I Hurt To Cough An To Take In Breathes Sometimes An It Hurts Not Doing Anything. I Have A Couple Of

Can't take deep breath, coughing, back hurts when I cough?

Panicking won't help, so just sit quietly for a minute and try to take some slow breaths.
Do you have a fever?
I understand what you are saying about it being painful to breathe. But do you feel short of breath while walking across the room?
The doctor will probably listen to your lungs and take a chest x-ray tomorrow. Just to find out if (for example) it is a chest cold or asthma. He will also be able to tell if it might be something more serious than that...and may order more tests.
Try propping yourself up on pillows rather then laying down to sleep tonight. It will probably help you breath without coughing as much.
Also get some hot tea to drink. the steam and heat will help sooth your throat and might ease that gag reflex that throws you into coughing fits.
Obviously you are aware if you truly find yourself unable to breath then call an ambulance. I am sure your mother probably will be keeping her eye on your tonight to watch for all these things I just mentioned.
Take care of yourself!

I have a bad cough and bad sore throat, is there anything to do about it to heal faster?

Of course. Like others the fastest way to heal is to go to bed and stay there until you are well. Most people these days take great pride in working while sick. Not only is this stupid, since you increase the amount of time it will take to get well, you are in a constant state of contamination of everyone and everything you come in contact with. There are many people out there who have compromised immune systems and other frailties that are put in danger by self-congratulatory people who think it a great accomplishment to infect all and sundry.Drink massive quantities of water, herbal teas, and nutritious soups and you will heal far quicker than the other people not to mention be a considerate human. You will feel better in a few days if you take care of yourself properly. If you don’t, it will take far longer.

I'm having trouble breathing, can't stop coughing! :(?

First and foremost, I am by no means a doctor.....

There are many variations of Robitussin out there and depending on the kind you took, it may have had various combinations of an antitussive (cough suppressant), an expectorant (dissolves mucus), or other active ingredients.

The bottom line would seem to be that your lungs are filled with mucus; that is why you want to cough constantly, as your body is trying to expel the mucus from your lungs. The problem is that sometimes the mucus is very thick and won't come up when you cough.

Products containing antitussives (Dextromethorphan HBr is the most common) act to suppress your coughs. They work centrally (in your brain) versus locally (your lungs). Basically, if I could put this in the simplest sense, when your lungs are signalling your brain to cough, your brain disregards those signals and so you don't cough. The problem is that antitussives do nothing to treat the problem, they only treat the sympton. When it wears off, you will still have mucus in your lungs, and then you will be coughing again.

Expectorants, such as Guaifenesin, act more to loosen and thin the mucus in your lungs and make your coughs more productive. Using an expectorant is more of a treatment for the underlying problem as it will help you to expel the mucus from your lungs.

I would suggest trying an over-the counter medicine (like Robitussin DM or Mucinex DM) that has both Dextromethorphan HBr and Guaifenesin. This will help alleviate the coughs, while at the same time making the coughs more productive. Also you should read the labelling to make sure there are no other drug interactions (Dextromethorphan, for example, should not be taken if you are already using MAOIs).

If that doesn't work you should see a doctor as there may be worse problems, such a bronchitis or pneumonia, that will need to be treated with prescription medication.

Can't breath after coughing.?

The last few days I've had a cough, and after coughing sometimes I am unable to breath (no air movement at all) for a few seconds. I have no wheezing, and I don't get out of breath when doing strenuous activity. Any ideas on what could cause this. I had a sore throat last week, but took some antibiotics from my doctor and the sore throat went away. I've been takin Claritan in case my allergies are causing this, as well as mucinex because the cough is usually non productive and it feels like there's stuff in my throat that just wont come up. Any ideas.

Why does my chest hurt when I breathe in and out deeply?

