I Have No Like Minded Friends

Why is my friend so narrow minded?

My friend smokes weed. He's native american and acts like thats such a big deal. He acts like he hasnt known me since KINDERGARTEN. We used to talk all the time on the phone because he lived up in the north for a few years so we kept in touch and talked all the time. Now he has new friends at school and puts them before me. And every girl I have a chance with he plays them and takes them away from me, and somehow they turn against me once their friends with him. This girl I've known since 3rd grade barely communicates with me now because "Oh, I already made plans with ______ sorry." And I used to be popular at school but now I only have like 5 friends and if hes not one of them then 4. So heres his background: He lives with his mom because his parents are divorced, he hated his stepdad, his mom pays him 75% of the attention and he treats her like crap. one time I was at his house and he told his mom she looked ugly in a dress, just because she was going on a date and he wants his mom all to himself. They live on the government because the mom has a disease that affects the skin, joints, kidneys, and other organs. And him and his mom smoke weed together sometimes. he lived with this kid for a year because he ran away and he was best friends with him. he occasionally has family over and they smoke with him and their bad infuences. Heres the reaon why hes narrow minded : He says he smokes weed and ciggarettes for religous purposes (He's 13 FYI), he says that he doesnt care about what the cops say they can go "**** themselves" Like one time we were on top of the roof at a park and the cops thought we were vandalizing and I was crying and he said dont cry act 'straight' and whenever I convince him his family is messed up he says 'Well their family.' And on top of that he puts his new friends before best friend, takes away girlfriends (I havent had one since he moved down) and he acts like hes all big and tough but at his house he gets emotional. And now he never has time to talk on the phone with me because he goes to pow-wows and places like that and his mom cant pay for the phone bills so he has to use his house phone, but instead he decides im not important. he never has time to hang out with me since that guy moved in with him and got him into sneaking out of the house. His mom is really sweet and I just dont see why she tolerates him. why is he narrow minded and what should i do?

How to deal with my close minded 'gamer' friends.?

I'm sorry but your friends are more like the die hard/hardcore gamers. Its stupid how people fight over consoles, "which is better"? Who cares, the only thing matters is that it helps run the game we WANT to PLAY. Also, they are not gamers if they play just for graphics, that's like finding a girl that's hot but turns out she's a BI-ACH. I would agree that both consoles are great but its the games I'm after for (Also, Destiny is coming out for Xbox too).

I salute to you that you play Nintendo games. I bet the reason your friends says Nintendo or any of its franchise/games sucks is because they never played it or never had a childhood with old games. You''ll never understand how great Zelda, Mario, Kirby, Samus, Solid Snake, and other characters were. At least Super Smash Bros 4 is coming out for the 3DS and WiiU (SB is always great cause it brings all the famous characters together and doing numerous task other than fighting). But sadly, nowadays Playstation and Xbox have more hype cause they hold known franchised games that receive more support or media talk. To me, ninetndo is like the third wheel, its there but people don't notice it.

I had a Super Nintendo as a toddler, a PS2 as a middle schooler boy, Xbox 360 as a teen, and now PC as an adult. I just love all of them and that games that came along with the consoles. If I had the money, I'd by all three consoles. PS4 for Kingdom Hearts 3, Xbox for the second Halo Trilogy, and WiiU for (like I said before) Super Smash Bro 4. Not just for one game but I know there's more that's coming out and it'll be great.

Sorry for the rambling but to answer your question, you can't really "change" them, people have different opinions and some have a strong ignorance to never accept what they hear and stick to what they believe in. But, if they always bad mouth and offend what you play, shut them down on their consoles or counter attack "Oh Nintendo sucks? At least we don't have to pay for membership like Xbox Live or Playstation Premium". Just think up something to backfire at them that'll make them shut up. Still, they're your friends, just play with them and ignore the what they say that's bad.

My friend is been narrow minded? because....?

