I Honestly Would Sever Ties To Happiness But It Doesnt Last Why Is That

Why happiness doesn't last forever? Why all the pleasures we experience in our life are temporary?

Nothing in this world is permanent. Impermanance. It is a fact of life.

Impermanance is a key concept in Buddhism.

"If you suffer, it is not because things are impermanent. It is because you think things are permanent. When a flower dies, you don't suffer much, because you understand that flowers are impermanent. But you cannot accept the impermanence of your beloved one, and you suffer deeply when she passes away."

"If you look deeply into impermanence, you will do your best to make her happy right now. Aware of impermanence, you become positive, loving and wise. Impermanence is good news. Without impermanence, nothing would be possible. With impermanence, every door is open for change. Impermanence is an instrument for our liberation."

- Thich Nhat Hanh (famous Zen Buddhist)

Can you really buy happiness with money?

I don't believe you can either. Money can take away some stress, which will make you a little bit happier, but true happiness comes from your heart, not your wallet.

Why doesn't anyone believe me when I tell them that money does buy happiness?

money will fix most of your problems but money isn't every thing i know i have NONE so you think money makes you happy because you lost at love so as long as you have your money you don't feel unloved or lonely that you don't have some one to share you life with to trust and hold some one that is truly yours yes money can buy happiness for a while but money can't buy love and love not all what people say it is it takes time ,devotion ,trust and the will to not give up no matter what happens . love is patient,it does not envy , it does not bost,it is not proud it is not rude, it is not self seeking ,it keeps no record of wrongs anyway you have to find love and its very hard, money will fix every thing but a lonely broken heart but with the lonely part a whore don't count as fixing lonely just because you can buy a partner for the night means nothing, true love is out there it is just very hard to find and most people give up so they never find it .

Are women really happier and stay longer in relationships with well endowed me?

I read somewhere if a man has a big genital, he is more likely to stay married and in a longer relationship.
I dated someone for over 4 yrs who was enormously endowed, and I was totally drawn to him. We engaged in "relations" almost every day. He was a no working, lazy, criminal, but I stayed for 4 whole years.
Are women really more satisfied with men who have large genitals? Do you have personal experience?

Can a relationship last even with little communication?

yeah.. it will work.. if the couple really love each other, then nothing can break it and their relationship will last..

Should I stay with my stoner boyfriend?

This is really your call. He doesn't take you serious and that can cause future issues. It looks like he has tried but couldn't stick with it which means he loves his drugs over you. Think and remember are better then his drugs and if he can't see that then he is lost. Follow through (this is the hard and painful part) break up with him. Tell him that if he truly believe that you two belong together and if he truly believes that he loves you then he will try and stick with it. Tell him that you can't be with him if he can't take you seriously and when he can then come back but you are better then drugs....

Maybe you can find negative aspects on his drugs, on not having you, etc...maybe that will be enough... You can also give him a time limit. IF you can't clean up by ___date then I am gone. THEN FOLLOW THROUGH. Even if you were okay with it in the beginning, explain to him why you have a change of mind. Good luck and pray.

How do I make myself leave a five-year relationship that I'm not happy with, but can't bear to leave?

It's all about weighing the pros and cons.I've been in a 5 year relationship that was a turbulence of happiness, sadness, heartbreak and a challenge of how long the next good streak is going to last.One day, after a huge quarrel, I sat reflecting, is this what I want for the rest of my life? What if my marriage is going to be like this, not knowing if the marriage is going to last or not?Sure, love is there. But as we both grew older, we realised, love just doesn't cut it anymore. I love her enough to go through the cycle of ups and downs countless times, and we've been together since we were 16. So our lives are pretty much entangled. Breaking out of it is going to be a bitch, with friends taking sides, falling out and all the drama. And then you think to yourself, do I have the energy to start a new relationship afresh? Do I even know how to start dating again? Who is going to want me? It's a downward spiral taking you through all your deepest fears.What made me hold fast to my decision despite her begging to get back together at some point was, she's going to be happier without me, and so will I (in the long run). And after the initial turbulence and crawling out of the wreckage (I took 6 months), I was alot happier although I miss her from time to time.Most importantly, you should have the right social support around you before you embark on this journey downwards.Love just doesn't cut it anymore.