I Have Really Bad Gas It Sickens Me What Should I Do

What causes dead fish to smell?

Consider this: The dead fish is no longer moving through the water so water with oxygen is no longer passing through the gills to be picked up by the blood and circulated through the body. But wait! If the fish is dead, the heart is not pumping so there is no circulation of blood and fresh oxygen supply to the tissues. So, what next?In the absence of oxygen to the tissues (cells actually and their components) and the removal of metabolic wastes, the cellular structures begin to break down as metabolic acid products accumulate and poison the system. Of interest regarding this question are large protein molecules which break down into smaller ones, some of which are liquids and/or gasses that have have decidedly offensive odors.Have you ever been to the ocean side, a beach? People often take a deep breath and exclaim about the wonderful salt water smell. Well, salt water has no smell or odor; dump a tablespoon of table salt (sodium chloride) into a glass of water (or if you have it, sodium-free salt that is usually potassium chloride - more like the ocean). Doesn't smell like the ocean, does it?What causes the "ocean smell" is the products of breakdown of the tissues of dead plants, fish, and other marine life. This is not limited to the ocean and salt water. If you ever go by a body of fresh water in which there has been a kill of a large amount of fish (say, from a spill of toxic material), the odor of the products of protein breakdown can overwhelm/sicken susceptible people who have gotten too close to the source.Many centuries (or millennia) ago, our ancestors learned that eating foodstuffs that had bad odors resulted in sickness (or death). Rotting meat, for example, decaying protein provides an excellent environment for bacteria which, when ingested, can cause problems ranging from nausea to vomiting and diarrhea and even to death. Because refrigeration slows breakdown and decay, food poisoning is far less common today, and freezing to all intents and purposes stops those processes.All the above is not limited to dead fish but applies to the tissues of any dead animal as well.Enjoy your dinner.

Increased Gas prices?

Why is the price of gas increasing, what are some suggestions to stopping it, is our government not performing its duties, and what are some of the criticisms of Bush's performance in response to the war in Iraq in relation to the rising price of gas if these problems even correlate to one another?

Is welding bad for my health and are welding fumes dangerous?

Yes welding is bad for your health, the fumes will poison your lungs but the dust from the grinding wheels is worse (fiberglass is thought to be just as bad as asbestos), the heavy use of your hands will cripple them . The awkward positions you have to get into will twist your body up in knots. The extra weight on your neck and all the nodding (to lower your helmet) will ruin the vertebrate in your neck. Not to mention the constant strain on your eyes will ruin them as well. I started in the trade at 17 and worked in it till around 30, I had a couple family members that were welders, both whom died around 50 with hands,back and eyes ruined not to mention strapped to an oxygen bottle for a few years before that. There are many different situations in the welding trade, I've worked outside at -35 Celsius and +35 , inside smoke filled shop's with zero ventilation, It really depends on the employer as to how healthy or unhealthy the environment is, do not sacrifice your health for a job it's just not worth it.

What happens when you mix bleach and ammonia?

First of all, you should calm down. Household bleach is typically 91% water, 9% sodium hypochlorite ([math]NaOCl[/math].) Household ammonia is typically 70% water, 30% ammonium hydroxide ([math]NH_4OH[/math].) You are mixing fairly dilute solutions of the two chemicals.The reaction will generate chlorine gas, dichloroamine, trichloroamine, hydrogen chloride, and nitrogen trichloride. If you heated a solution of sodium hypochlorite and ammonia to close to its boiling point, you could make hydrazine ([math]N_2H_4[/math],) not that you would want to.While those chemicals may sound scary, all but one of them are not that bad. Di-and trichloroamine will initially dissolve in water. The same goes for hydrogen chloride (now hydrochloric acid,) and nitrogen trichloride. Hydrazine won’t even be produced provided you don’t boil it.Chlorine gas is not that toxic; you don’t want to inhale high concentrations of the stuff, but it is more of an irritant. You’ll know you have chlorine poisoning well before it kills you (your lungs, throat, and eyes will be burning,) allowing you to seek medical attention. Chlorine is toxic via its interaction with the mucous lining of your lungs. When it interacts with the moisture present, it forms hydrochloric acid. Hydrochloric acid is corrosive, leading to chemical burns inside your lungs. These burns secrete a fluid which, if left unchecked, can fill the lungs, causing you to drown in your own bodily fluids. If you can breath without coughing, you probably don’t have chlorine poisoning (don’t quote me, I’m not a doctor.)Additionally, the vapor pressure of chlorine gas is higher than air, thereby causing it to pool in low laying spots, well away from your nose and mouth.This type of incident usually happens when someone cleans a toilet. They start off with an ammonia based cleaner and switch to bleach when the ammonia based cleaner does not produce the desired result. Alternatively, they start with bleach but it is allowed to react with the ammonia contained in urine.The good thing about this happening while cleaning toilets? This:Flush the toilet, open the window, turn on the exhaust fan, and leave the room and shut the door behind you. Provided you didn’t let the reaction run for 20 minutes, there shouldn’t be too much toxic gasses to begin with. Flushing the reactants down the toilet will quickly get them out of your house.

