I Have A Weird Bump On My Lats. Side Of Ribs

Why is the chest area near my armpit hurt the next day after chest workout?

It shouldn’t be too surprising if you feel pain to the touch in your Anterior Deltoid and the insertion point of your pecs.The solution?Static stretch post workout, sleep 7–9 hours a night, and eat more protein. You could also get a massage.Be warned however that there are other muscles that attach around the arm pit….Teres Majorand your LatsIt is generally wise to keep a balance between your chest and your back. The rotator cuff is often sorely neglected by weight lifters which can lead to injuries. Its plausible that these muscles are what are hurting.If you feel like something is hurting beyond just the regular delayed onset muscle soreness in the first two pictures above, you may have something more severe.The severity rankings for injuries with muscles generally goes as follows…StrainsTearsRupturesYou would know for sure something is wrong if you had a tear or rupture because you likely wouldn’t be able to perform specific movements. That happens when you muscles aren’t attached any longer :)The likely worse case scenario for you is that you have a strain, in which case you would take a month or so off, get taped and then have some electric stem therapy (way better than it sounds). The most likely scenario is that you are just sore.

Why does my chest hurt when I do pushups?

You will learn over time that there are different types of pain. On a high level, there are good types of pain and bad types of pain.Good painA pump. Occasionally I will joke with my wife about how it hurts so good. You should expect pain in your muscle if you are pushing yourself in a workout. A burn is another example of a good pain. This just means that you are doing things right.Bad painTendon and bone pain. These are both really bad. If you think it is either of these stop what you are doing immediately. Trust me I know from experience.You will have to invest some time learning about the anatomy to understand the difference. If it hurts in this area, that is good.If it hurts in this area, it is bad.

Can pain in between the C6 and C7 regions of the spine be the result of stress on the trapezius muscle?

Pain in the area of cervical vertebrae 6-7 can be due to several things.  If you have had pain for more than a week, see a doctor to get properly examined and possibly scanned for damage to the tissues of the area, especially if there was an acute onset due to injury.  This could be especially important since damage to vertebrae or vertebral discs would be a contraindication to manual manipulation or exercise therapies, at least until the tissues have healed sufficiently to allow them without the risk of further damage. If there has been disc space narrowing resulting in pressure, damage and inflammation of the spinal nerve root from C6-7, you would have a classic dermatomal pain pattern along the upper neck, shoulders, front of chest, and the lateral arm and hand:(wish I had a better scanner!). If the pain doesn't fit this pattern but is more localised around the vertebral area, you are more likely to have a trigger point in the local muscles.  Trapezius actually does cross C6-7, but it's a very large muscle whose origin (beginning attachments) are the occipital bone (bottom back of skull), ligamentum nuchae (ligament of the cervical vertebral spines) and the spines of C7-T12 vertebrae.  It's insertions (ending attachments) are the lateral third of the clavicle, acromion and the spine of the scapula.  It's nerve supply originates at the Spinal accessory motor nerve and the C3-4 sensory nerves.  See diagram:When trapezius is activated, the picture above shows the most likely pain patterns, which, as you can see, do not go to the C6-7 area.  More likely muscles involved would be Splenius Cervicis and Levator Scapula: You could try heating the area to see if it brings relief; if it does, myofascial pain is your most likely culprit.  If heat makes it worse and icing makes it better, your problem is probably more to do with inflammation and pressure on the nerve, in which case the inflammation will need to be controlled before the myofascial component can be successfully addressed.

Why does sleeping on the floor hurt my back?

What do you mean “sleeping on the floor hurts your back”?Do you mean after waking up because of sleeping on the floor, your back starts to ache or when you try to sleep on the floor and it “hurts your back?”Usually, to try and sleep on the floor can be uncomfortable and can be for numerous reasons. The main reason is because your body is used to the soft cushion/foam in your mattress. The body has grown use to laying and resting on soft surfaces. Being overweight can have an effect on the pain experienced while sleeping on the floor as well. Other unusual reasons could be due to some problems you may be experiencing in your spine/back which results in you being uncomfortable.However, there have been many studies conducted and evidence proving sleeping on the floor is good for overall health, for most individuals at least. (unlikely for those with severe problems on/in/with their back)When we sleep on a firm, flat surface, our body, especially our spine, has a chance to realign to its natural posture much more easily. When we don't have a mattress hugging our body, far more spaces open up between us and the floor.