone to hurt you? NO!! Then when someone starts a fight the only thing you can do is fight Daddy showed you. We put him in Tae Kwon Do, and he liked alot! His confidence went UP, and it helped his instincts...when someone attacks you, you defend yourself with a block, then if needed, make your move. I asked his instructor to talk to him about fighting back when needed, and that seemed to help.

My son is 8, yours if 5...both to young to have to think about fighting especially your son. Maybe start with his MEAN cousin..when you see your nephew starting something...practice, give your son words to say to his cousin at the moment. Tell him to stand up!! and say Don't touch me like that ever again(in a stern voice) Would you like if I hit you? Leave me alone, I don't like when you are mean!

Good Luck, it is soo nice to have a kind sweet boy, to bad other peoples kids SUCK!

I have a 5 year old son in kindersarten and he...?

For the past couple of weeks, my son has been getting in trouble in school, talking while he is suposed to be doing classwork, hitting other kids, just generally getting in trouble everyday. We have tried taking away things he likes, having him do extra homework and what not, and nothing seems to be working. He is normally a very good child and if any of you have any advise aside form spanking him, I would appreciate it.

My 5 year old son has a crush on a little girl!?

This is normal. Instead of it being a topic of giggles and blushes for him, ask him about the traits in her that he likes. My daughter has a special friend that is a boy and she likes him because he likes to karate kick on the playground like her. He did kiss her on the cheek one day. Her classmates ooohed and ahhhed and embarrasssed her about it, but we told her that she can have any friend she wants as long as they are nice. And we don't kiss our friends when we are 5, we give them hi-fives. No big deal.

I have a son whose 5 and his penis is bigger than my husbands ... is that possible?

yeah, i guess he takes after the father and not your husband...