I Just Drank 5liters Of Water In 2 Hours. Now I Have A Headache That

Is it good or bad to drink 5 liters of water this way: 1 liter an hour before breakfast and 0.5 liters each hour till I get total of 5 liters. Is it bad if I drink water like this?

Not only is it “bad”, it’s also stupid.Don’t force yourself to drink excessive amounts of water - it’s not healthy no matter what any guru’s tell you.Drink water if you are thirsty. Consume around 8 glasses a day of water - remember, food contains water, soup contains water, everything you drink contains water.. it doesn’t have to be *only water* to count.

If I drink 1 or 2 liters of water how fast can I expect to first begin to urinate that liquid?

If you are already well hydrated at the beginning of the drinking and you drink 1-2 liters of water, let's say within 15 minutes, you can expect to have a full bladder of urine (and hence the urge to urinate) at some point between 20 and 40 minutes after stopping drinking. Speaking from experience.You can expect to "first begin to urinate" at about the time you stopped drinking (assuming you were drinking 15 minutes), because you need relatively little urine in the bladder to be able to start to urinate.If you drink on an empty stomach, a certain portion of water may need as little as 5-10 minutes to go through your stomach into the small intestine. When there, it starts to be absorbed into the blood. When you are well hydrated, every additional water you drink will expand your blood volume, which will be detected by your baroreceptors in your heart and will trigger water excretion through the kidneys.If you are dehydrated and you drink 1 liter of water, it may take several hours to "first begin to urinate."

Suggest where in the human body, apart from the blood, you might find signnificant quantites of water.?

Every single cell. They all contain water. The cytoplasm is the water based substance that fills each cell, giving it turgidity. The water itself is the solvent in which many organic molecules are mobilised in.

A mixture of 10% acid and 90% water is added to 5 liters of pure acid. The final mixture is 40% water.?

You start with X liters of the mixture

The total amount of water, divided by the total amount of acid/water mixture is 40%. We then solve for the amount of mixture that we had prior to adding the 5 L of pure acid.

.9x / (x + 5L) = .4

.9x = .4x + 2 L

.5x = 2L

x = 4L

You started with 4 Liters of the mixture

Will I get diabetes if I drink 1.5 liters of coke in an hour?

You are not going to become diabetic from one act.I agree with most of the other answers on here and still…Are you drinking the Coke for the sugar high or the caffeine? If for the caffeine is it to keep you alert or to calm you down? If you are getting up at 5–6am and starting the day with a Coke and then off to work or school and full blast from one job/class to the other with Cokes (and maybe a sandwich) until midnight, six days a week. You too could wind up in ICU, looking at a doctor and trying to explain that you really have a normal life.If you are drinking for the sugar high. Detox with carbonated water and stevia until you don’t get the headaches anymore. If for the caffeine to stay alert. Wean off with decaf, drink only in the morning and get more sleep. If for the caffeine to calm down. It is harder to wean off, but more important. If you absolutely must have the caffeine try a healthier alternative, such as green tea.

How many litres of water can you drink in one go?

Hi ,One should not drink more than 500 ml of water in one time . Whereas , how much one can drink to the maximum limit , depends on the capacity and which differs from person to person . But on average , one can take 1 liters of waterOne should not have more than 500 ml of water in one time . You can have water in intervals .Effects of excess water .Pressure on kidneyCan cause headaches , due to diluted blood stream .Less sleep during night time .. if taken in excess quantity just before sleep .