I Have A Very Very Prideful Girlfriend And Today I Couldnt Talk To Her As Much As We Do And She Got

How do I get back ex girlfriend when all hope seems lost?

NOW RAISE YOUR VALUEA first step to get your girl is to restore your value. This is important because being in demand is what makes you precious. If you fall on all fours and beg your girlfriend to accept you back then unfortunately the opposite effect occurs: she will reject you.This is simple human psychology understandable by any trader or seller. If something is in demand and you have to fight to get it then you end up give it more value.You will have the best chance of success by immediately restoring your value and to do so, send to your ex-girlfriend a short handwritten letter or a text message. In other words, you tell him that you gave him time and space, you accept the breakup and I hope that you stay happy, but maybe I will miss you. If anything was wrong from my side then I apologize and take care. With this trick she will go crazy and since you have contacted her that you have accepted the breakup she will become curious and with this letter your value will increase. To become more valuable in front of her read the next step.YOUR SOCIAL LIFEThe profile picture that you add on any social network should not use images with a sad face or any sad quotes about love and anything that is related to your relationship. Instead if you want to boost your value then add some of your fun and adventurous images on landscapes, favorite bands or that sort of thing. You must use a picture of where you see yourself smiling and having fun. A useful trick is to use pictures with bright colors. Researches and surveys have shown that after breakups the ex partner usually stalks on their social networks. So take this opportunity as a plus point to bring her back from new boyfriend she has at present.more information : get ex girlfriend back

Why does my ex girlfriend keep staring at me?

Ok this sounds a lot like my situation a few months ago minus the using boys. I would see my ex and we would stare at each other and I would do a lot of the same things she is doing to you and I wanted to get back with my ex so so bad, but I didn't know where I stood with him. But then it kept dragging out and he never came and told me and now its like I still have feelings but there is no way I would go back to him because he used me and treated me really badly. This girl maybe your first love, this guy was my first love too, but you have to realize that one day you are going to have to let her go. If she hasn't come back to you already then you might need to talk to her and if she says no then move on. BUT STOP DOING HER HOMEWORK! Let her do her own things and see if she is using you for her benefit or if she really wants you for a boyfriend.

Is my boyfriend being irrational or prideful?

I am planning a trip to visit my best friend in Las Vegas(hometown). I haven't seen this friend for months and won't get a chance to for another year if I don't go now. In this financial climate, I am a little short on funds. I asked my boyfriend to help me(first time I ever asked for help in our 18 month relationship). He said he would gladly but due to the short notice and Christmas, he is all tapped out. I called and asked my BROTHER who was more than happy to give me the money to go. He knows I have been wanting to go to Vegas for ever and is more than happy to make that come true for me.

My boyfriend got uptight and upset about me taking money from my brother. He is British and he was saying that there are cultural differences and if you take money from someone (even a family member) that you are letting them know that they are better than you. He also insisted that British people would never do such a thing. I can understand cultural differences but this was a bit much for me. He was acting really hurt. He then finally admitted that he was hurt because it looked like he couldn't provide for me.

This relationship is one of the most intense I've ever had. I think for the both of us. I'm looking for some clarity. Thank you!

What should I do if the girl I love has rejected my proposal? She rejected it by saying "We were friends and still are. If you feel this, don't talk to me from now onwards." She is my first love and this is hard for me.

Rejection is difficult for all. This the reason why many of us fear to tell the other person about our true feelings. The fear of rejection kills everything inside a human. But, I am glad that you are such a brave human. You went and confessed it to her knowing that you might just end up losing her. It requires a huge amount of strength, my friend and I am so proud of you.I know this a very difficult time for you. But, if you really love her then despite the rejection, be beside her. Be a friend to her, just like how she expects it from you.Let me tell you something very honestly, a girl always looks for a ‘best friend’ within her boyfriend. Trust me, the first step to a relationship is friendship. In fact, friendship surpasses that, too. Friendship is the beginning and end of everything. So, be a good friend to her. Be there for her during her best and worst times and within time, she will realise what a gem you are and that you are a keep.Unfortunately, even if she does not want a relationship after your presence in her life for over years, then understand that sometimes it is important to move on. No, I am not asking you to forget her. Remember her. Remember her as somebody who stole your heart with her innocence. Remember her as somebody who was your light during your dark times. Remember her as your inspiration in the field of love. Remember her as someone who made your heartbeat rise and taught you how is it like to fall in love. It’s always good to remember someone who brought love into your life. But move on, let her be happy in whichever way she thinks is best for her to be happy.The best things in life happen at the most unexpected time. Tomorrow, somebody else might just sweep you off your feet, you never know. Simply go with the flow.And yes, it is good to be heartbroken because if it hurts, it’s love.Be strong and hope for the best.All the best. :)

Husband bought me a present we couldn't afford?

What do I do? He bought me a tablet computer. It was very sweet. BUT ...... We need other things much more than that right now. His tires are bald, dangerously so. The oil in both cars needs to be changed (both are at least 3000 miles over). The kids need new shoes and undies. I never said I wanted a tablet computer, never even hinted at it. He has been talking about these stupid things for months. I always say things like "I don't really care for them." or "I don't see the point, I prefer laptops to tablets." I have no clue what to do. I'm crushed that he spent all that money. It basically emptied our savings. I told him it was a very thoughtful thing to do, as he has only once before surprised me gift wise. The time before it was diamond earrings. Again at time in our lives when we absolutely had NO business spending the money. He blew up at me for mentioning any of our family's needs and for not letting him "do anything nice for his wife". He listed the tablet on ebay. It's not even out of the box. I feel sad that he is so mad at me over all this, but it wasn't even a decision I was allowed to be involved in. sigh... ok point to my question is this... How do I handle this? Clearly, we need to talk about what has happened. But do I check on google's return policy and handle that part myself? How do I handle him being mad at ME for wanting our safety to come before a tablet? I'm a christian and would love it if other Christians would chime in. Thanks :-)

How do i get a guy with too much pride to ask me out?

so i like this guy, hes obviously in to me as well.
hes very shy and im one of the girls who a lot of guys thinks is hot. - im sorry but im rly not vein, im just trying to give a general idea of me.
we've talked face to face but never rly have the chance to rly talk cuz we nvr rly see each other at school and im always or hes always with someone.
hes one of those guys who gets scared and scared of getting rejected. but he wont cuz im planning to say yes.
ive tried showing every possible way tht im in to him, and sometimes he plays push and pull which annoys the **** out of me.
how can i get him to ask me out