I Have To Write A Speech On

What should I do to write a speech on silly putty?

I love it.

The first time I saw real silly putty was when I was a child. My grandmother had broken her arm and after it was healing the silly putty was used for PHYSIOTHERAPY and then we made duplications of the comics on the weekends from the newspaper.

We also found that it made a funky bouncy ball and was a great multi purpose toy...LOL!!

There are a couple of ideas, those will really get them guessing.

(My grandmother had to use the silly putty to strengthen her arm/wrist by squeezing it in her hand.)


Who is a good person to write a speech on?

Frank Abagnale. He's the guy portrayed by Leonardo DiCaprio in the movie "Catch Me If You Can". His story is definitely an interesting one. He impersonated doctors, airline pilots, lawyers, professors, and the like. For several years he managed not to get caught. Check it out:

I have to write a speech DUE TOMORROW!?

HELLO, I'M ----- (First name only) and I'VE NOTICED how many kids day dream about becoming fire fighters, cops, nurses, doctors AND THINGS LIKE THOSE.
Me? I WANT TO (Don't use slang) be a teacher BECAUSE I see they have AN even greater impact on society than those careers I listed, because who teaches the fire fighters or the nurses first? A teacher DOES. WITHOUT SOME BASIC EDUCATION, NONE OF THESE PEOPLE WOULD BE IN THE PROFESSION THEY HAVE.

So, ever since fourth grade I've wanted to be a teacher and I never really knew why BUT now I realize it's because they have such a great IMPACT on us AND ON OUR FUTURE. I love social studies and, not to brag, I THINK I'm good at THEM. I understand HOW very important THEY ARE, even though some people would disagree with me because most WOULD SAY THAT the events you learn about have already happened, so they're irrelevant, BUT THAT IS OBVIOUSLY NOT TRUE. I see that they ARE important because some of those events WE just don't need AND CAN'T AFFORD to be repeated, so we need TO LEARN ABOUT THEM so we can make sure that THEY DON'T happen AGAIN. WITHOUT LEARNING WHAT HAPPENED IN THE PAST, WE CAN'T UNDERSTAND THE PRESENT, OR PLAN FOR THE FUTURE.

Another reason I want to be a teacher is, like I said, I want to have an impact on the next generation. I want them to learn something that, EVEN IF they DON'T THINK IT'S IMPORTANT, they need to know. Not only do I want to BE THE ONE TO teach them, BUT I want them to understand THE IMPORTANCE OF KNOWLEDGE. If you're thinking about becoming a teacher like I am, here ARE A FEW reasons FOR BECOMING ONE; You help students, YOU TEACH THE NEXT AND FUTURE GENERATIONS, INCLUDING POSSIBLY YOUR OWN CHILDREN, you get to go home at an reasonable hour AND get Summer and weekends off!


But SERIOUSLY, there are also cons to being a teacher as well, lots of paperwork, the pay isn't great and there can be some problems BOTH with student's AND THEIR parents.


*I haven't timed it so you'll need to try it out but I think it'll be about the 3 minute mark.

I have to write a speech!! Help!?

I have to write a speech for french class... It's free topic, I can write about ANYTHING. But I can't think of ANYTHING!! Help!! Please. any random suggestions would be nice!! Thank you, cheers!!

I have to write a speech on pet peeves any ideas?

Girls wearing low riders and letting their buttcracks show worse than plumbers and guys showing off their boxers to the world by wearing pants 5 sizes to big.

I have to write a short speech about art, what should I include?