I don't think she is being narrow minded at all. We all have criteria that we pick our mates off of. You have your own criteria, I understand you are married, but you wouldn't pick a mate that was broke, had no job or education. So, those are your some of your standards. Her standards is she doesn't want someone who poor. My BF is tall, he's 6' 3", so he didn't want to date a girl who was 5' 5" or shorter. Some people might not want someone who is Jewish, because they are Catholic, or whatever. The list can go on and on, the point is, nobody is just with their partner because they like them. If your husband was the same man now as he was when you met him, except he had been broke, uneducated and jobless when you met him, he would have never got past the first date. You continued the relationship and married him because he wasn't any of those things. But if he had been those things, and you didn't continue the relationship, you would have missed out on someone nice who you love and wanted to share a life with. So, we all have standards for the people we are with. She is actually being very sensible, how I see it. She knows what she wants, and she doesn't sound like a gold digger, or like someone trying to get on Millionaire Matchmaker, she just wants a partner that makes a decent living. Honestly, I have been that poor too, and there is no desire to go back to that kind of lifestyle at all. It would be different if I was already with someone I loved, and he lost his job and we had to endure that struggle together, after the relationship was already established. But getting into a relationship where someone was already poor - nope, I wouldn't do it. My BF isn't rich by any means, but he makes a living and he works hard, and it's good enough for me, I wasn't looking for someone to pay my bills, but I didn't want to have to pay someone else's bills either.

How to make friends and how to talk to people?

To be liked, we need to be more interestED than interestING. Listening is good for making friends: ask people questions about themselves and their opinions and listen to them without interruption, except for little comments that demonstrate that you're REALLY listening. It shows you are taking them seriously, as in respect and acceptance. Don't sit there thinking about what you will say, because that shows more interest in yourself than them. Little pauses demonstrate that you are thinking about what they have said anyway. You can ask them how they felt about what they have just told you, or other specific questions to show you have been listening and taking them seriously.

Be open minded and try not to disagree with people. For example, if they like a band you hate, ask what it is they like about them, best track, etc. (avoid the word, “why” as it can sound challenging). You can always say you don't listen to them much but you will now or something. Asking for advice is also good. Genuinely, of course, & don't overdo it. Ditto information – we feel pleased to tell someone something interesting they did not know, such as what’s on in town, latest sports score, etc., so by showing interest in their opinion, knowledge, etc. you’ll get some good feelings from them. Smiling is a good sign of acceptance. A lot of eye contact is also good.

Remember, if you want to have a friend, you have to BE a friend, and the best way to impress someone is to be impressed by them!

One thing you can do is always to ensure you have a straight back: sit, stand and walk tall (hips forward): this has the “reverse psychology” effect of helping us to feel more confident. Once we have self respect and a sense of self worth, we tend to find that other people respect us more too.

Are people really so narrow minded, or is it just my friends?

My friends are always talking bad about what other people wear and how other people do their makeup etc. AND WE DONT EVEN KNOW THEM. I dont understand why she has to point out every single person wearing or doing something that she wouldnt do. Im just pretty open minded and im just kinda diverse myself that im this type of girl with this type of people and im that type of girl with that type of people, but im not being fake or anything, but i just simply show them my side that they would feel most comfortable with.
I just wanna tell my friend to show being so freakin shallow, but i...dont really wanna tell her that cuz...i cant get mad at her and tell her to change the WAY SHE THINKS.
I just wish she would stop laughing at other people for the way they dress or the way they do their hair. And what annoys me more is she ALWAYS tells me how she is sooo jealous of this girl and that girl that has long beautiful hair and has a really nice body shape. I honestly think, and i tell her this too, that those girls wake up every morning at like 6 30 and do their hair and make up EVERY DAY and not like you, waking up at 8 and getting to school at 8:10 expecting to look beautiful.
UGH she just annoys me so much with her superficialness, liking only the pretty and doll looking people. I have some other friends, not as close, in other classes where i dont have classes with her, and they are really cool and fun to talk to, but they arent the prettiest of people, but sometimes when we walk in the halls, she would quietly say to me like omg wtf is up with her shirt or something like that, and i just feel offended myself, but i just couldnt really say shes my friend or something cuz saying that after she just criticizes her, it makes me feel like shes gonna think i just hang out with losers that have no sense of style.
But the reason im friends with her is cuz although she is so shallow to other people, she isnt shallow to me.
But omg...she just annoys the heck out of me when she does and says those things. What should i do? Should i just tell her? I mean alot of people are so narrow minded in the world...cant be mad at her for being one...just that i dont happen to be one of them...

So i was just wondering, is it just me that happens to have the rare friend that is shallow? Or are most people...Just people in narrow minded and cant accept anything out of their comfort zone?

