I Have Stage Fright That I Can

Stage Fright?

Remember that fear is a spirit. Begin by saying out loud: I will not let the spirit of fear overcome me. Print out cheap posters about the play: go to busy subway stations and ask people you do not know: Are you fond of theater? Will you at least keep one of these?
That is even tougher than appearing on stage because the outside world is generally hostile and suspicious. Be comforted in knowing that your audience will be friendly, for the most part. On the night in question, if you are a praying person, then say: God remove the spirit of fear from around me and give me you spirit of boldness. Take a deep breath and defiantly go out there with one attitude: YOU FOLKS BETTER GET READY FOR THE NEXT SUPER STAR! Knock em dead.

I, a formerly bashful person had to speak before 15,000 people and five T.V networks filmed the event. That is what I did. The amount of people who came up to me afterwords to compliment me was very encouraging. YOU WILL DO IT AND DO IT WELL.

How do i get over stage fright???

I think most of us have this problem and I think that it is because we are over worried about the impression our work will make on an audience.
What has worked for me are several things:

1- Acknowledge that you are nervous, it is normal to be nervous. Don't say "Don't get nervous", say to yourself "yes I am nervous, so what I will do about it?"

2- Focus on something else, for me it works to focus on an object, or to try to count the toes on my foot

3- Relax the whole area around your hips (coxes? sp?), this was a tip given by a Butoh choreographer and it works better than the breathing excercises for me

4- Know that the audience is also part of the show and that they are WITH YOU. Try not to see them as a terrible and critical monster, generally we are our own worst critics.

5- Remember why you love to sing and have fun, fun, fun

Hope this helps

How do I get over stage fright and nerves???

I have been on an improve team for a while now and have recentlly decided to become a stand up comic, the only problem is I have really bad stage fright and nerves! How do I get over this??? Someone please help me...

I have major stage fright. What do I do?

I’ll rewrite it here because not sure if the link came across.Presentation stress is natural. Once you understand the source of this nervousness, you can use tactics to overcome it.Public speaking fear is a physiological problem. Next time when you give a speech, observe your feelings — especially in the beginning. You will notice, fear is due to either your mind is busy wondering “what do they [audiences] think of me” or “how am I doing”. This feeling makes one nervous; you see yourself under a spotlight. To circumvent it:Try to change this thought to “how are they doing”; are they (the audiences) getting it?Make it a conversation. Imagine you are talking to a friend — you never feel nervous when you talk to a friend.Notice when someone in the audience nods his/her head. Head nod signifies they are listening to you and agreeing to you (at least to some extent). This will give you confidence.To get head-nods, look at a person and deliver a phrase or thought and if they don’t nod their head, nod yours and soon they will too. This is due to mirror neurons and it is involuntary.Finally, practice your speech (several times) before delivering it.These are just some of the things you can do … hope it helps. Good luck!(For more, check out “Talk to Convince” book on Amazon.)—————Previously submitted———————-Please see my previous answer to similar question:What may be the reason for my nervousness during presentations in crowds, even though I have given more than 10 talks?

How does Stagefright work and what can you do about it?

One is often surprised by how many experienced actors and singers confess that they still suffer from severe cases of stage fright before stepping into the limelight.

Luckily most of us don’t have to perform in front of a theater full of people. But sometimes speaking to a group of classmates or colleagues already makes us nauseous and sweaty... Why does it happen and how to beat it?

I love acting, but i have such bad stage fright. help?

Ah stage fright....just keep practicing in front of the mirror, or even your family. Maybe even going to your friends house and practice in front of them to get used to having other people watch you. And when your on stage, don't let the stage fright get to you. Even though your nervous, no one can tell but you. Being nervous even helps you project your voice sometimes. Oh and when performing, just think of you acting in front of your family or friends and everything will be ok , and think about it, get it done and over with. Act as if everyone out there were looking up to you. Good luck :)

What are the best ways to overcome stage fright?

Take each and every, small or big, opportunity of going on stage. I'll give a few examples:Volunteer for a magician or any other event which is happening on stage and is asking for volunteers. It can be any fun event.Start standing up and answering from the crowd. Stage fear is nothing but fear of facing the crowd. Hence, this is a baby step; when asked to answer or asked to speak anything while in crowd, grab that opportunity.Sometimes being the first one to say something is easy as there is no fear of being compared with previous answers. I and my friend always preferred to be the first team while presenting a paper in the university. This saved us from the fear of being compared with previous presentations right away.Find a friend who also wants to work on getting rid of the stage fear and help each other in the process. Motivate and support each other.Attend events in which you are a complete stranger. This way you don't have any fears of pleasing the known faces and you can be completely yourself. You don't fear of being judged or being mocked afterwards.It is said that if you want to speak for X minutes on stage, you at least need to have 2X(or more) content. Hence, prepare a lot.I have experienced that if you know what you are speaking then the fear is reduced by a great deal. Hence, know your content well and you will be more confident.In the initial phase, you can use a table, podium or a notepad to help yourself. There things help you stay confident, help you to hide yourself a bit from the crowd. Slowly, get rid of those things and you will enjoy a lot.Don't feel pressure of pleasing the crowd. Be yourself and you will be able to please your audience.All the best!