I Just Got A Job And Might Lose It I

My dad might lose his job.. D:?

ok so, my dad might lose his job, the job he's been working for like 25 years, and i'm scared because then we would have to move to somewhere cheap because without his job he can't afford the house were in now, and my mom doesn't have a job either , and if he loses his job we won't have alot of money :/. i heard him talking to my mom saying he could lose his job because his boss said some people might get laid off, and i asked him and he said he could..D: How can i help save money just incase, and i can't get a job because i'm only 13 , if i could get a job i would!

My dad might lose his job?

My dad had a nasty meeting at work today saying he could be fired within the next 30 days if he doesn't work harder. He's one of the highest paid managers working there and he works overtime everyday. He picked the store up from the crappy place t was and made people want to shop there now he might get fired?? If he loses his job my family will lose all of our insurance half our income. Then we'll have to downsize our home and my mom will have to close her business (she works from home) and we'll qualify for homeless. I'm so scared for him. I started crying after my mom told me that. I just need words of comfort right now. I just turned 14 and this is too much for me to handle.

I just got to know I might lose my job, have been trying for a while but haven't got through any of them. What should I do?

First, you have to think to yourself do you really want to work for a company who ignores you? Are you really happy there? If the answer to either one of those is no, then I would start thinking about finding another job. I went through a similar experience myself, did some looking around and decided to start a work-at-home position. I'm so glad I did because now I answer to no one. I am my own boss. I can help pay the bills more now than that last job and I have more time for my family. Email me at to learn how. If this isn't what you want and you want the standard 9-5, maybe you should try to schedule an appointment with your boss and try to work it out. At least then you would know if your job is truly in jeopardy. Hope this helps.

I'm 17 and my dad just lost his job. Where do I start?

Hi there, that happened to me too when I was a student. Yeay wobbly economy :) A few things happened next:1- My mum led us tightening up on all spending. We spent nothing unless it was necessary basics. I took packed lunch into school instead of buying cooked meals, for example, and was worried about people thinking less of me. Mum said, if they do, they're not friends worth having. Looking at it, that means I was confident enough to not become a target. When people pointed it out I was like; yep [smile] and? would you like to chat anyway? 2- Dad started looking for other work; not much any of us could do except keep positive and hopeful3- My brother an I picked up weekend and evening work in local cafe and shop to help with everything, I also did babysitting. All this made my Personal Statement for uni look really good, plus got some money saved from what we didn't need to spend4- My mum started doing amazing creative projects as well as taking on other part-time jobs. It was really incredible what she did. Until then she'd been 'our mum' after quitting work when we were born. Eventually my dad got work too far away for us to see him each day; only at weekends, which was hard. But it kept the bills paid. The backlash for me (that I didn't realise was happening) was that I'd become so fearful of being unemployed in the future that I dismissed everything I cared about to do as well as possible on everything formal education could throw at me. This all worked- got top grades and prises. Until I ended up moving home after graduation because I'd no idea what to do with my life and didn't want to go down the path uni pointed me. This was also just in time for my dad to be made redundant again -yeay! :) Thank you economy. So then I spend a few years in recruitment, learnt how to make his CV really good, he got his dream job and now I'm figuring out want I want to do with my life. One thing I wish I'd heard when this started was that the best income security comes when you're expanding with your favourite thing in the world, the thing you can't help doing. Please don't give up on your big dreams. Pursuing them will be your best work and bring you more stability than depending on any full-time job.

If you lose your job because you go to jail can you still get unemployment?

It was my fault and my idea for my cousin to call i could not think of anything else at the time, he had to work thursday night, i figured he would of had a courtdate by monday and get out to make it work for his overnight shift. If he was to get fired or laid off, he would not apply for unemployment until he got out, which will be in 3 weeks. He is just made a mistake the day he got pulled over i have never known him to drink and drive. we already go to therapy because i have a issue with people who drink period. Our therapist at the time said he does not have a drinking problem because it has not effected his work yet or gave him legal problems, (that was a month ago she said that) He is still young only 21 with a good head, graduated from highschool and is very smart and is about to start college this fall.

What do I do when I lost my job and have to pay a car lease?

