I Have A Stone In My Stomach .and I Want Solution

Guinea Pig Question!?

get a girl. they are less aggresive, wont ight with eachother and are way more affectionate. my gueiea pig, poppin, warmed right up to us within a week of getting them

also when you get one, pet her every day and experiment to find out how she likes to be petted. if you do she will be much happier and love you much more.

My stomach feels so hard, what is happening to me?!?

you're constipated ....... nasty feeling when it feels like there's stones or bricks in your pelvis too ...... go put a couple of teaspoons full of baking soda into a mug and top with warm water ...... stir up and drink up...... be prepared to belch loudly and maybe the pain to get a bit worse for a few minutes but the baking soda mixed with water will realkalise your stressed system and relieve the horrible pain ..... within a few hours it will also help with elimination ....... baking soda is awfully high in processed salt so don't use this remedy if you have high blood pressure ....... and yeah, it's only a bandaid ... effective one but still a bandaid....... work out what caused the stomach ache... bad digestion ...... likely the chocolate ....... don't eat the food that maka you so sick hun.

also, chow down on green vegies like broccolli, kale, chard, celery, buk choy....... all rich in calcium and magnesium which will increase the production of hydrochloric acid in your tummy thus aiding in digestion and helping to eliminate further constipation....... a lot of the pain with periods stems from constipation such as lower back pain and bloating ........ eat the greens too.


peace baby

Bad breath long term solution?

HELP! I have had constant bad breath for a few years now. For a while now i've had bad breath and its pretty sure its from the tongue because I rub it with a spoon and i can smell it. I brush my teeth and tongue 2x every day and use a tongue scraper. I also use listerine yet nothing seems to help. I dont floss but then again i never had and i didnt have this breath. If i simply brush my teeth is just comes back about an hour later and i drink plenty of water. what can be the problem and how can i fix this without having to always chew gum?

I have gained weight and I don't feel attractive to my boyfriend anymore. How can I turn myself around and lose weight? I don’t have a lot of time and I often stress eat or eat when I’m not hungry. What changes can I make to reach my goal?

You can definitely go back to being thinner. When trying to lose weight, 80% is nutrition and 20% physical exercise so all you have to do is to be more careful with your nutrition program.The healthiest way is to go on a calorie deficit. The best working diet, is the one you build for yourself. So if you want to start, here are some steps you could start with.First step, setting you goal: Lose weight, gain weight, maintain weight.Step two, how are you going to reach your objective? Dieting solely or adding physical exercise?Third step, according to how you decided to reach your goal, use an online calculator to calculate what calorie intake you should have per day. I use this one Calorie CalculatorThird and a half step, if you really want to be very rigurous about the diet, you should calculate your macros intake per day (protein, carbs, fats) it will take you a while but once you get used to it, it gets much easier.Fourth step, be creative, start with something simple, like 3 meals + 2 snacks and change it, and change it, and change it until it fits you and your program best.Having made a balanced diet, all you need is some regular physical exercise, like 3–5 times a week, and you should be doing weight training so you keep your muscle mass while losing fat.Good luck!

Is Colgate misleading Indian consumers with its latest products?

Lets understand the purpose and benefits of salt and charcoal.SALTCommon salt forms a slightly alkaline solution with ordinary water. Acid is corrosive to the tooth. Hence salt creates a slightly alkaline environment which inhibits growth of bacteria.The Colgate ad of 1985 clearly states that DIRECT application of salt is harmful for tooth surface. Colgate was not wrong back then because it didn’t had the proof that salt solution was beneficial to tooth but it did know that direct application of salt powder acts as abrasive and erodes tooth enamel.Imagine this grinding against your teeth…In Colagate, salt is present is dissolved state which is not abrasive and is beneficial not due to its physical properties but chemical properties.CHARCOALThis is tricky. Charcoal is different from activated charcoal. Activated charcoal is a processed form of carbon with millions of pores which acts as absorbing surface for odors and liquids.The charcoal used back then was impure and coarse. It acted as an abrasive in the same way as salt when used dry. There was no technology back then to process activated carbon in edible form. In Colgate toothpaste, charcoal is present as activated charcoal in form of ultra-micro particles which are in liquid suspension. Thus it does not corrode the enamel as regular charcoal does.This Is What Happens To Your Teeth If You Brush with Sea Salt and Baking Soda