I Have Depression From Sports

Is it ok to take GNC's Mega Men Sports pills with Depression and Anxiety?

Or do you think it will make my anxiety worse. Because if I were to take it I would take the energy pill in the morning and the protein right after my dinner, way earlier before I take my Zoloft 75 mg which I take at 9. Is this a good idea or should I just not take it at all because I already have anxiety. My friend sold me a pack containing the 5 pills. I will just take it once for starts. Really trying to increase muscle mass with my hard workouts. If you want to look at my progress check me out or follow me on Instagram @APLAYANAMEDMIKE. I started taking muscle milk with my food when I was 15. And I now I sometimes drink muscle milk, or Boost, and a Met-RX Protein Bar. Please give me the best advice. I Suffer from Major Depressive Disorder and Panic disorder getting better and still getting stronger. !!!!

Do I have depression?

I am in no way a doctor... but I am a person who can relate. My Sophomore year I had a lot of the same symptoms. Frequent and high ups and downs, mood swings, crying a lot. In my personal situation I had trouble getting along with my roommates. Often when coming home from work I would find something to do for three or four hours until everyone was surly asleep. At the time I saw it as one of many things that I would feel insecure about but it took several trips to my school counselor to truly get to the bottom of what I was feeling.

That said, find what is truly the cause of your anxiety. I would see a school counselor they are usually free of charge and they see A LOT of these cases.

Also, keep a journal about what you feel. Get it out. Studies showed that out of a group of 100 freshman, 50 of who kept a diary about their feelings, anxiety and general mental health and 50 who did not. Those who kept the journal were significantly less likely to feel overly depressed or "down" for long periods of time than compared to the people who did not.

Don't let this go on for long without seeking help, though. Here is a link of a depression survey, see where you stand:

Take it, start reflecting on your experiences when you feel down. Why did it make you feel that way? What was most hurtful? Could the other person have meant it in any other way than how you took it? Are you feeling overwhelmed by activities or unneeded stressors that you can eliminate?

Best of Luck. Just remember you are not alone.

What is the best sport exercise to beat depression?

Beat the blues with exercise
by Louise Manson
New research suggests that a walk round the block may be more beneficial to your mental health than popping a pill
A study just published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine concludes that exercise may be more effective than drugs in treating mild to moderate depression. The report by researchers at Freie University in Berlin found that just thirty minutes of exercise a day significantly improved the moods of patients who had been suffering from depression for nine months.

The 12 patients were asked to walk on a treadmill and to assess their moods before and after the ten-day exercise programme. Results showed that over half the patients who took part felt less depressed.

‘Physical activity has the same effect as antidepressants,’ explains Dr Fernando Dimeo who led the research. ‘Aerobic exercise stimulates neurotransmitters in our brain to produce serotonin, an endorphin which make us feel good. And exercise, unlike antidepressants, has no negative side effects.’

One of the main advantages of using exercise to boost your mood is that the effect is instant. Antidepressants usually take between two and three weeks to kick in, which can be a long time if you’re feeling really blue. And exercise, unlike antidepressants, is also not chemically addictive.

Another study done by Exeter University's sports science department is monitoring a football team that consists of manic depressives and schizophrenics to see if exercise will positively impact their mental health. So far their initial findings show a significant improvement in players' moods.

Dr Robert Lefever, GP and director of Promis Recovery Centre in Kent, sees an increasing number of people coming into treatment addicted to antidepressants. He claims that a third of the adult population in the UK is taking a prescribed mood-altering drug such as an antidepressant or tranquilliser when they may not need to be.

‘It is better to avoid using a drug if possible can because it can interfere with brain biochemistry, and our knowledge of how drugs affect the brain is in its infancy,’ says Dr Lefever. ‘It’s really like prescribing heroin for toothache. It gets rid of the symptom but doesn’t address the root of the problem,’ he says.

Can a lot of sport heal deep depression?

As a Biologist my view is, first we need to get a clear vision, what we are talking about...“Depression” is a sort of Coma, Exhaustion, Depletion. Like a bad Influenza shutting everything down - to mobilize all Resources to maximize the immune response.Depression is like such an Infection. An Infection can cause a long lasting depression...“Sport”... is a training to integrate thought, emotion, motor reflexes and setting a goal to keep the Discipline to reach it - and go farther...When we are exhausted, we can not do that. We need regeneration.Active regeneration.We can always walk!I once helped a deranged, depressed, suicidal person by walking in Nature.Everyday walking further.Until we could walk for 3 Hours without fatigue.Nature is the best Medicine!Hemingway was genetically depressed from his Father´s heritage...Both killed themselves.Hemingway tells, he bought his Boat to drive out into the Atlantic at any weather - to beat his depressive moods.It helped enough to write.Unfortunately his self medication ruined him, when he abused Alcohol to lift his mood.Alcohol and Depression enhance each other...Any drug enhances it...It is the opposite, to maximize Detoxx.Analyze the environment, the persons who contribute to dark moods.Music is dangerous, when you listen to dark tunes...It is a long process that requires tremendous patience and diligence to keep going.There is no cheap, easy, quick way.Certainly not here...