The only answer is to call the leasing company and let them know. They may or may not work with you on deferring payments to the end of the term or lowering payments. Best to call them very early (like now), do not wait until you've missed a payment. The more proactive you are, the more likely they will work with you.

Check your contract as well. You may have an early termination clause, but they usually cost quite a bit in fees to pull off. If you have the money in the bank, though, it might be worth it if you think you'll be unemployed for awhile.

Another route is voluntary repossession. Only use this as a last-ditch route. You turn the car in, the lender sells it at auction, you are responsible for paying them the difference between what you owe and what the car brings at auction. It'll hurt your credit, and you might still owe thousands. If you can't pay that difference, they can get a judgment against you and possibly garnish wages. Beg, borrow (don't steal) to try and make the payments. Do not let this scenario happen.

I have gout and It's gonna make me lose my job?

You have to make sure it is gout and not something else first. Pseudogout, psoriatic arthritis and other conditions can look like gout. If it is gout, go the conventional route and get actual gout medicines first. Uloric is popular right now. Colcrys is adequate as well. If it helps, then it is indeed treatable gout. Once you have definitively identified what it is, you can look at alternatives.

If you have high uric acid, either have a breath test for fructose malabsorption www.met sol . com or just eliminate fructose (even naturally occurring in fruit) from your diet. Have your kidneys evaluated as well. This should have already been done, but I wouldn't be surprised if it hasn't. If you have any back pain, report it to your prescribing practitioner, especially if it is just above the waist and sort of wraps around.

From a food perspective, stop any alcohol, fish, and fatty red meat for the time being. A mostly vegetarian diet with very little processed carbohydrates is best for gout.

From a natural products perspective, look at pH Quintessence from Natural Health International and Sole from Himalayan Crystal Salt which alkalizes and detoxes the body. You can google these products.

I just lost my job. Should I tell the girl I'm dating that?

Yes. You can work it into conversation. It's going to be a bit of an upheaval in your life; but it's also an opportunity. If the person leaves you in this situation, they are likely doing you a favor. Leaving someone when things get rough shows lack of understanding of what even a friendship is all about. As for losing your job, I think a partner would be turned off more by seeing you give up and/or not showing motivation to find other work. I know that losing a job can be a lot to deal with emotionally, especially if it caught you off-guard. Even though it shouldn't be, having a job can feel like part of your identity. Part of who you are. The reality that it isn't. It's like breaking up with someone. Things don't work out between two people. It hurts. You heal. You move on. You think about what you learned about yourself and what you need from the next one. Then you meet someone else. Bashing the other person/job and carrying around hate will repel future people/jobs. That is energy spent on things that drain you, not heal or help you. Having hope for the future and working to make opportunities will make you better company. I wish you luck!P.s.  I was "downsized" by an insurance agency I used to work for in 2008. I collected unemployment for just over two years, which searching daily for work. I poured over my resume, polished cover letters, kept a spreadsheet of any and all contacts via mail, email and phone. Had over 200 different opportunities, tracked my interviews and ended up going back to school. I am married and have three children. My wife and family were very supportive while I did nursing assistant work while going to nursing school. I was 43 when I lost my job and three years later; I am employed full-time as a med-surg RN and love my job. If I can do it. You can do it.

Have just got a job in b2b and I got know idea what to expect?

Well by B2B I'll assume you mean business to business sales. In the case that it is something different, disregard this answer.When I first began B2B sales I was in the same boat. I didn't know what to expect, nor did I have any relevant experience. I have found that in all actuality being personable gets you places. You can expect a fluctuating time schedule, at least you can if you are dealing internationally. That part can be stressful, but make sure you give yourself resting time. Working constantly will burn you out and drive your sales into the ground. Also, note that sitting at a desk is probably the least efficient way to learn things. I have found that going for a walk often and dealing with phone calls outdoors helped immensely more than sitting at a desk typing endlessly.Finally, get into a business where you can believe in what you're selling. Trust me when I say, clients can sense when you are faking it, and all it takes is one little slip up to push away some big clients.Be a good person, don't scam or try to cheat people, keep an open mind and you'll be safe.At the end of they day it is the same as any other type of sales, being efficient and effective is key. Build relationships rather than customers, this is a much more effective tactic in my opinion.