I Have Chest/heart Pain

Heart Pain? or Chest pain?

You definitely should not be afraid to see the doctor. With 3 episodes of chest pain with radiation of the pain in the last year, it is very possible you have a cardiac condition that requires professional medical attention. Although younger people usually don't have cardiovascular problems (not sure of your age), it does happen sometimes. Your weight predisposes you to heart problems as well, which brings up another topic, your diet. Poor eating habits can contribute to heart problems also; family history too (anyone else in your family had heart problems?). The fluttering sensations you mentioned could possibly be atrial flutter, which shouldn't be painful (is it?), but could be indicative of something else happening with your heart. If you see your family doctor, you might ask whether or not you need an echocardiogram (EKG). It's very important to see a physician about this, and that might help prevent you from having a more expensive and possibly life-threatening trip to the ER. If you have left-sided chest pain with radiation of the pain as severe as you described, you need to go immediately to the ER. Hope everything works out for you.

Chest pain?

I have a pain my chest, right down the middle. About 1-2" above where my ribs split. It's not an intense pain(mild-moderate, dull), and makes it 'slightly' harder to breathe, "when" it hurts. I've had it for 1-2 weeks, it comes and goes. If I am standing or sitting up, it will sometimes start to hurt. When I am laying down, it's usually gone. It seems to have started when I was slouching in my chair, but I wonder because I was told there's not much muscle there.
To note: I'm 18 (Not my heart?), I spent most of the last 36 hours in bed(For a completely different reason(Might have slept wrong??)), and I have anxiety disorder.. It's not an intense pain, and it doesn't go to my left arm etc.
I seem to remember it feeling fine when I was sitting in my chair, and then I slouched for a couple of hours and it hurt.. again.
I had a cold a couple weeks ago (From cutting drywall), and I could feel a pain there when coughing. Pneumonia? But I don't have a fever or most of the other symptoms.

Chest and heart pains?

Panic attacks can cause chest pain. Call and schedule an apt with your dr and discuss this. I would also ask for a complete blood workup. God Bless!

I have a heart mumer and i have a pain in my chest?

Did your doctor diagnose you with a heart murmur? If so you should so see a physician.

Chest pain should always be taken very seriously. There are many kinds of chest pain and many reasons for chest pain. A description of the kind of pain would be helpful. I'll put a short list of chest pain causes for you.
Cardiac causes of Chest Pain:
-Heart attack. A heart attack is a result of a blood clot that's blocking blood flow to your heart muscle.
-Angina. Atherosclerotic plaques. Pain is especially during times of exertion. Restricted blood flow to your heart can cause recurrent episodes of chest pain
Noncardiac causes
-Panic attack
-Pleurisy. This sharp, localized chest pain that's made worse when you inhale or cough.
-Costochondritis. Presented as pain when you push on your sternum or on the ribs near your sternum.
-Various Lung Conditions
-Sore muscles. Chronic pain syndromes, such as fibromyalgia, can produce persistent muscle-related chest pain.
-Injured ribs or pinched nerves. A bruised or broken rib, as well as a pinched nerve, can cause chest pain.
-Swallowing Disorders
-Gallbladder or pancreas problems. Gallstones or inflammation of your gallbladder (cholecystitis) or pancreas can cause acute abdominal pain that radiates to your chest.

Mild left chest pain

for quite sometime now I have had a mild pain in my left chest behind my left breast and maybe just a bit lower. It is not a pulled muscle I am sure and it comes and goes. I am a 33 year old male who smokes and am about avereage weight. it seems to be a throbbing pain, and I have checked my B.P. several times and my pulse and everything seems normal. I have been noticing this for about six months now. Its not painful just uncomfortable and worrys me? Any Ideas?

My chest hurts when I sing?

It sounds to me as if you are using your chest to breath and not your diaphragm. When you sing you should be using the muscle underneath your lungs. This takes practice but if you want to use your high area, or your very low area for that matter, you will need to breath from your diaphragm. What you are doing at this point is using your lungs and you are forcing them to do something they shouldn't be doing.

For a start, YOU SHOULD NEVER TRY AND FORCE ANYTHING WHEN YOU ARE SINGING. You could ruin your voice completely. I have a friend who insisted that his voice teacher was the "best". I disagreed with the way he was teaching him how to breath, forcing the air. He lost his voice, when singing and when talking. For months he had to write everything down because he couldn't utter a sound.
The vocal chords are very precious and you should not try and force them to anything.

Look "diaphragm" up on the net. Where it is, how to breath from that area. You will find that you will strengthen your voice eventually, and will be able to sing the high notes without straining.

The pain in your chest is warning you that you are doing something wrong. My opinion is, (a voice teacher for 30 years) that you are not breathing from the right area and you are hurting your vocal chords.

Take slow, deep breaths. In then slowly out. Put your hand
below your chest area, in the middle and try and feel that muscle going in and out. That is your diaphragm. It took one of my students nearly a year to recognize where that muscle was.

If you keep singing as you are now, you are going to ruin your vocal chords.

Can a cold cause chest/heart pain?

Okay, I've had a cold for about a week now and it seems like it's getting worse... but what bothers me is I have pain in my chest where my heart is and sometimes on the right side too. Ive been coughing but not very much... do you think it's just the cold? I know I should ask a doctor but the only appointment they had is for 12/12 so I have to wait... any ideas?

Can anxiety chest pains cause heart problems?

According to the (American Heart Association), many mental health issues can affect your heart health. When your body is under stress, it produces higher levels of glucose, adrenaline, and cortisol. Repetitive or prolonged distress overworks your adrenal glands, heart, and arteries. Unhealthy coping mechanisms, like smoking cigarettes or eating fatty foods, can contribute to the negative cycle. If left unchecked, an unhealthy mental state becomes another risk factor for heart attack.Additionally, up to a third of all heart attack survivors experience depression. Anxiety and chest pain can trigger more panic, resulting in a potentially destructive cycle.