I Have No Friend Or Social Life. Help

I feel like i have no friends and no social life, this will be pretty long but i seriously need some help?

Trust me i know how hard it is to make friends, because it has been a struggle for me like forever. You might feel like your antisocial because you don't have like a true best friend that you want. Even though you turned down getting invited to parties doesn't mean you can't still make friends. Feeling like the third wheel of a group can be so devestaing because you don't feel welcomed but its how you deal with this situation that makes you a better person. I'm not going to say how you can make friends that are your true and best friends because I don't know, but nothing is impossible. Every year is a diffrent chapter of your life and of course it has its ups and downs. Just don't expect this coming school year to be filled with bad experience with not having friend because you just never know what the furure holds for you. Try your best to make your self happy and love your family because that's the most important thing you can do. It's the summer so just take time and think about anything and don't change who you are for anyone because you probably amazing person:) just keep your head up its going to get better! I'm am fourteen and i am in this position right now where I don't have any friends to call my best friends. It's similar to what you talked about but I am going to 9th grade:) The best of luck to you and keep having confidence

No friends or social life?

I'm 17, almost out of high school. I hated school for the most part. I never fit in with anyone. I turned into the quiet shy girl. Everyone knows I'm quiet and they always like to put me on blast for being so and it makes me feel extremely depressed and not wanted around. I know there isn't anything wrong with being quiet but everyone makes it out to be that way. I don't have any friends so I go home and when I get home I usually sleep or play videogames. That's pretty much my life. I have severe social anxiety disorder and when I talk to people or try to hang out with people I have panic attacks. I stay home so much that when I actually leave my house to go to the store or something, I'll see people with their friends and it makes me think WOW i don't have a life. I'm at home 24/7 playing videogames since everyone is always out with their friends and it makes me feel so horrible about myself. Everyone knows I don't have a social life too. Sometimes they say things like I need to get out more and talk to more people. I need to be more loud and less boring or straight out all you do is sit at home and you have no life.

I recently met this guy online and I really like him. It seems like I don't get nervous around him, but I'm afraid it will be bad since of my SAD when we meet, which won't be for a while. I video chatted with him and talk on the phone and watch movies with him and stuff all the time so I know he's not some 40 year old creep. I'm not ugly either, I mean I'm not the best looking person out there but I'm decent looking. I just get really depressed when I think about my life and how I have nobody to turn to and I think about how much of a loner I am and I end up crying because I'm just so depressed and don't like my life. I think about suicide all the time but I wouldn't actually act upon it.

Please help. I'm a very sad and depressed person.

No friends or social life?

I know how ya feel. I left school in 2006, havn't kept in contact with my friends, and am currently finishing high school through correspondence courses. I don't have any friends now either. when i was in high school i lived in a small town. If i wanted to reconnect with my friends, they all went to college or university anyways. and then I moved to a new city four hours away. So I don't know anyone! And I too don't like to drink which is the only thing people our age seem to want to do.

I'd be your friend, I'm like cars and adore photography. I work in a photo lab! it's so much fun! But I live in Canada...

You do have work experience. You worked for the stained glass window guy. That is far better than nothing. Go to an unemployment centre and they'll help you whip up a decent resume. Thats how I got the job that I have now. Without a high school diploma and much work experience it is damn hard to get a decent job. Find a job that you can stand, finish your high school however you can.

As for finding's so hard at this age. Everyone has their own friends, their own groups..sometimes it seems like other young adults don't want new friends!! You like photography, so find a photography club somewhere. I used to have two friends that met in a movie theatre. They just sat beside eachother and started chatting through out the movie. Because you don't really know anyone your age that's pretty much what you have to do to make friends. Go to a church or something, they usually have young adult groups. You'd probably meet people your age that aren't glued to pubs there. Or go to a gym. If there's a college/university in the city you live in go there and start talking to people and try to find a party to go to. You don't have to drink, just go to meet people. There's bound to be someone there who isn't planning on getting completely smashed.

If I were you, I'd concentrate on getting a job first. Because this way you'll meet people and maybe make a few friends at work. Even if you hate your job, it's better than staying at home and being lonely all day. Get a job, any job, and just keep it until you find something that you do like.
Good luck!

Help! Im a boy. I have no friends or a social life. I want to but i can't. Help me please?

I'm sure this is hard on you but school will start soon and then you can make new friends and meet up with old friends. This is a tough age, my grandson has at times had the same problem. He plays baseball and that helps a lot. Next time this happens help out at the animal shelter or senior citzen place and you will be supprized at how much fun you will have and also meet lots of people. Get a hobby. This will pass it happene,s to more people than you know. Hang in there!

I have no friends or social life anymore.?

I use to in middle school, I had a whole bunch. But as soon as I got into high school I had no friends what so ever? They all went to different schools, and the only person that talks to me at lunch is this girl from English but she just says hi how are you, and this boy from my old school sometimes hangs out with me but I barely know him. I have no social life no friends. Im not asking for help on making some cause its never gonna happen. People just dont care about making friends or new people anymore I guess. So my question is, how can I make the most of life by myself? Without people. Whats some fun things to do alone? Instead of sitting by myself in the hall. Its not that I get bullied or am extreamly weird or ugly, im just shy and people dont care or notice me...

Yes. Happiness does not depend on people or circumstances. It depends on your pecerption about the world and life.I literally have 2–3 friends and I donot go anywhere. Initially I used to cry at nights thinking what was wrong in me, why people couldnt love me but then gradually I realised that no one in this world has the power to make me happy except myself so I started eliminating all the negative thoughts and tried to have a positive look out.I try to help people as much as I can. I love to see my parents smile. I like reading a lot. I love crying over movies. I binge watch netflix series. I love to think about God and the universe. Getting on Quora and reading about people’s experiences leave me in awe. I like to think myself as a whole complete human being capable to function and live life to the fullest without the support or need of anyone.Have I succeeded? No. I still question myself why cant I make friends, I have a lot of social anxiety but I try and try everyday to realise my self worth and that makes me happy. Thinking about all the beautiful things makes me happy.Right now its 3.32 AM and I am lying on my bed with my A.C. on and writing this answer. I have absolutely no reason to be sad. I am alive and breathing. I know that my parents and my sibling love me a hell lot. I know that God is always there for me. I know that you are going to read this answer and maybe, maybe feel a bit better about yourself.And oh boy, how happy I am (without having any friends or social life), how happy I am. :)

I have no friends or social life in highschool?

-i talk to like everyone at school in classes but when school is over i just go home and no one asks me to hang
-i transferred schools and the kids are really cliquey and they established their little groups already and they're like the best of friends soo...whenever its like that here they just aren't very welcoming
-i'm not an athletic type of girl so i'm not in any sports..
-i lost my bestfriends within the past few weeks from just drama/we go to different schools and the relationship just isnt the same
-this is making me severly depressed and i literally have no plans on weekends