I Heard That Montana Was Going To Get 50 Degree Zero Temp. How Is That Possible

At what temperature will the Celsius scale reading double the Fahrenheit reading?

In Canada, most thermometers on the market are marked in both Celsius and Fahrenheit. Our speedometers are in both km/h and mph as well (but not the road signs).This makes for easy conversion, for those still tuned to the old ways, or so you don’t have to buy a new set of cook books, or convert from suggested baking temperatures in recipes printed in another country, or for recipes passed down from your grandmother (or to avoid a traffic ticket when you go shopping south of the border).Image source: Kelvin Temperature Scale: Facts and History (go to the article for more information)The formulae for conversion are:Celsius to Fahrenheit: multiply by 9, divide by 5, then add 32F = 9/5C + 32Fahrenheit to Celsius: subtract 32, multiply by 5, divide by 9C = 5/9(F - 32)At what temperature is F = 1/2C ?Hint: It will be the same as when 2F = C, and there may be two answers, one containing both positive values, and another containing both negative values. (C=F at -40)(see also: What is the Quora policy or norms about homework questions?)I don’t have a policy, but I do want to ensure that you understand the theory, and you aren’t just trying to cheat.Key numbers to remember:212F = 100C water boils at sea level (at a lower temperature the higher you go)72F = 22C room temperature (if you are ‘cold-blooded’)68F = 20C room temperature (if you are ‘warm-blooded’)50F = 10C a good guide when watching the weather forecast on a foreign news channel (whether you need a sweater or mittens)32F = 0C water freezes (part of STP theory in chemistry)14F = -10C snow crunches (it squeeks) under foot below this temperature-40F = -40C the only equal values over the entire scale

Navy "Dream Sheet" what are the chances of getting to where you want to be stationed? like europe?

I graduated number 7 in a class of 42. I requested any place on the west coast and ended up in Jacksonville Fla. All I can tell you is good luck you may need it.

How much water at 100 degrees Celsius is needed to melt 2 kg of ice so that the mixture, which is all water, is at 0 degree Celsius?

Law of conservation of energy would do it. Heat required by 2 kg of ice to melt=2000×336=672,000 J Heat used by ice=heat provided by waterSo, 672,000=mx4.2×(100-0)           m=1600g or 1.6 Kg

What can you take for a clean urine test?

Friend has a random drug test today. Very rarely smokes and decided to this past weekend. I know there is something you can buy at smoke shops to have a clean urine test for 24 hours or something. What is it called? Thanks!!

How much heat is required to raise the temperature of 1kg of water by 1degree Celsius?

This is a pretty straight forward homework type question. Consider that you are talking about water (assumed to be pure) and you want to the amount of heat needed to raise 1,000 cubic centimeters of it one degree Centigrade or Celsius for the newer folk.Specific Heat is the amount of energy required per unit mass to raise it one degree Celsius.[1]The specific heat of water is known. It is 1 calorie/gram °C = 4.186 joule/gram °C and is higher than any other common substance.[2]Water has a high specific heat index—it absorbs a lot of heat before it begins to get hot. This is why water is valuable to industries and in your car's radiator as a coolant. The high specific heat index of water also helps regulate the rate at which air changes temperature, which is why the temperature change between seasons is gradual rather than sudden, especially near the oceans.[3]You can see the others have given you the answer. Once you understand that the specific heat of water is 4.186 the rest fall in line and it becomes a mater of simple math and unit conversion.4.184 kJ is the answer. So reverse the process and you will understand.Good luckFootnotes[1] Specific Heat[2] Specific Heat Capacity of Water[3] Specific Heat Capacity of Water

Can a car that is designed to use 5W-20 motor oil safely run using 5W-30 motor oil?

The first one/two digits always refers to the viscosity rating at the lower threshold for oil temperature and the second two digits refer to the viscosity rating at the upper threshold for oil temperature. When I say oil temperature, it is the temperature that your oil/car will be at when you first start it on a cold engine after a day or night’s soak.If you live in a place where your lowest temperature in the winter gets to about -10F, then make sure you pick the appropriate lower number (the number before the W) and accordingly, pick the oil that has the appropriate rating for the upper temperature too.Here’s a chart that explains the viscosity ratings for most temperature ranges. Please note that the chart is in degrees Centigrade and NOT in degrees Fahrenheit.So, yes, you will be fine by running a 5W30 oil on an engine rated for 5W20 oil. But, the explanation of the mechanic of it being a ‘premium’ oil is pure nonsense :) He’s just trying to convince you to use it by making it sound upscale. In reality, it has everything to do with the temperature rating and nothing to do with good or bad quality, as long as you use a name brand oil.

How long does it take a bullet to go its "range"?

I am a longrange shooter and at one point a physics major. Your teacher is correct because of a little thing called gravity. When shooting at great distances you have to aim above your target and lob your bullet in to the target. A quarterback could not through a long pass without putting some arch on the ball.

When i shoot at 1000 yards it takes my bullet 1.45 seconds to reach the target (115 gns at initial velocity of 2876 fps)
At 2640 yards (1.5 miles) my bullet would now be traveling 789 fps and flight time is approximately 6.35 seconds.
All things being being constant (assuming no wind and yes I know my bullet would be affected during the transonic phase as well as temperature humidity spin of the earth etc etc) I would have to aim 16 feet above my target at 100 yards (if that is my zero) to hit my target at 1.5 miles.
Here is a question for your teacher. Given this data what would the maximum height/altitude my bullet would obtain (peak of the arch).

How far away would I have to be from a 100 megaton nuclear bomb to survive?

As long as you are behind any thin protection, like a white cloth, in the outer heat zone, you will be safe: NUKEMAP by Alex WellersteinThe more powerful is the bomb, the more it compresses the air and causes thermal radiation to be released relatively slowly. The “double flash” of nukes gets longer the more powerful it gets. If you are exposed, you may get 2 degree burns, but with antibiotics, you will be safe. It is not enough to ignite dry wood, as it requires much higher temperatures. If a city is hit, the incoming wave will be vertical, which diminishes the chance of fires spread.The problem comes with the shockwave. This bomb has a maximum damage if it is exploded at 13km. Considering that the air at that range is rarefied, there will probably be a conversion, like a converging lens, decreasing the range of the blast. It will also decrease the range of debris, given the oblique incoming wave. If it is exploded with less altitude, it is very likely that the natural geography will cause turbulence, which will disperse some of the power.The point of nukes is too improve efficiency of destruction/mass. Such large bombs are not efficient. The ideal bomb would be an army of tiny flying robots, carrying a few kilograms of conventional explosives which would only enter the weak spots of structures, and detonate, like professional demolisher do.