I Have To Make A Short Movie And I Really Need Help

I need help for short film ideas!?

Umm.. hi, Sami. While I commend your desire and any work you're putting into making a film, and am all for people doing things their own way, this sounds like a very confusing and difficult non-traditional method for making a film. You're kind of creating a clusterfuck, pardon my language since you're still in school. What I would HIGHLY recommend, since just kicking around ideas (I'm really not even sure how that would work) probably won't get anyone very far, is figure out who amongst your group understands story best and is a decent writer. Have that person write a script. If you're not familiar with proper script formatting, look into learning the basics and using an open source program like Celtx. Or even just start by writing it out as prose. Then figure out who will be your talent and who will be your crew. Hold some auditions for parts. Cast them appropriately. Get someone with camera gear or connections to gear to film it after you create a shot list. Your director should be someone that has a vision for the script (maybe even the person who wrote it). It may sound more "limiting," but frankly, it works well and you'll probably find things happen a lot faster and more smoothly this way. Script -> money -> cast -> crew -> locations -> equipment -> principal photography -> editing is a very general and somewhat loosely arranged workflow, but is essentially the standard way any film is made. It's done that way for a reason, so give it a try! Hope to see your work at Sundance one day. :) And if you determine film to your passion, I would strongly recommend keeping at it and submitting your work to any competitions and festivals with low barriers to entry. At some point, you may consider moving to a larger market where it will be easier to network with other film professionals - being you're in high school, while film school is in no way necessary to a career in film, it can help you meet others and get some practice and general knowledge.

Need some Horror movie ideas?

Make the movie using the ouija board in the beginning, and have it start spelling out scary stuff and have the people doing acting like they aren't controlling it (which they would be) and they could start freaking out ya know like it wasnt planned...and have other stuff like pounding on the windows or doors opening and have the actors in it acting like none of this was planned, like have another story line but the ouija board "actually" working makes the horror film begin to seem real ya know?

oH and have everyone in your group our in your class that are acting in it die off in some way, or vanish, and have the camera person drop the camera and start screaming and have the video cut, and when its time to turn it in, have like some one else deliver the tape and the vid that you made would play and the people in it wouldnt be in class that I dont know if you get what im saying,

but I hoped this helped

Help with ideas for short films?

1 A model poses for a naturalist studies art class where you learn at the end of a long debate about be embarrassed by how people see him/her the model is tho only one dressed in the room and all the artists are naked.
2 Little boys and girls dressed up for a dance recital are lead into a ball room by their parents who all seem do happy and civil to one another and as usual the boys go to one side and the girls to the other and as the music starts it becomes apparent that the boys are there to dance with each other and girls the same as the parents just seem to be fine with the whole experience.
3 A lunch lady is told that no one else is showing up but that she must do her best. She looks at the empty kitchen and takes a deep breath and tears off her uniform and she is a super hero who speeds through cooking an entire meal for everyone and in the end she puts her uniform back on and starts to serve to the smiling faces of little school children and she smiles.
4 A woman goes into labor and her husband is trying to get her to the hopital through all sorts of obstacles and detours and twists in their pathway, and when he finally gets her to the door and is about to wheel her in, she sits in the chair and farts, ("False Alarm...Let's go get some Ice cream.")
5 Take the song "Let It Snow" and have a chef in the kitchen cutting meat and grinding sausage and then cooking it as he recites the lyrics in a scary voice while starring a at his cat. The door bell rings and christmas caroller are at the door as he invites them in for a bite to eat.

Short film ideas? PLEASE HELP!!!?

If you don't have any ideas for a short stories then you should make a short movie adaption of a short story that has gone into the public domain.Public domain means that it has no copyright and you can make a movie adaption about it. It will be good because most short stories are well known and people would love to see a movie about a well known story. Most people try to make Zombie movies and that tends to be unoriginal and worn out. Look up on YouTube "Zombie Short film" and look at how many there are. Lost in the pile of zombie short films.

Here is a link to some public domain short stories:

Here is a link to a short film somebody made. It's called "Tell" and it's an adaption of Tell Heart Tale:

Identity short film explanation help?

This is so weird; I chose this film to present last week!

1 - The message is that we all hide behind our masks and pretend to be someone we are not just to be accepted by others, never showing our true self in fear of being different and judged. The girls wearing the yellow mask admiring the poster of the idol in the same coloured mask is how people try to be their idols and mold themselves into that image to please others.

Another thing is that her mask is unique (pure white and artistic with various colours) whereas everybody else's is a solid colour representing the crowd they fit in with (like I already mentioned, the more 'popular' ones seem to wear yellow.) She remains alone and isolated throughout the movie, not fitting in with anyone, hence the difference in her mask!

2 - The teacher speaks of how "they have never been outside of this cave" and that "all they know about life is this dark wall" but "one day a slave is released, and he discovers a whole new world" and because "he is now the enlightened one, it is his job to come and free those who are trapped". This is metaphorical and symbolises the entire piece, as we see at the end she breaks free of her mask ("a slave is released outside of the cave") and walks free and confident with new found sense and people stare and look to her ("the enlightened ones job to come and free those who are trapped".) His speech foreshadows the movie's ending and tells the underlying context within. Everyone who wears a mask is trapped in fear of not being accepted for being different. It is because of the teacher that the girl realises this and is confident to later take off the mask that begins to crack.

3 - The mask cracking is the girl finally becoming free. When we first see the crack after she has fell, it is supposed to have negative connotations to the audience (she has finally cracked/can't handle it, etc) but she comes to terms with it and realises she doesn't need to cover her face anymore - she is free and unique, and content with being so! "the enlightened one" :D