I Havnt Eatin Anything All Day And I Just Threw Up

I'm sick and if i haven't eaten anything but I keep throwing up is it bad for the body?

I had the same thing a couple days ago. Just drink a lot of water and stay hydrated. This will help you heal. As far as eating, if you don't want to then that's fine but if you feel your body can handle some crackers or toast then try to. But it won't hurt not to as long as you're staying hydrated. Hope this helped & I hope you feel better soon, cause I know that's no fun!!!

I haven't eaten all day and I threw up ?

you're famished. your body is undernourished and your stomach acids are probably acting up b/c they have nothing to digest so you get sick. Eat something! you need to have food in your stomach to be able to breath and live...did you know you burn calories by just sleeping? a day you burn 1400 calories by just LIVING, which means you need to EAT 1400 calories to live healthily if you don't exercise. If you do exercise, you can eat even more...get it ??? you threw up b/c you need to eat up.

Why do we feel like throwing up when we haven't eaten anything for a while?

Because stomach acid isn't smart. It is secreted in small amounts by the body all day, whether we're eating or not. And when we ANTICIPATE eating, or even THINK about eating, this stimulates an increase in acid production as the body prepares to digest goodies. So if you're thinking about fasting, or how hungry you are, or how good a big ol' cinnamon muffin would taste, your stomach is happily gushing out acids in anticipation of a lovely healthful energy-producing bounty of calories.But acid can't sit idle, it's got to DO something. So if there's no food to break down, it will stay busy by breaking down the mucus lining in the stomach and then the tissues themselves. This will eventually cause the digestive system to go on full alert and say HEY FELLAS WE GOT A PROBLEM DOWN HERE. WE'RE GETTING RID OF IT. OPEN TUBES! And the throat, naturally, doesn't like things going out the in door, so it does its job and stops the acid from coming up for as long as it can. Eventually any doorkeeper gets tired, and flow reversal happens in a very icky sour-tasting way.

I haven't eaten or drank anything all day, but I'm not hungry or thirsty?

just force yourself to eat something... water does not always satisfy hunger.. i know this feeling and had been through it and my mom force fed me later and it really worked i felt better..

If you dont have anything in your stomach could you still throw up?

I'm currently at a little coffeeshop and I all of a sudden felt very nauseous. I'm a little worried I might throw up. I haven't eaten or drank anything since half a soda at lunch which I'm sure has been long digested, it's been nearly four hours. Could I still throw up? I have to ride my bike home if I want to leave and I really don't want to vomit in here. It doesn't feel like I'm nauseous from not eating, it feels more like the stomach flu.

How can I force myself to throw up when I haven't eaten anything?

I am not a doctor, but I did have gastro a few weeks ago, so was in the similar situation of trying to throw up, without having anything in my stomach. You can't ever get rid of the bile as it is continuously produced by your body for digestion. However, with acid reflux, there are medications out there that can reduce the amount your body produces, or reduces the acidity of the bile. Also there are anti-emetic medications out there that can stop you vomiting. You may need to see a doctor to obtain these. You might also find that your stomach being completely empty is making you feel worse. I found with my gastro that once I started eating again, I started to feel better. Try things like crackers, toast, slices of apple. I do think you should see a doctor if this continues however, or if you find yourself becoming dehydrated, or get worse.

I haven't eaten all day. I threw up early in the day but dont feel too bad now. Should I force myself to? (At this point I just don't feel hungry)

Even if you are not hungry, your body still needs nutrition. You should eat foods that are easy to digest, low in fat, and small portions spread through the day. A simple and perfect meal would be boiled chicken breast and rice. For more examples of foods you should be eating for now: scroll to the list of foods bottom of this website:

Pregnant havent eaten in two days?

I had this problem, too. My doctor told me that if I'm not eating, that's okay, as long as I am able to drink. Try drinking water, flat ginger ale or even ice pops. Take 2 sips every 15 minutes. If you are still throwing up liquids, you should go to the ER. I had to go to the ER several times during my pregnancy and they gave me IV fluids and medicine (which made me very agitated and didn't help much). If you are weak and dizzy, I suggest you call your doctor and see what you should do next. It sounds like you may need to go to the ER. You need to stay hydrated, especially in this weather. Hope you get some relief.