I Have Maladaptive Daydreaming Is It A Serious Disorder

Maladaptive Daydreaming Disorder?

Maladaptive Daydreaming Disorder (MDD) is a disorder where people excessively daydream on a regular basis. Some people with MDD act out the daydreams but they can tell the difference between fantasy and reality. There is not a cure for MDD, you just have to figure out was triggering the daydreams and advoid it; for some its music, others its tv and movies.

People with MDD tend to be more create and often seek creative outlets to decrease the day dreaming.

It is important to know if you have MDD or if you just have a creative/nonchalant personality, so it is a good idea to seek help or read the symptoms online.

I have also daydream for the most part of my day, so ofcourse I thought I had MDD but unlike people with MDD, I can stop my daydreaming and focus on my daily tasks. I had foynd that reducing the amount of music I listen to helps with my daydrwaming, but I like music, and my daydreaming helps with me writing stories. So I am not to concerned.

If you are worried, talk to a parent or a conselor/doctor.

Is maladaptive daydreaming a serious disorder?

I came across this thing called maladaptive daydreaming which is pretty much just excessive daydreaming. It does not sound like a problem, but it gets in the way of reality and accomplishing daily tasks like school, work and socializing, in general. It makes you want to do nothing except daydream and this isn't healthy daydreaming. You grow emotional connections with these daydreams and start to really care about the characters in them as if they are real; even though you know that they are fake, they feel real. Is this serious? The only reason I ask is because I think that I have this disorder. So is this something that is serious and needs to be checked out?

Do I have maladaptive daydreaming disorder?

The whole thing started 4 years ago. I've created hundreds of mini-stories(that are part of bigger "schemes"), most of which are based on something that happened in my life or even in a book/movie. In all the cases I have this boyfriend that is all I ever wanted. Depending on my mood we have "cute" moments or really dramatic ones. Lots of times I'm the centre of attention. In my day-dreams I'm the person I would like to be. I may spent hours and hours daydreaming and the thing is I do not want to stop. This seems like the one of the few good things I have in my life. I noticed lately that I daydream a lot more than I used to, when I'm around my friends or family. This is weird because I used to daydream only when I was alone,bored or before sleep. I daydream a lot while listening to music and I like to be moving while I do so (like being in a car or a bus). What freaks me out is that while I daydream I often pace up and down the room or do some sudden moves, I often laugh to myself or even say things out loud.
Also I've noticed that I get very emotional for no reason at all! Like when I'm at school if I say something wrong I tear up! I used to be so compossed and almost never cried!
Do I have a maladaptive daydreaming disorder or is it just a teenage thing?

Do you have maladaptive daydreaming disorder?

I've come across information about "maladaptive daydreaming" before, and every time I do I feel like I fit the criteria. However, I've never really done anything about it, and mostly just forget it.Anyway, I think I might have this. I create stories in my mind, which is not bad in and of itself. I tend to carry them on, adding to them or repeating them before I sleep at night or on the bus or just in the afternoon when I'm supposed to be doing something productive. This is relatively manageable, but I have recently fallen more and more into the habit of altering events in my own past. If something happens during the day that I feel could have gone better, I will simply imagine it differently. So much so that sometimes I get confused at my own memories, and have to think for a moment about what actually happened.For example, once my friend told me she had depression and was taking anti-depressants, and I gave an awkward response that didn't express how I really felt at all and came across a little rude. So I simply re-imagined the scene, imagined that I conveyed my sympathy to her and that I was able to tell her "me too" and that I understand. But this didn't really happen. I was just awkward. (I'm awkward a lot; I daydream a lot.)After a while, the vividness of the daydreams and the emotional intimacy I create between my characters (or myself as a character) tends to overshadow real life relationships. Increasingly, I find people to be too distant or confusing; I can never know what they're thinking and never seem to convey exactly what I want to. I can't control them, or engineer situations. Whether this is the cause of excessive daydreaming or a symptom, I don't know. But an interesting thing is that on one particular day one of my best friends invited me out with another of her close friends, we had a really good time, and I felt happy and connected. And on the way home, I immediately started to fictionalise it - make the experience part of a story. It was weird.I used to have this rule for myself: "don't daydream about reality". It would just get confusing and a method of escapism. Now, I daydream quite a bit about reality, and often forget to live it.

Maladaptive Daydreaming disorder?

So all throughout my life since I was 5 years old I have been making up stories in my head where I am the main character and keep daydreaming and making up scenarios in my head. Like now whenever I am going to sleep at night I will enter that story and become the character and pretend and daydream in my head. Some of these stories I write down and I want to publish someday. My parents also think I am a good writer with a creative mind. But I think I might have Maladaptive Daydreaming disorder. Because when am sitting in class I will doze off into that world. I can still concentrate on other things when I need to like I don't get bad grades or anything but I just do this so often I feel like it might be a problem. I like I can tell you everything about every character I have made up and write down every scenario in the order that it happened. I keep adding on to the same story for months or even years. Sometimes I go so deep into these daydreams I am kind up upset when I someone disturbs me and I have to get back to reality. Do I have maladaptive daydreaming disorder?

