I Have Osgood Schlatter Disease In Both Of My Knees I

I've got Osgood Schlatter's Disease (knee problem) and it should have gone away by now. How come it hasn't?

It takes a while for it to stop hurting, and you can expect to have bumps on the front of your knees due to Calcium buildup the rest of your life, but eventually the pain will stop.

Osgood Schlatter Disease as an adult?

I had OSD as a child and have had some knee pain as an adult. I did not connect the two at first as I did not have any problems for many years. For me biking in very high gears using low revolution strokes and running at a higher pace for several miles causes pain. I did not connect OSD to this pain until just the other day when someone I met who is a physical therapist who has problems with OSD enlightened me.

As I understand it OSD can cause your patella tendon to move differently compared to people who are not afflicted. And this is what causes pain. I guess it causes a form of tendonitis. For running you can try those bands that apply pressure to the knee or even wrapping the knee. A brace might also help. I think the goal is stabilization of the knee area. For biking I've found using less quad power by cycling at higher revolutions helps.

I ran for years without problems running 3 or so miles at a time. Then two years ago I started running 5-6 miles at a decently high pace. This caused considerable knee pain, especially when sitting with my knee bent. I ended up quitting running. I just started back recently trying to do high intensity intervals rather than longer distances. I've also been taking fish oil. So far I've not had the problems that forced me to quit running two years ago. I might also try getting a band or brace. I dont have the pain I had. But last time once I got it I could not shake it even with a whole two months off from running.

Since you are experiencing pain I'd recommend scaling back your running and trying a band or a brace. If your problem is like I mine I let mine go too long and was not able to get it under check without quitting running for several months.

What should I do with Osgood-Schlatter (o) disease?

Well, as experienced as your soccer coach may be, it is never a good idea to assume that his/her diagnostic acumen is comparable to that of a medical doctor.If you have a painful lump below your kneecap, then its most likely OS but you need to see a doctor for that determination. Usually OS doesn’t cause one to be inactive. Resting anything that hurts is always a good idea. Most boys get OS between ages 13 - 14, & girls 11 - 12 yrs old…in both cases it usually stops being a problem when the child is done growing. Some of grow more later so if you’re like me it would continue to be a problem until age 19.Regardless, you need to find out exactly what is wrong so you can stop the pain & not create further injury to the joint. I’m pretty sure you’ve heard at least 1 adult complaining about their knees, its a very active joint & easily injuredGo see your doctor, but before you go, read the info about Osgood-Schlatter on WEBMD. There are home remedies, but you need to know them to ask the doctor what he/she suggests.Good Luck!

How serious is Osgood Schlatter's disease?

Not particularly serious. My son is 37 years old and is currently a Captain in a Miami Fire/Rescue department. He is also a SWAT paramedic. While training for this his osgood shlatter flared up and became rather painful. It was a bother but he completed the training and still has this as part of his assignment.Osgood-Schlatter Disease (Knee Pain)-OrthoInfoKnee pain and swelling just below the kneecap are the main indicators of Osgood-Schlatter disease. Pain usually worsens during certain activities, such as running, kneeling and jumping, and eases with rest.The condition usually occurs in just one knee, but it can affect both knees. The discomfort can last from weeks to months and can recur until your child stops growing.Symptoms and causes - Mayo Clinic

Do you have Osgood Schlatters disease? How has it affected your daily life?

This condition is especially seen when you are young and when the bones of the knee are still being replaced. It causes swelling and tenderness in the bony lump just below the kneecap. This condition is very common in children who are actively involved in running, jumping and repetitive bending of the knees.Painkillers, reducing activity levels, painkillers, and ice packs may be helpful, and the condition usually resolves once your child stops having growth spurts.Reference, read more- Osgood–Schlatter disease: Symptoms and Causes

Is there away to remove Osgood-Schlatter disease?

Just grow up. Literally.Once the growth plates are fused, the ossification point at the front of your knee will unite with the main part (upper tibia) and the pain will stop. Usually this is at about 15-18 years of age.Rarely you get an unfused ossification centre in a mature boy. I did a removal of the bone piece once. The pain was gone.My real amusement about the treatment for osgood schattlers is the old treatment given in the 90's when I was a medical student. My cousin got this treatment.Just manage the knee pain with small doses of painkillers till the yearly exams are over. Then comes the much awaited 2 months of summer vacation.Simply put both legs in plaster cast upto the hip during the 2 months of summer vacation. This treatment never fails.Any child put through this treatment never complains of knee pain- ever.

Any tips on dealing with osgood-schlatter disease?

When I was in my teens, I had issues with osgood-schlatter disease, physical therapy helped a bit, but as I grew, it went away. However, over the past few months, I've been having the same knee pain, despite the fact that I'm 23. I've been icing my knee, wearing a brace and have taken some time off from ballet, but it's just not getting any better.

Unfortunately, my current insurance doesn't cover physical therapy, and I can't afford to pay out of pocket for it. I really miss ballet, especially since I was only just getting back into it, after taking time off due to an ankle injury. Aside from icing, wearing the brace, and resting it, is there anything else I can do? I don't even know if I should schedule an appointment with a regular GP, would they be able to do anything to help? I'd love to be able to get back to dance as soon as I can, and it would be nice to not be in pain when doing simple things like climbing the stairs, too!

Growth Spurt: Osgood Schlatter's disease?

Right below both my kneecaps has been hurting the past few months whenever I am active, or sometimes when I'm walking. There is also a sharp pain when I get hit there. My doctor diagnosed me with Osgood Schlatter's. I just have a few questions:

Does Osgood Schlatter's happen before, after or during the growth spurt?
If you had it too, how much did you grow in that period of time?
How long does Osgood Schlatter's last?
Can you grow after it is gone?

Background info: I'm a 14 and 8 month old boy, I'm 5'6 1/4, and I was 5'2 1/4 when I was 13 and 2 months old at my checkup. That's only 2 2/3 inches a year so I don't think I've had my big growth spurt yet.