I Inboxed My Friend As A Joke On Faecbook Saying Im At A Party And Sent An Old Picture My Gf Went

I sent a Facebook friend request to girl along with a message, but she didn't respond to it, even though she didn't block me or add me. What is going through her mind?

Oh God. As a usual victim of this, I advise that you don't ponder over this. She probably hasn't responded because she doesn't want to, and that's okay. Let her be.Oh by the way, Facebook now requests your permission to let a person who's not in your friend list message you. So, she also may have seen your message request and declined it.Basically, leave it.

Should i be mad that my girlfriend wont give me her Facebook password?

Its a really difficult topic.. Its different for every couple. for instance me and my boyfriend give eachother our facebook passwords, we know many couple who do and do not. its not like I go on his account all the time and check his inbox etc. I honestly havnt done it for about a year and that is because I trust him, if he is willing to give me his password then he has nothing to hide. I am not saying that your girlfriend has something to hide however it does seem that way considering you gave yours and she wont give you hers. I suggest talking to her and telling her how it makes you feel and that you really wanted to make sure she isn't talking with other guys. If she doesnt allow you to check it after you have very calmly explained this than im almost positive she has something to hide. You need to make sure you know eachothers "rules" in a relationship, it sounds silly but people break up all the time due to their poor communications skills. Make sure she is aware that you do not want her talking or flirting with other guys, but you cannot enforce this rule unless your willing to commit to it to, relationships have to work together! I wish the best for you and your girlfriend and I hope I helped !

How should I respond to friends who unnecessarily make fun of me? I really can't ignore them, as they are either my friends or fall in a friend circle. I sometimes try to fight back but I fail at their level of making fun.

There is a good chance they are doing it because they are insecure.  If you want it to stop, use operant conditioning - basically, train them to stop.  Here is how.1) figure out something you can say in retort that lets them know a) their comment didn't bother you and b) that it was pretty stupid.This can be - "thank you very much for that information" (in a deadpan voice) or "that was a mean thing to say" in a matter of fact tone of voice. I know someone who simply says the word "respect." and leaves it at that. As long as it is calm, not rude and lets them know what they just said wasn't ok with you, but that it didn't rile you up either.2) Practice saying this so that you can deliver the line/retort in as calm and matter of fact way as possible. You aren't mad at them, it just isn't something they should continue doing or saying.3) practice making eye contact when you deliver the line. If you are incapable of making eye contact, look above their head or at their ear.4) Whenever they say something mean or stupid, say your line, the same line. EVERYTIME! No exceptions. They will most likely be confused at first and then they will try to make fun of you for actually responding in a way they don't like. This is their attempt to get you to go back to the old way of responding, which they clearly liked. Don't go back. Continue as if you are a broken record and repeat until they stop. It is the consistency of your response that will get them to stop. If you sometimes do this and sometimes don't you will be variably reinforcing them and that will cause them to get worse and escalate their behavior. (The dynamic you are triggering by doing this btw is called an extinction burst).5) Whenever they behave respectfully and nice, smile, talk and engage with them and basically positively reinforce their good behavior.Hope this helps. If you want to learn more check out

Is it ok if my boyfriend still keeps his ex photos?

Today I wanted him to show me some photos so he pluged an external HDD in and I saw all those albums - parties and stuff, and also photos of his ex, I asked if he could delete the photos in which his ex is alone and he said he wouldn't, I got upset and walked out the door, then we talked and he said he would delete the photos because he really cared about me.

But we got this situation straightened out and I still doesn't feel like hugging him,

Is this whole situaton a reason enough to break up with him?

Girlfriend hangs out with ex-boyfriend and is hiding our relationship?

