I Have An Open Wound That Won

Should I just leave my wound open ?

I have an abrasion on the knee and I've been wearing bandages and gauze for 4 days. Everyday when I clean my wound, it would stick to the bandage and makes it very painful to remove, yet the bandage's brand claimed that it won't stick to the wound!! Should I just leave my wound open ? I'm too scared to put on another bandage or anything else. The wound sticks to everything I've tried. I did put a layer of antibiotic oinment on the wound before applying the bandage.

Sand stuck in open wound?

I just cut my foot open somehow and the skin is hanging. It has stopped bleeding now but still hurts.
My question is do I leave the skin on or cut it off?
And... There is tonnes of dirt and sand in the wound that I have tried rinsing off but it won't budge! How do I remove/clean it?
Thanks :)

Can I swim with an open wound?

You'll be fine. Don't sweat it at all. All of that stuff from CS is hysterical hype as it does not apply to what you did nor did CS answer your question. Keep in mind that CS did tell you one thing that is correct and that was that you no longer have what is considered to be an "open wound".

If you have a soft brush, use warm water and soap and scrub the scab off as the scab has done its job. With the scab having done its job, the wound is no longer considered to be "open". It might hurt but, it will heal more quickly. The scrape will actually heal faster without the scab plus you don't stand the chance of the scab pulling off and taking with it new skin cells that will have grown underneath and attached to the scab. The new cells now seal the wound and you have new cells within 8 hours of the scrape as skin cells go through mitosis at least once every 8 hours.

After swimming, wash the scrape with soap/warm water and then put some anti-biotic ointment on it. Keep the scrape/scab moist with the anti-biotic ointment.

Can you swim with an open wound?

ya its fine as long as its not an open wound or bleeding. just put a waterproof bandaid and youll be fine.

How do you treat a cat wound that won't heal?

That’s a pretty broad question. If you brought the cat to a veterinarian, here are questions someone like me would ask:Age, gender, spayed/neutered, vaccinated, when and what, DIET, litter box habit and any changes, yes: acute or chronic, does cat go outdoors or stay inside, how long has the wound been there are where is it? Does it ooze, scab, does the cat keep licking it, is it an open hole or a bump that seeps? Does it hurt the cat when you deal with it? What other pets are in the house?The most common wound seen on a cat is an abscess. These usually come from a bite, often another cat, or some other injury. Cat skin quickly seals over any breaches to prevent blood loss, but if the item that made the hole is carrying bacteria, it will fester and then rupture. The pus escapes but a hole is left behind and these holes don’t like to heal, mostly because the cat keeps licking them.If it’s an abscess, it will heal but the cat should have a course of antibiotics prescribed by a veterinarian after she sees the cat. Different bacteria need different antibiotics, so don’t try to guess what will work. If it’s a big hole, a rubber tube may be sutured in to provide a drain for pus (white blood cells that did their job of eating bacteria, then died) so the would won’t continue to seal over and rupture.Have those answers ready and take your cat to the vet. It may not be that simple, but often is, and your answers to the above will help the doctor zoom in on what the action plan will be. If you know what caused the insult (a rope burn or other mechanical abrasion) there are products available topically that can hasten recovery, but cats lick and you have to use caution about toxicity! Best to see the doctor.

I have an "open wound" on my face. Should I shower tonight?

The thing that will prolong the healing process the most is picking at acne! In the future keep your hands off of your acne all the time, picking opens the skin to more infection, and spreads it around. It also causes acne scars where there otherwise would be none.
I would shower but avoid the spot in question with soap, and just gently wet it with warm water. Do not rub it dry with a towel afterwards, letting it air dry would be best.
A dime sized acne sore will almost certainly end up being a scar after it heals, so please don't pick at your acne anymore!


You need to get some Colloidal Silver from your local health food store. Colloidal Silver is safe for dogs (and humans) and is a miracle worker when it comes to helping the body heal itself. It looks and tastes like water. Pour some of it into her drinking dish and spray it on the open wound (you should do this several times a day and try to keep her from licking it off right after you spray it). Don't worry. It won't hurt her. The silver will help her naturally heal and much more quickly!

The awful smell is highly indicative of a bacterial infection. One of my dogs was a stray that was covered in mange when we found her. The mange had caused her to get a bacterial infection. She smelled AWFUL! It is likely that you will need to get about 1-1 1/2 wks worth of some antibiotics from your vet.

MUY IMPORTANTE! You've got to keep her from being able to scratch it. Try taping/covering her shoulder. Also, if you have access to it, silver sulfudiazine can really help. The sulfur will sooth the burning and itching, and thus keep her from scratching.

When we found Sam, she had huge bald spots and open sours on her back from the mange. Most sites I checked out about mange said 6-8 weeks was a great turn around time. Thanks to the Colloidal Silver, all of her wounds were healed and her fur was growing back within 4 weeks. I'm telling you...GET THE COLLOIDAL SILVER!

Why is my open cut/wound not bleeding?

Not only being in police work I am also a paramedic which is required for my position, although I do not practice as a paramedic.There are many open wounds which don't bleed for various reasons. Cuts/wounds may not bleed because they were caused by a very sharp instrument and this causes the small vessels to clamp shut on their own which stops bleeding.There are many types of open wounds including gunshots where you can see an open wound where the projectile goes in and because of the force and heat it instantly closes off the blood vessels. However, an open wound under these circumstances are most likely bleeding on the inside of the body into the abdominal or chest cavity and is a very serious wound and is life threatening.  You can "bleed out" internally with no or very little blood oozing from the entry point.A lot of amputations such as having a leg or arm severed do not bleed on the outside and are bleeding substantially on the inside and are life threatening. Just because you don't see blood oozing from a cut or wound does not mean it is not life threatening.

Doesn't a vagina look like an open wound?

Well since most of us came out of a vagina, I guess you could say we came out of open wounds.