Most likely to be a ischemia or elseConsult a cardiologist and explain your situation. Nothing to be afraid of this can be vary due to many reasons from severity to lower risks which are misunderstoodThis can be due to fat blocking your heart vessels from transforming oxeygenated blood to your body.Under this circumstance it's better you undergo an angiogram with a proper instruction of a cardiologist. Mostly hospitals got this as a package if you ask them how much is a angiography package they would tell you but not so hurry first it's better to get an opinion from a cardiologist explain him or her the severity and the times it pains whether it's intermittent or constant etc. and the associated symptoms of there are.____________________________________________________And trust me only if your a smoker take this in to your consideration stop smoking if your a smoker this can cause serious damages and end up you in hospitals with tubes inserted major bypass surgeries where you will not be able to eat or drink anything by yourself but through tubes and even urination and rest of them this is a huge burden until otherwise.____________________________________________________2.Infection this can be probably your lungs not the chest many chances people misunderstand this as chest most likely to be lungs it's better you check this with a doctor or a family physicianLung infection can be caused by too many reasons smoke or bad eating habits unhygienic food or water fluids, habits of biting pillow or any other material which are most likely to be infected.If diagnosed try the following tips for your informationIf you are a smoker stop smoking you might wonder there are tons of people who are still alive even after smoking yeah pretty much but you need to understand not everyone use it the same way and not everyone has build up a good immunize system even tho immune system cannot protect one from heart diseases.Consult a respiratory specialistAbstain from biting things even your nails which can cause infection to your lungs, throat either of them or sinus disease.Brush your teeth wellTry Nasal irrigation like salt water gargleBe away from smoke toxicEat fresh fruits for nourishmentDrink enough hygienic fluids.Keep your windows open live in a open environment that is easy to breathe because when windows and doors are shut for 24 hours it's the same oxygen you breathe all day.Hope you recover fast take care of your health my friend !MurshidJournalist Sri Lanka

Lung hurts when I breathe.?

A couple days ago I started getting a cough, and have a had a bit of a cold. Then yesterday When I would breathe in deeply it would hurt my lung. I can breathe normally but if I take a deep breath it hurts. It feels like there is too much air in my lung, and it's a bit of a sharp pain. Also my my back hurts where my lung is when I stretch. I have been smoking for a year.

Have bronchitis and now rib pain, hurts when I cough or take deep breaths?

if you have coughed for a prolonged period of time, you could have fractured a rib. I would look at the color, thickness, and if there is any smell with a fever. Sometimes bronchitis is viral in origin and a virus has to run it's course. I take lots of vit-c(1500-2000) every 8 hour and mucinex with a lot of fluids. Also chicken soup as been known to release lycopene which aids the healing process. If your symptoms have persisted for a couple of days your doctor may be able to give you something for the cough. Hope you feel better!

My lungs hurts taking deep breaths after sleeping?

Doesn't sound like anything bad. The lungs are in a much more contracted tension grip when you wake up, due to the fact that you breath fairly lightly at night. If you just wake up and try to pump 2 gallons of air into you, yes, your lungs are going to hurt a bit from being stretched quickly after being contracted for a long period of time.

- EDIT: Screw you medical scam bots.

The left side of my chest hurts when I breathe?

From the way in which you have described your condition it is apparent that you have been having pain in the left side of your chest since quite some time, and that since the last couple of days it has intensified in frequency and pain. Now if this has been going on since more than a week and at one particular area or location -- not confined to one point-- it is a matter of concern. At the same time you say that your heartbeat rate goes really fast. This is also not a good sign. arrhythmia (or irregular heartbeats) or fast heartbeats with pain is an abnormal sign. Though not always. Now I do not mean to scare you, but I have to give the answer to your question. There can be numerous reasons for this condition. Your best option is to go to the Emergency room. The doctors there will do some tests including a heart scan and try to find out the cause. If there is nothing serious, and I hope and pray for you that there is nothing serious, and it is just pain due to gas, or any other condition not serious, you would have had the satisfaction of having the tests done and anything serious ruled out.

In the meantime, if you are smoking it is just a NO NO !! If you are taking pop or coffee or anything like tea or chocolates you have to stop that at least until you have gone through your tests.

No you do NOT have to be scared. Like I said there should be nothing serious but it is always better to get yourself checked. And you will be happy. Best wishes.