Why do I start farting when I am in stress?

Back in the days when humans were more likely to be prey (and as it would also happen today), under the stress and fear of impending death — say, being mauled to death and eaten by a grizzly or a lion — your body would go into survival mode, and part of that process would be an almost automatic vomiting and an emptying of your bowels.This makes you as “meat” smell and appear much less attractive to a hungry animal.It also has a correlation to why, if a bear or lion were to attack, the answer is to curl into a ball to protect your softer parts, and play dead.Many animals won’t eat dead (inanimate) meat due to an instinct against being sickened or killed by possible spoiled flesh.For them, fresh kills are where it’s at.

Are there black people in Ireland?

There are quite a few African immigrants living here now. Up until 2 years ago, we had a law that any child born here was automatically an Irish native, and their families automatically got to stay here to raise them. Unfortunately, we had a referendum to change this clause in the constitution, and enough narrow-minded people voted in favour to get this changed.

A lot of Africans of all ages have been deported since then, and it sickens me to see it, as many had settled very well here, and built happy new lives.

I think for visitors here, the majority of us are very friendly and interested in the cultures and experiences of others, but just about anywhere you will meet a few bad apples, who tend to spoil the flavour of the whole barrel!

To answer your question, you will indeed be welcome, but please ignore any who make you feel less than so. The majority will welcome you with open arms, and any others are just full of gas; they will back off once they see you aren't intimated by their ignorant talk.

Where does the phrase “canary in a coal mine” come from?

From the canary that coal miners used to carry with them (in a small cage, of course) when they went underground. For most of the twentieth century, canaries were carried into coal mines to detect carbon monoxide and other toxic gases before they could build to a level that would hurt humans. Here’s some interesting history of the practice courtesy of the internet:The idea of using canaries is credited to John Scott Haldane, whose research on carbon monoxide led him to recommend using the birds as a sentinel species: an animal more sensitive to the colorless, odorless carbon monoxide, methane, and other poisonous gases than humans.Why was a canary his suggested solution? Canaries are good early detectors of carbon monoxide because they’re extremely sensitive to airborne poisons. Since they need such immense quantities of oxygen to enable them to fly to heights that would make people altitude sick, their anatomy allows them to get a dose of oxygen when they inhale and another when they exhale, by holding air in extra sacs. And since they like to sing, if they suddenly became silent, that would serve as an early warning to miners to evacuate.

Why do so many educated black women date white men?

The reason why I have decided to stop dating AA men is because of how I am treated. It is that simple. I am very educated. I have my own business. I have my own home, property and I have one child that I take care of alone.  I have savings and I am debt free. I am a nice looking woman... I used to model but I decided to pursue my studies. I am an African American woman. I LOVE black men and I am proud of who I am, but I am tired of how I am treated when I am in a relationship with them. I always say I love black men but they don't love me.  I have now opened myself to whites and other nationalities with hope that I can find a better relationship and a better overall person. I have dated down. I have dated blue collar men (I am a professional, one guy was a garbage worker), uneducated men, men that had been to prison all types, men with children everywhere and I MEAN everywhere and it never works. I try to be open to them but I am not sure what is wrong or even how to fix this. I am not trying to put down my brothers but I GIVE up... at least for the time being. I need a change. People say that black women don't give black men a chance and that is bull. I am living proof. I try to be nice, friendly, loving, helpful, giving and it never works. Black men complain that we are all loud, ghetto, obnoxious.. We are not all that way. I am not that way. I consciously try not to be a stereotype.  I am a simple woman that just wants a nice man. THAT'S it.. I make money.. I can take care of myself...Every time I meet a black man, he has a woman..somewhere hes hiding.. he lies about being married, girl friend, etc. he has a drug problem..  he has an undercover life.. he has babies everywhere.. or he wants me to take care of him once he sees my home and my life. So many of my friends are not married because they say the same... Its really sad.  Most of my friends.. including my sister who is a computer engineer just don't date. They just rather be alone that to deal with that... but I want someone in my life.. So I am still trying.