I Have Been Having A Panic Attack

Am i having panic attacks?

okay so i've been having a lot of issues with my childrens dad, he's pretty much outta the pic now because he got married on tuesday to another girl while we were together. obviously we aren't anymore, well since we started having issues, i've been getting really irritable and whenever something really bad goes down, i feel like im going to explode inside and i start shaking so bad that i almost can't do anything at all, what is it that is happening? i also almost always have a horrible feeling through my chest and stomach.

Am I having A panic attack!!!!!?

I have panic disorder and bipolar/manic depressive and anxiety...
I was getting ready to go the dentist when all of a sudden I just got scared and started to get dizzy and heart pounding and can breath feeling and I'm just thinking that I do have high blood pressure. I just took my medications for it. I always think I'm going to have a heart attack since I have high blood pressure. But I feel like I cant breathe! I have been hospitalized and called 911 for this same cause. But someone else on here thought she was having a panic attack and she was not! she had a blood clot and could have died!!! help!!!!!!!
I do have klonoplin should I take one!!!!!!! I dont know should I ?...

13 and having panic attacks.?

Ever since I was 8 years old I've been having panic attacks?! I don't understand it... When I was 8 I had my first panic attack.. And then after that, I didn't have them for 2 years. When I was 10 I was very stressed and having alot of panic attacks, now I'm 13 and still having them?! All of a sudden I'm sitting on the couch watching TV and the next thing I feel like I can't breathe, start shaking, get cold, Etc... I usually deep breathe and stuff to calm down.

If you have never had a history of panic attacks than I’d sift though possible physical imbalances before setting it down to sheer panic. That said I can tell you from experience that a physical state you don’t understand yet can create anxiety that begins to feed back on itself, gaining speed and higher heartbeat.Next time this strikes in the middle of the night, particularly with hunger, try cheese and whole grain crackers. Or peanut butter in celery sticks; child-like but there’s amazing satisfaction in the crunch and creamy contrast. Protein to stop the stomach grumble, fiber to slow the digestion to a steadier stream of glucose. Drink something. The symptoms you speak of are the same that I’ve experienced with both low blood sugar or dehydration although the latter brings me quite the headache.The irony for me is that low blood sugar was often brought on by stressing out over an event or situation known as stress-induced or reactive hypoglycemia. Stress equals anxiety. It’s an interesting and too often an annoying, inconvenient loop.Settle the physical symptoms first … and if they do settle, truly enjoy the moment of control. Knowing you have some degree of control goes a long way to winding down the insidious creep of anxiety when things don’t have an immediate solution or catch you off guard. Coping skills come with experience and time. My issues with low blood sugar resolved as I grew older and I realized that I didn’t need to leap into emergency mode whenever expectations were not met. Flexibility is key across most aspects in living.

Having a panic attack (not really), but what should I do about this situation?

Well... I've been talking to my friend and things have been getting personal between me and her, I told she was beautiful and she said I was cute. I feel glad and I sent her a gift for Valentine's today and it will arrive to her where she is now. The problem that has gotten me nervous is that I commenteD on her status from Facebook, saying happy Valentine's but then another comment appears on there. It was a guy that she hung out with a lot back in high school, and I also hung out with her in high school as well, but I would always see her with him. I'm a little nervous because he said, hello friend long time no see.

If you already have identified the breakup as a factor, then yes you can work towards making yourself feel better.The effect of a pain attack reduces when the cause stops giving you the amount of stress it initially did. In other words as you move on with your life they will reduce.However, there are multiple ways to aid that process -Make a thought diary and list out the thoughts, emotions and physical effects that the attacks bring with them. This I've found helps bring a helpful third person perspective​ into picture.Talk to someone you can trust and are comfortable sharing your thoughts and emotions with. If possible it would be advisable to seek professional help if the attacks have lasted more than 6 weeks.Remember to breathe every time you feel like your thoughts are plummeting. This can be extremely difficult while having an attack and might sound unhelpful otherwise but it is the best way to cope. Remind yourself to breathe.Surround yourself with positivety in any which way you like. Put up positive qoutes on the wall. Make time for yourself - read a book, watch a movie alone, mediate, take care of your health and keep telling yourself that things will look up because they will.Most important of all - give yourself time. There is no perfect way to deal. You will eventually heal. Just concentrate on taking care of yourself. You come first.I hope this helps. :)

Yeah, im 15 and i have been having really bad panic attacks?

I used to have crazy panic attacks. When I was in elementary (grade) school. I used to always get panic attacks when there was a fire drill or when my peers had an upset stomach and threw up or something. Just about anything made me nervous. I couldn't really shake it. Then in high school in one of my classes, I sat beside a girl who had grand mal epileptic seizures. She told me one day that she had it but I was clueless because I didn't know what it was....Then one day, she flipped back out of her chair was having a vicious seizure on the floor...I thought she was was ridiculous. I also went to a party and witnessed one of my good friends have a seizure from a drug overdose..Since then up until about 3 years ago, I was thinking about seizures all the time thinking that I'm about to have one at any point...I was able to get through it without any medication or doctor's visits...just rational thinking.

My advice to you that worked for me is: Whenever you have a panic attack, just get up go get a glass of water and breathe a bit. Imagine that when you breathe you are breathing through your stomach and take deep breaths. Tell yourself that how you feel isn't real and force yourself to believe that your panic attack are nonsense. Try to think rationally about your own panic attacks during it and over time they'll go away altogether. Good Luck and show your own brain who is boss.

Why is my panic attack lasting all day?

okay, so, i've been having a constant panic attack, its like..never ending.. i've been having anxiety a lot, but i don't know why. i really wanna go to the movies with a boy, but i can't.. because i don't wanna have a panic attack in front of him, because hes a really nice guy, && i don't wanna freak him out, or ruin stuff, && i don't wanna tell him i dont wanna go, because all the girls been putting him down. so, anyway, i've been having this panic attack for 5 days er so, && i took 1/2 Lorazepam on the 2nd day, then 1 whole one on the 3rd day, then none the other days && it help, but the next day its still here. i don't get it. what am i worried about? I'm homeschooled, && everything.. what do i do to make this go away? do you think its fear from when i lost my breath while i was sleeping a few nights ago, i think it might be that. but, i don't know what do about this fear.