Do I have Maladaptive Daydreaming Disorder?

Hi! I am concerned that I have Maladaptive Daydreaming Disorder. here is why I am concerned: Whenever I watch a movie or TV show, I make up my own characters to it. These characters have their own names, ages, appearance, personality, background, everything, as if they were real people. I even make up my own celebrities and it's the same thing, they have their own names, ages, appearance etc. Sometimes I make up my own movies or TV shows in my head, using these celebrities and characters. These movies have their own characters, settings, plot, everything. I become emotionally attached to these characters and celebrities, as if they were real people. I have looked up symptoms of this disorder, and I have most of them. I will often find myself daydreaming at the dinner table, in the shower, in bed, in school, etc. Sometimes when I am daydreaming, I smile, mouth the words, or make facial expressions. I thought all of this was normal, but then I heard of maladaptive daydreaming and I realised that not everybody does this. I have become very attached to my characters. I usually daydream when I am in bed, about to go to sleep. It doesn't affect my sleep, though. If anything, it helps me get to sleep. I can't talk to my parents about this, because they will just say that I'm crazy, or I'm overreacting. Can somebody tell me if they think I have it, or if I am just overeacting. Btw, I'm 13 years old.

Do I have maladaptive daydreaming disorder?

Nah, you're normal as far as I know. :) You actually remind me of myself. I daydream quite a bit as well. Such as when I can't go to sleep, when I have nothing to do. When my classes are ultra boring or when I'm stuck out in the gas kiosk at work and it's really slow. When I'm waiting in a long line to checkout, and I did it just now when I was trying to think of whenever else I daydream lol. I think up fanfictions, original stories, what I wish I could have said to people during an argument, or what I would do in a random disaster senario like, I don't know, a zombie apocalypse.

Daydreaming is fun and it can actually be very healthy for you as read here:

So, no, there's nothing wrong with you. You may actually be a bit healthier mentally compared to some people. What I would recommend, however, is not to stress too much on habits you have if they aren't impacting you negatively. What I think happened to ya here is that you got a little paranoid after reading about that disorder and you started to look for problems that weren't really there. But, that's nothing too unusual. Sometimes people can freak themselves out. I say, so long as the daydreaming isn't keeping you from your relationships, work, school or anything else important, then don't stress too much on it. Daydreaming's okay and you can take it from someone that has been doing it for probably 15 years after I developed insomnia, but that's a whole other problem. :)

Do I have maladaptive daydreaming disorder?

I was just reading about maladaptive daydreaming disorder and I didn't even know it existed. I thought it was fairly normal to daydream, but now I'm not quite sure. I daydream a lot. Usually during work, when I just want time to fly by, or in class when I'm bored. I'll daydream when I'm in the car listening to music or in the shower, or before bed. It doesn't really last hours though and I don't pace back and forth like some people say they do when they are daydreaming. It also doesn't really get in the way of things. I still go to work, go to school, do homework, etc. I'll daydream as if it's a movie or a story or whatever. I'll include celebrities that I think are cute and I have a somewhat (but not really) different version of me, and it's basically just an alternative "perfect" life. It's never really "stopped" me from doing any daily tasks. I have friends and when I'm with them I don't daydream. I also have a boyfriend. I had a rough childhood, but nothing too terrible. Do you think that this is a problem and that I should go seek some help, or is this not that extreme to be worrying about?

I think i have maladaptive daydreaming disorder, what do i do?

im not totally sure, but i have all of the symptoms. how do i get rid of it? do i tell my parents? but they will think im crazy! how do i just live a normal life??? what do i do? do i tell someone or just find an escape like writing? please help!!!

Do I have Maladaptive daydreaming disorder?

Well, to start off, I’d like to make it clear that I’ve been daydreaming ever since I could remember and when I do, I usually pace around the house while listening to music and I’ve never seen what was wrong with it until I looked it up on Google for fun and it turns out that I have a mental disorder?? Which is really weird since it doesn’t really have a bad impact on my life or atleast I don’t think it does… I’ve always been introverted and comfortable with it. I have lots of friends, get really good grades in school (I’ve never gone below the top five) and I have to admit sometimes I doze off into my own wonderland while studying but then I quickly get myself back to focusing since I always set goals for myself and when I need to finish (I’m quite fast compared to some of my friends). But I’m still worried I might actually have this disorder since I have all the symptoms (I daydream ALOT without noticing) except for the whole “trauma or abuse in the past” part. I’m really worried!!!