I Have Had A Dream For A Few Nights Now To Which I Am Jogging But Unsure Why And If There Is Any

Is jogging/running not beneficial for a thin/skinny guy? Should I stop jogging as my friends say I'll be more skinny and thin if I daily run?

If you’re just trying to maintain general fitness, then cardio is generally fine.However, if you’re trying to gain muscles or get bigger, then doing your daily jogs may not be as good.Most people think can cardio can make you look better, since it can help overweight person get back down to a healthy body fat percentage. However, too much of cardio may not be good for lean and skinny looking into packing some serious muscles. For lean and skinny people looking to get bigger, engaging in frequent cardio exercises can bring about a negative effect instead.“You can still do your jogging, provided that it does not affect your daily calories required for effective weight gain/mass gain.”If you wish to know how to calculate your daily required calories for effective mass gain, read more about it at the article below:SevenFitness - The Easy Guide to Mass Gaining with Calories CalculationIf you are still unsure whether you should do cardio (especially for a skinny person like you), read more about it below:SevenFitness - Is Cardio Bad for Lean and Skinny people?

What does it mean to dream that a dog attacks you?

I read the other answers. I will give a view that is a bit different. All dreams come from where? Your brain. Meaning from your memories. If it has no meaning, as some have suggested , then your thoughts have no meaning. But they do, especially for you.If you dream about a friend, is it your friend? Of course not. This person you dream of is the closest representation , based on your memory of him or her , to represent your friend. In this point of view all dreams are representation of the dreamer, this means you are the dream and everything in the dream is you.So in the dream you are trying to be good. The dog represents an aspect of self that is uncontrolled, maybe the primal aspect that we all have. That you were able to imitate it showed that you knew how to keep it at bay, in a sense you spoke its language (which you should be able to do since the dog is you). This part of self is always looking to rise as it must be controlled in life, it is the animalistic part of self, that part that wants to be free but must be controlled because it will not be accepted in society. We all have this part. We need it. It is the backup plan for survival.You did something that was similar to what wolves and dogs do instinctively in order to show that it had dominance. In a sense this part is stronger. It needs to be. It is like “break glass in case of emergency”. It is the counter balance. The yin and yang. Control and uncontrol. You are both, it also knows you are needed, but it hates what you do, it hates the control. But it accepts it, else it would have tried to kill you.All interpretations are based on the interpreters memories. This is how I would see it if it were my dream. The interpretation is here in hopes that it can assist you and trigger in you the true meaning.

Why do I keep having nightmares about being killed?

It started about 6 months ago when I dreamed I was in a maze and knew that if I didn't escape, I would be killed. The maze was constucted of walls of car tires and there was a crane full of tires that would fall upon me any moment. When I escaped and I awoke, I found myself in the hallway and disoriented. As I frantically tried to escape the maze in my dream, in reality, I was running into the walls and objects in my room. I woke up bruised and scraped. A few weeks later, I dreamt that I was being chased by a peroidactyl - and again, found myself awake in my hallway. I was told that I was screaming in my sleep and darted to the hallway door.

I've had several dreams since then - but I realized that these dreams are becoming more frequent. Most recently, I dreamt that I was jogging home in the middle of the night. I was in a neighborhood that I didnt recognize but it felt familiar. As I got closer to home, someone ran by and told me "beware, there is a slasher out tonight". a few seconds later, another person ran by and said the exact same thing. I wasn't scared at the time and I continued running. A few moments later, I saw the slasher. He was wearing a black jacket, black pants and shoes and a white shirt. Although it was very dark outside, he was wearing sunglasses and had shoulder length black hair. Just like in True Blood, he "flashed" his way towards me and began to stab me with his mechede. I immediately awoke.

I dont think that anyone is literally trying to kill me - but I am unsure why I am having so many dreams of death and my own murder. Any help would be appreciated.

I am suffering from excessive nightfall. When it happens I feel so weak. I am going weak day by day. What are the home ramadies for it?

The same situation I also faced of  excessive nightfall and not enjoyed the life. Always think about what to do to stop nightfall. My health condition become worst day by day.I always think about that I am weak person.I even not concentrate on my study and avoid spicy and oily food. Taking too much stress and out of focus. starting  self medication  and lost too much money to treat nightfall from some uneducated sexologist in India. I never talk to this to my parent. I suffered almost 8 years. But one day I talk to my dad about this problem. They said me that this is not a problem . The problem is yours thinking towards that. At yours age everyone feels this type of situation. For convincing me they came to me a good neurologist. I talked about my problem to the doctor and thinking that I treated almost 6 months for that. This type of idea filled in my mind by that unqualified sexologist (the photo I posted in bottom) . But doctor give me 15 days medicine. when I start medication then I feels energetic and can don't believe that I treated in just 15 days but still feeling the nightfall sometimes.but there is no headache, no low feeling etc. that I earlier faced.  What I concluded from that suffering:1- I suffered almost 8 years not by the nightfall but by the stress that causes more and more nightfall.2- When U diverted your mind from it then it is not causing any type of problem even u feel healthy and energetic after nightfall.3- I recommend u that not taking any stress and feel free and enjoy life.4- Now I started healthy lifestyle and giving more preference to my health.

Breakup...PLEASE HELP!!! Please?

I had been dating a man for the past 1 and a half years. I love him very much. I think he loves me. But our relationship has been filled with rocky times, arguments, etc. He just broke up with me and I am heartbroken. I am so lost & sad. I don't know what to do to get him back or what to do to get over him. I have never been so sad in my life. I have even thought about suicide. Can someone please give me some advice? Please keep me in your prayers. THank you

What does a heart attack feel like?

I had a major heart attack in 2014, and here is my story:I woke up not feeling well - I couldn’t explain it… I just didn’t feel well.Around 9am, my mother and father stopped by; they had gone to the stations of the cross at the church right down the road. I began feeling a pain in my right arm, but I tried to ignore it. My mother looked at me and said that I didn’t look well, but I told her I was fine, so her and my father left.So, it was just me and my 23 year old son. He saw me rubbing my arm and asked me what was wrong. I told him I wasn’t sure - that it was like a pressure pain that was moving up my arm. He said it sounded like a heart attack, and I laughed because I thought that I was too young for a heart attack. In 2014 I was going to be 43, I believe.Anyhow, I told him that I was going to take a hot shower and put the water on my arm but that I was going to leave the door open in case I needed him to call someone. I got in the shower. At that point, the pain was in my upper arm and neck. I stood under the hot water and aimed on my neck, but it did not help. I was uncomfortable, but I managed to get out and get dressed.I then told my son that maybe a nap would make me feel better, but after just two minutes of lying down, I was too uncomfortable to bear it. I thought that I would do a breathing treatment to make myself feel better. To this day, I still wonder why in the world I thought that a breathing treatment would be effective even though I was breathing just fine and the pain was in my arm and neck.Anyway, I took out my nebulizer and albuterol and started the machine. I took one deep breath and the pain shot up from about a 5 to past a 10. I cried for my son to call 911.I made it to the local hospital, and they performed many tests and gave by nitro glycerin four times. They then stabilized me so that I could fly in the Flight for Life helicopter into the city for emergency surgery. In the city, I had a stent put in. That night, the nurse accidentally opened up my surgical site and blood splattered everywhere, making me lose so much blood that I needed two transfusions.I was told that I was lucky to be alive, and that I should have come in to the hospital when I first felt the pain in my arm and neck, and that that would have saved me a lot of trouble. I also suffered a mild brain injury because I didn’t have enough oxygen going to my head.