Why do I feel depressed over sports!How can I get over this?

So I like to watch sports.The thing though is that my favorite teams suck and are terrible.I am always depressed when they lose and it honestly wants to make me kill myself.I really don't understand why though.I know its just a game but I just can't take it.I feel connected to the team and it just hurts when they lose!Can anyone help me with this?I want this to just stop!I want to just move on with life and worry about my own and not about sports teams.So please help!Thanks

Is Depression curable?

you're always going to be at risk of recurring depression, it's similar to being a recovering alcoholic in that you can never really say you are cured, but that doesn't mean you can't feel better, with the right treatments, or that you can't live a full and exciting life.
You need to be aware of what triggered the depression, and have a plan in place whenever you feel those depressed thoughts coming back.
Exercise and sport are excellent methods of keeping depression at bay, as well as keeping fit :)

I feel depressed I never did sports in high school?

I just started doing Insanity, and while I'm finally getting in amazing shape even after 7-8 days, I'm starting to feel depressed that I never did sports in high school despite me believing I would have been an amazing athlete

I'm white and 5'7", but I have a body-type I feel would have been perfect for sports: long legs, huge quads, naturally muscular calves, and big butt. This is before I started getting into high school, I had bad eating habits and almost never exercised....when I did it was a bad workout that took 2 hours to complete that I only did once in a while

I've had people who asked me if I played football or soccer before even though I was nowhere near a athlete at that there's an opportunity for me to try out for a rugby club next fall before I transfer to the university I plan on graduating from, but I'm not sure I should spend my free time on that since I am also studying computer science & learning how to program which is really interesting but time consuming

I'm not sure if I should go for this just to live out a fantasy that was never realized, or if I should spend it doing more productive things with my education

Is there a negative connection between depression and sport?

We could use more information on your situation before wading into giving you some ideas and possibilities to consider. Your question raises these questions:What “sport” are you doing? Are you playing basketball, swimming laps, running, etc.?Do you get tearful and sad even if you are not doing sports activities? Do you get sad and tearful just watching TV or doing the dishes?How old are you and how long have you smoked? In general, the difficulty in giving up smoking is relative to how much you smoked, what you smoked, and how often you smoked.Is your smoking habit tied to a situation, an event, or maybe to another person? Is it possible that you miss that situation, event, or person more than you miss the smoking?For example, I was a nocturnal smoker. I could go all day without it, but I enjoyed kicking back at the end of the evening with a few smokes. For me, quitting smoking was easy because I wasn’t heavily dependent on the nicotine.To quit, I tried lap swimming and after a couple laps, I felt like I had coughed up every cigarette I had ever smoked. It made the quitting decision resolute: I wanted to swim, and smoking was in the way of my progress. It was that simple…again, for me in my situation.I had smoked earlier in life and then quit for many years. The habit came back to me while I was playing in a rock band. Bands take “smoke breaks”, and those breaks turn into “bull sessions” where the guys would hang around outside the venue and talk. The smoke breaks create a bonding experience…a mini social event. When I quit smoking but remained in the band, I avoided the smoke breaks to avoid the temptation to smoke. Missing the bonding time happens to many new non-smokers in various careers. They lose that social opportunity to get the daily scoop from their smoke pals.To sum it up; my friend, you need to give and get more information. Here’s offers plans, advice, a 1–800 number (1-800-784-8669), and even a live chat board to help with your quitting. It’s all FREE for you!If your sadness and tearing up continue, please do talk to someone…in person! Depression is real, it’s serious and shouldn’t be taken lightly. Please!You just might find out that your smoking is linked to it, and not the other way around.

How do i explain to my teacher that i have depression and its effecting my work?

You've already gotten some good advice, but just thought I'd chime in to let you know you are not alone. <3 I don't know how old you are, but I suffered from depression pretty much all through high school and never told anyone. I'm 19 now and finally had to take a semester off from college because I had turned to suicidal thoughts. Telling someone about it was the best thing I could have done. I've been on antidepressants for about a month and a half now, and I already feel so much better and freer now that I know i'm not alone in this.

So you should feel very proud of yourself for getting help.

I think that there are two ways you could go about telling your teachers what's been going on. A) Set up a conference and have a parent or someone responsible for you explain it-- this might be the best option depending on what you're comfortable with. B) Ask your teacher to set up a private time to meet with you and then explain it yourself. You could say something like, "First of all, I know I haven't been doing my best in this class. I just wanted to explain that I've been dealing with some personal problems, and it's been affecting my schoolwork a lot. I've been to a doctor and I'm on medication now and that's also been affecting my ability to concentrate. I don't want to sound like I'm looking for an easy way out of anything-- I just wanted you to know what's been going on and that i'm working on getting better."

Remember that schoolwork can be made up, you can raise your grades, you can talk to your teachers and you WILL be able to concentrate better again. But you have to realize that your health is the most important thing of all, so treat yourself well, eat well, and try to smile. Lots of love, it will get better <3