I have been going out with my girlfriend for 4 full months now and we are 21 years old.
We live in separate towns, we just study in the same university and same town.
So sometimes during weekends she is going home.
I totally trust her and love her, but there is a slight problem which bothers me a but and I feel awkward telling her. She hasn't introduced me to any of her friends in the town where we study, and I don't need to even mention in the town where she lives, I have never been there nor invited.(and its ok no rush).
When I asked her to put up relationship status on facebook she said "I don't know maybe later okay?", and of course it didn't matter to me but I wanted and want to show our relationship to the "world", because I am proud and happy with her.
However recently I found out, that when she is going out in her company there's one of her ex boyfriends and some other people. I don't know any of them.
I know only that she had 4-5 boyfriends before me but I don't know who they are, just guessing form facebook past wall posts and pictures.
I would be definitely okay she can hang out with her ex or with whoever she likes( I trust her), even thou it bothers me a bit..but I can handle it.
However the thing which bothers me is because no one actually knows about our relationship( not her friends , nor her ex boyfriend with whom she hangs out, no one...)

How can I see old messages on Facebook from someone who blocked me?

The legal way is to get a subpoena. Otherwise, respect their wish for privacy.

Have I made the right decision breaking up with my partner?

Hi, first time posting a question, have always found these to be helpful

I broke up with my gf 3 weeks ago, and I'm wondering if I have made the right decision.

A brief background.

I'm 23 and she is 18 we met 2 years ago when she was 16 and I had just graduated from university.

From day one she was very paranoid, always checking my Internet history, Facebook, texts, twitter etc. at times I would wake in the night and feel her pulling on my phone from under my pillow to try and get on it. I have understood this is largely down to her age and insecurities.
If I was to add a female or a female to add me on any social networking sites I would get a lot of stick and she would then inbox the female asking if we have spoken at all.
She never liked any of my main friends for no reason what so ever.
She stopped seeing her friends and lost the close bond she had with them so she could spend all her time with me, I was never aloud to make plans to go on trips or holidays with my friends without getting a lot of stick. She was completely against drugs knowing full well I would do them from time to time when at party's or out at a festival etc, so I would get stick for that too. If I was caught looking at another female I would get stick, most of the time I felt I had to walk with my head down.

I'm sure there is more I can tell you but I guess you can get the picture...

Anyway since we broke up she didn't cut contact with me and I wasn't willing to change my number so I have had to deal with text after text and sometimes I would reply just to show I'm still here and care for her. I know I was we everything and first love of her life and it hurts me a lot to see how much pain I'm causing her and keep asking myself have I made the right decision? I do feel happier but then at times I sit and wonder what if I has stayed with her. Would she ever change? Which she claims she already has? She says she will do anything to have me back, should I leave her to enjoy her life?

I just realized I have no life, and no friends?

I am a teenager, and would prefer not to say my exact age. I thought about who I am and my life, and as the questions states, I have no life, and no friends. I have a girlfriend that I have been dating for almost a year now, and I love her with all my heart. I spend every day all day texting her. And occasionally see her or come over to her house. But other than her, I am a complete shut in. Look at me, complaining about my life on yahoo answers during summer break. Most days I don't even go inside. Just stay indoors and do whatever. I am honestly embarresed and ashamed ha. A few minutes ago after realizing I am wasting my life, I got ready to go outside. But then I thought...Where am I going? I looked around my city, and there is really nothing to do. I decided, hey I will call a friend and ask to go do something. I looked through my facebook, I looked through my phone contacts. No friends. Nobody. Earlier this year I gave up on electronics, and thought well, maybe I'm just on the computer too much or something. I stopped using electronics for a month or two, and it made no difference. Instead of sitting on the computer listening to music, I am just sitting. I was diagnosed with depression and I was prescribed Zoloft, but I do not take it. People I know my age are going out to parties and drinking and smoking and having so much fun. Everyday. Going to the beach, amusement parks. And I am sitting here wishing I could do things like that. I feel so lonely. I feel like my life revolves around my girlfriend and I hate it. I am a chump and I sincerely hate my life. I think about suicide very often, but I don't think I would ever go through with it. I was expelled from school in march and that really messed up my life. I was arrested a few times recently and communication with my old friends have pretty much cut off. I am viewed as a problem child, when really I'm just lonely...I do not have parents to talk to, as my dad is in prison and my mom is at work 14 hours of the day, and when she comes home she just sleeps. I live in my living room spending all day on the computer. This is not the life i want to live. I want to go out and do things but I am never invited anywhere. I am expecting alot of insults and critisism, but I would really appreciate someone who would give me some advice. Thank you

Sorry it was long