I have friends but they are boring to meI have a very hard time expressing myself in casual situations without being misunderstood.School is often horrible, because the students attending are undeveloped, and trying to find their way. Know that this is not your whole life, it will soon be over, and a lot of people hate high school. Everybody seems to try to get through by being some sort of poser, and hanging with a clique for protection. By yourself, you may be a target for bullying and possible violence. This is a very common human experience.Stop being so hard on yourself. You don't have to be perfect, you just have to do your best. Maybe there truly are no like minded individuals at your school. Or on reflection, you could realize that because you are hiding your true personality, you are only attracting other people that are faking too. Like attracts like. Work to figure out who you really are, what your goals are, what is important to you, and how you want to be a friend to others. And then develop that in yourself. Do you have a trusted adult in your life to help you? A parent, grandparent, auntie, teacher? These people that know you probably better than you know yourself can provide a safe sounding board to help you organize your thoughts. Writing is a valuable way to get your thoughts out. Going back over what  you have written can help you figure out problems, and give a source for reflection. This could be creative writing in an organized class, or just keeping a personal journal.Realize that what you have right now are acquaintances. Friends are people you can trust, and that know the real you, that share. Now that you know this, and are getting to know yourself better, look for places to meet like minded individuals. The track team, the chess club, band, , a bowling league, an art class - you figure out. Be honest with yourself though - don't be dissuaded from an activity because others don't think it's cool. Make it your goal to be true to yourself. And just be the best you can.

There 7.347 billion peoples in this world as of 2015, and you have met only a nano percent of it. So don’t define your life by their thinking or saying.Please it’s a request.Secondly, i don’t know you but i know deep down and above everything else you are a good person, so i believe in you nomatter what your friends think , i believe in you no matter whether people spend time with you or not, i see that you are beautiful within no matter whether your family ignores please continue living for me, remembering that there is someone (well wisher) who is happy that you are alive.And think it this way , imagine if you stop caring about what others do or respond towards and you simply take the command of your life, then all these worries won’t matter, TRUST YOUR SELF, TRUST YOUR TALENT, SHARP YOUR TALENT, PRACTICE YOUR TALENT, LIVE YOUR TALENT, You only got one life, make it a memorable one.First you believe in yourself and take the first step towards loving yourself.Maybe there are millions of people whose life can become good through your presence , directly or indirectly and you haven’t met them yet, so keep on doing the good work, improve your talent , work hard, and believe in yourself and the timing of god.SOMEWHERE SOMETHING INCREDIBLE IS STILL WAITING TO BE KNOWN! - CARL SAGAN>Hope you find this useful, helpful.You are a miracle my friend.

Where to find like-minded people as a teenager?

i just dont really fit in.
im into mind expansion and knowlegde (dont care so much about my grades though),
while everybody else seems more interested in being cool or dont have the same morals as me at all.
im kinda quiet but im pretty cool.
i mean, i have 'friends', but theyre all either untrustworthy or fake or we dont get along that good.

im alright with sticking it out until i find more compatible people but i was wondering if theres anything i can do.

I am sorry for what you have been through. I know it is killing to stay quiet and yet move on. I would have probabaly asked this question had Quora existed earlier in my college days.Well, good friends are rare to find.They are either true or deadly. There is no magnitude to define friendship even better.In fact, they are the ones who script your life in school and college.The kind of company you keep obviously influences the choices you make.I have a friend who has been with me in person for 6 years and in touch for longer for whom I did not have to be likeable.I have a friend who has been with me for years of college and not in touch anymore for whom I have realised late that I moved mountains to be likeable.It is hard to define good and bad friends; as it is often very late that you realise their true colours.It is with the true friends that you do not have to strive to be 'likeable'.Those who force you to change yourself to match their levels of 'likeable' are usually the sychophants who will disppear in years to come.This, I say as I have been through the situation when I thought I should change myself to become more 'likeable' to my friends.I did blindly, without paying a heed to my parents who had recognized the snakes in disguise.I gave in 200% when it did not deserve even 2%.Rather I could have focussed on MY LIFE more.Well, regrets teach you lessons. I have learnt it the hard way.I recently had a friend who can be termed a 'Bully'coming up with a post on my facebook wall about being sorry for what happened in the past.Realisations happen late, but yes, I have moved on with a smile! :)No matter how many friends support you, you will have to face important decisions on your own, and carry your own weight.