I Have Tried Everything To Lose Weight. Nothing Works

I've tried everything and I can't lose weight?

I'm 14 5'4 and 200+ pounds I'm so fat I've tried everything possible for me. I've been trying for 2+ years and I've only lost 4 pounds, I stopped eating meat, still eat fish, I cut out junk food completely, including soda, I drink at least 3-4 bottles of water a day, I exercise intensely for 30 minutes every day, and I haven't lost a pound, I don't look or feel any different, I've begged my mom to contact a nutritionist but she keeps forgetting and she tries to tell me how good I've been looking but even if that's true in still so unhealthy and I just want to be healthy, I don't need to have a six pack I just was a nearly flat stomach and some mucles. I'm crying because I don't know what to do, I've now cut out carbs completely and it's making me feel sick. I even ordered diet pills behind my moms back I was so desperate, but I got angry at myself and got rid of them. I've always been the fat, unpopular girl, I've been bullied and i don't care what people think of me I just want to be healthy. I don't know what to do anymore no one seems to understand me and there's no one I can go to. My self image has gotten so bad I've been having suicidal thoughts, if never actually do it but I just feel there's no hope, please help me. I'm sorry for spelling errors I am typing fast.

How do I lose weight fast when I have tried everything?

You haven't tried everything. There is not enough time in someone's life to have tried everything. Maybe you tried lots of things for a week or two and couldn't stay consistent.Everything works.Nothing works forever.The trick is to stay consistently in a calorie deficit. This doesn't mean everyday. It can be daily, weekly or monthly. If you are in a 100 calorie deficit for 29 days and overeat 3000 Calories for one day, you are not in calorie deficit. Thus you can't lose weight.You will decide how to do that, but here are some things you can do:Track what you eat. Get a food scale and use an app to track everything you eat.Plan your meals. This way you will be proactive and won't be surprised how much you ate at the end of the day.Eat more protein. Protein will keep you full and increase your calorie output.Do resistant training. Lifting weights will make you stronger, better looking, and healthier. You will also burn more calories everyday.Get educated. Stay away from quick fixes and weight loss scams. You will make better decisions if you educate yourself instead of relying on others who try to sell you stuff. You can start with my website Home Page - Nerd Getting Fit

I'm trying so hard to lose weight and nothing is working :( Help please!?

You're lacking protein, healthy fats and overall calories in your diet. This could be stalling fat loss.

Losing 1-2lbs a week is the best way to go. This way, you are losing mostly fat, rather than water and muscle. Faster weight loss is not better, nor is it sustainable.

Diet should be what you look at first for weight loss- this is what will enable you to drop fat. Try a balanced diet made up of mostly natural whole foods, with high protein, moderate carbs and moderate fats.

You need to know how many calories you burn- you can use an online calculator for a rough estimate. Aim for 10-20% calories fewer than you burn daily (too large a deficit will be counterproductive in the longer term).

Don't worry about complicated diets or cutting things out. You can enjoy anything in moderation, as long as the majority of your diet is healthy.

Base your meals around:

Lean protein (e.g. chicken, tuna, lean beef, fat-free cottage cheese, egg whites)
Wholegrains (e.g. wholewheat bread, oats, bran cereals, rice)
Healthy fats (e.g. nuts, seeds, olive oil, avocado, salmon, whole eggs, flaxseed)
Fruit and veg

And drink lots of water.

Second in importance to diet, is heavy resistance training- this is what will allow you to preserve muscle so you look 'toned' and defined once you've dropped the fat (rather than just a smaller version of how you look now, with the same bits you're unhappy with). More muscle also means a higher metabolism, so you definitely want to hold on to, or increase the muscle base you have, for fat loss.

You need to work ALL your major muscle groups- you can't spot reduce.

If you don't have gym access, look into 'plyometrics'. These sort of circuits will also help improve speed and power for softball.

Then you can look at extras like cardio to help create a calorie deficit. But cardio is by far the least important of these three, and you can lose fat effectively without it.

Make sure you're getting at least one rest day a week with no exercise at all.

Banned from a flash chat, tried everything to bypass it, nothing works.?

OK, so I have been banned from one flash-based chat. I have deleted cookies from my browser, I have accessed this chat via a proxy server (I checked, I did get a different IP address) and still I cannot access this chat. What should I do?

I have been trying to lose weight for 3 years now and nothing seems to work. Should I see a nutritionist?

To lose weight, you don't need to go on a fad diet, nor do hours of endless cardio each day. What you need, quite simply, is a caloric deficit. Fat is composed of calories, so to get rid of the fat, you need to get rid of the calories that compose fat. Body weight in pounds x 15 - 500 = calories per day(Example: 140 x 15 - 500 = 1,600). Hitting your caloric deficit each day is the most important thing you can do for weight loss. Food types, training preference and cardio frequency are all important, but they pale in comparison to this number. To lose 1 lbs a week, you need a 500 caloric deficit each day (as demonstrated in my example). To lose 2 lbs a week, you need a 1,000 calorie deficit each day. Either insert 500 or 1,000 into the last portion of the equation, depending on which you prefer.You can speed up the process of weight loss by eating specific macro nutrients each day (a good rule of thumb is 40% protein, 40% low glycemic carbs and 20% healthy fats). Also, by training and doing cardio 3-5 times a week, you'll be able to eat more and still lose weight; due to the fact that you're burning more calories. Stick with it for 2 months (as hard as it may be) and you could begin to see more results within 8 weeks than you have in 3 years. If you have any other questions, you can view my old posts or ask for more help and I'd be happy to oblige. Good luck!

Can I lose weight by switching from Soda to Water?

I'm 5' 10" and 217 lbs. I work out ocasionally and haven't really lost much weight. I know it's probably because I haven't done it enough. I have been building a lot of muscle, so I must be going enough for that. Anyway, I know a big part of losing weight is in your diet. The stuff I eat isn't exactly terrible for me, but i drink a lot of soda. Probably around 5 cans a day. If I completely switch to water, can I expect to lose some pounds within a month?