I Have Lost My Parrot 3 Days Before.i Searched Long Time And I Saw Her Yesterday.shall I Getback

I adopted a cat yesterday who is hiding under the bed, didn't use the litter pan, or drink any water all of last night. Is this normal? Will he be ok?

I hear this question a lot and recently our friends from the U.K. adopted a cat from a shelter near Nottingham. This was an abused cat that’s been previously returned twice to the shelter, but the lady of the couple fell in love with this all white beauty and took her home.Weeks went by and she would still hide under their bed all day long, barely coming out to eat and poop when they weren't around. Her husband had all but given up after a month and wanted to return her.We stepped in and recommended to try this “Scaredy Cat” herbal remedy distributed by a famous TV personality here in North America. I had previously used the same treatment on our of our 4 kitties that came down with stomatitis a couple of years ago while she was still a kitten. The antibiotics worked and she’s recovered from the inflammation in her mouth, but as a result she had gotten skittish from being chased to take her medication twice a day and also became rather depressed. Yep, cats can suffer from all the same mental and physical ailments that befall humans.So, we did 2 things, we tried this herbal remedy and also rescued another kitten her size from the shelter. She was always like “the middle child” ignored most of the time by her 2 older brothers one black & one ginger coloured cat, so we thought we’d make it an even 4 and get her a female playmate.Both have worked out incredibly well. She’s now the most cheeky & playful cat together with a slightly younger sister and she’s even buddied up to the 2 male cats in the household. The positive effects have so far kept any reoccurrences of stomatitis at bay and we have a happy clowder of 4.Going back to our friends in the U.K. after applying this herbal remedy to her coat and a couple of drops into her food, she started to gain confidence within days. After 2 weeks, (into month 2 and 3) she now sleeps with them in their bed and has become very playful and outgoing.Moral of the story is, do NOT give up. Ever! The more scared shelter cats are returned the more likely they will be euthanized. It’s not their fault some humans can’t understand them, but it requires patience & love to gain the trust of most pets, but especially felines. I fight a lot on social media to dispel myths and falsehoods about cat guardianship. Please know, there’s no such thing as a bad cat, only misunderstood ones and incompatible humans.Finally, always adopt, don’t shop!

When is time to give up on getting your ex back and move on?

I'd say if the person has constantly denied you, they stopped replying to you, blocked you on social media or they drop the line "I just want to be friends". My main advice when it comes to situations like this is if you break up with someone, you should immediately in your mind focus on moving on. I know you are like whaaaa...., just bare with me for a second. Usually when people break up they are utterly confused about what they're feeling and they don't really understand the actual status of their relationship. If someone has lost interest in you or you just keep having trouble linking up. You may have to look within and discover whats up with you, is your picker off(do you pick bad mates), do you date the same kind of people, are you insecure, are you emotionally ready for a relationship? etc. When you and your significant other breaks up, you have to focus on improving YOU! yes YOU the person reading this behind the keyboard. Make yourself better, it may catch your exes eye or it may make you potentially better for your next mate. Work out, study, use the internet learn something new, become an interesting person, keep yourself constantly changing and evolving. Ultimately, each relationship is unique and different so it's not always possible to know when a relationship is actually over. There is a lot of turmoil, emotions and words spewed back and forth, I say take it one day at a time and gauge the situation, focus on you and it will all come together. Remember your ex is focusing on themselves right now, if you want them thinking about you, you need to improve yourself and do what you need to do to change the dynamic of all future relationships you may have in your life.

Does anyone know how to care for baby birds? Theres a nest outside my door and the mother abandoned it...?

There are four baby sparrows outside my front door, the mother stopped coming back to the nest about days ago, I'm worried that the hatchlings will die, I think they are about a week old, what should i feed them and how?

How do I find my missing Turtle in a backyard full of grass??

Get a plastic sweater box and put some really strong - smelling food in it ( like sardines) Use a board as a ramp to the box,and the little turtle might smell the food,climb up the ramp and fall into the box.Or,you can dig a hole,put a bucket in it,flush with the ground,and bait it.and the turtle may fall into the bucket.Also,leave shallow water pans and small dishes of food sitting in different areas of your yard.Ask neighbors if you can bait their yards. This may help,but I lost two of my box turtles two years ago,when they got out of their enclosure somehow.One was found just across the street,killed by a car,and the other one was never found.On the other hand,I had one missing for 10 days once,and one day,there he was,just sitting there,eating slugs! Good luck,and next time,use a wading pool with a little water and some rocks and logs for them to bask on.That way,they won't get out.

Oh,and the dog idea is great.My Beagle once found one of my turtles.I had looked all over the enclosure and even dug it up,but I was sure he was gone.Then my Beagle,Otis came out and started digging in one corner of the enclosure like crazy,and there was the turtle,buried down about a foot and a half!

What is the meaning of Hey bulldog By the Beatles ?

The original title was going to be Hey Bullfrog, but it was changed due to Paul's loud barking at the end of the track. There was also a demo version titled "She Can Talk to Me". There is no overal message to Hey Bulldog, but it's rather just a fun song. Some of the lines could be explained such as "Sheep Dog, standing in the rain." Paul had a sheep dog. But most of the music and lyrics were mostly improve and for fun.