The importance of Art to human civilization (it's how we judge cultures), and it's influence on culture in point…An “artist’s career” is the ongoing work or employment in the arts….…I have been an informally and formally trained artist (and teacher/trainer/supervisor) working in the fields of art commission, workshop instructor, cabinet maker, interior design and construction, art education, technical illustrator, graphic artist, designer, sculptor, painter, muralist, potter, 2D/3D modeler and animator who has helped developed video games for children (not necessarily in that order)….…and although my primary focus was as a technical illustrator for the automotive and nuclear industries (7+7 years each), you can see I’ve had many “art related” jobs to fill out my ongoing “Career in Art”….…That’s the way the world around us gets made…. …artists doing there part in L.A.. NYC, Paris, London, Beijing, and even small towns and villages everywhere….Just look around… I’ll bet you are wearing, sitting on, occupying, or otherwise experiencing an artist/designer’s handiwork at any given moment….There’s always a need to be fulfilled and whether it’s “your idea or someone else’s” , there’s an “artist’s” job out there involved in making it a reality….…Art’s importance in history served the same role that it serves today…From the earliest cave paintings that were used to teach and share information and traditions before there was a written language (see Lascaux cave paintings in France)……to every image and manufactured item around us today….Think about it!!!

I have to write a speech on how I want to change the world in some way. I decided that I want my speech to be about the misconceptions about reptiles, but I need 3 main points on why they shouldn't be feared. What are the three reasons?

Translation: I want someone else to do my homework research for me because I’m too fucking lazy to do it myself!That’s really what you're asking. If anyone thinks I’m being harsh, I’m not. You don’t learn anything by getting others to do the work for you - and, unless you're willing to admit you didn't do the work yourself, there’s a thing called plagiarism.I really wish there was some way Quora was able to ban such blatantly obvious homework questions.Sorry, kid, it’s YOUR assignment - YOU do the work. When I was at school the Web didn’t exist, we actually had to go to the library and look things up in books. I remember when MS released the first Encarta disc, I bought it every year until it was discontinued.But seriously, you go to school to learn. Welching your answer off someone else isn't going to help you do that.As my granny used to say, “kids these days don’t know they're born”.I bet I get a BNBR violation for this, but I really think it needs to be said, Quora, sorry (not sorry).

How do I get speech writing experience?

start writing keeping in mind you are going to deliver a speech to people having feelings, different view angles .so write with  passion,interest and an emotional heart.Effectiveness of a speech depends on the way you are proceeding into the depth of topic.. It is better to keep simple to complex then from complex to simple ending style.I think it is better to use Introduction-Body-Conclusion structure of writing. Introduction(relevance of the topic, why should we aware of this topic, If you have add a definition to keyword or core theme of topic)Body(merits & demerits of topic, accurate datas, survey reports, milestones in history etc)conclusion (A good heart touching inspiring comments on the topic, method we can adopt to overcome challenges, follow up activities..)It is good to use or correlate the topic with short stories,poems,quotations. But always pay attention that you are not deviating from right path and relevant views on topic.Also it should be 100 percentage matchingAlways take feedback from audience and keep improving.Practice makes us perfect.Hope this will help you

I have to write an informative speech on intimacy.?

How about taking an alternative route with the speech and concentrate on relationships with intimacy that include zero sexual activity? That would be a different kind of twist....along the lines of the intimacy between siblings, grandparents and grandchildren, best friends, parents and children, families and their pets, etc...
So many people equate intimacy with sex and they are not the same thing at all. I would try that approach. Good luck!

I have to write a persuasive speech but I don't have any topic. What are some suggested topics?

Persuasive speeches are my favorite ones. And I usually combine them with being informative for the best impact. For picking a topic, I would recommend first asking yourself - "What do I believe? What do I think is true?"Everyone's version of reality is a little bit different. Persuasive speeches' main purpose are to persuade another person to adopt, or at least consider, your version of the truth. 1. Pick something that you think is true - We need more science in school, all politics are local, drinking water is the main source of health, football is the best sport of all - for example.2. Choose 3 reasons why this is true - Science knowledge makes us better thinkers, science has made our world a better place, schools without science lead to undereducated children - for example3. Then come up with one example or story for each reason. 4. Add an intro (main idea) and conclusion (repeat the main idea in another way). 5. And end the speech with a call to action - Please consider writing your congressperson to keep science a high priority in education. Some people can argue any point, even if they don't believe in it. But for most of us, we are much better speakers when we really believe something to be true. In preparing for the speech to try and persuade others of our reality, we also learn more about why we think the way we do, and how to present material. If you can't think of anything because you don't believe in anything, then make a persuasive speech about why people shouldn't believe in anything, just like you.