I Just Want Simple Exercises For Bigger Biceps And Chest

How to Get Bigger Biceps for Teens?

Buy yourself some dumbbells that are way heavier than you could actually lift. Lift it everyday until you can actually do a rep and then just keep doing it. That's what I did when I was 14 and it got me started into the beautiful world of weightlifting.

How can I get just a six pack but with no big arms or big chest?

First of all, no sweet, no spice, no butter type food, no fat, no salt and low carb high protein diet. No sweet means not even fructose. No fruit. Not even any fruit juice.Let's see if you have big belly then you have to reduce that to normal shape. That means you have to do all kinds of crunch with heavy weight. You have to do four times a day. Yeah, you have heard me right. You have to do in four sessions. If you start first session in 7 am then next session will start in 11 am and next two in 3 pm and 7 pm respectively. Remember, you are doing this to reduce your big belly to normal shape. Not for six pack. For that you have to do all kinds of core exercises. If you are eating strictly which is a must anyway and also the most important thing here. You will be able to reduce your belly to normal shape in 7 days. After that your real exercise will start.You have to run or jogg for half of km or slightly shorter range than that depending on your capacity( you can do this on treadmill as well). When you get home, you could take a bit of rest to have your breathing in normal pace. Then you have to do all kinds of core exercises. This will be your first session. Then you can be busy with your life after taking rest. You have to start this whole process again starting from running at the start of your next session. As I said before, you have to do 4 session like this in a day. You have to continue this process day after day. Remember no rest day. You have to buy a body fat calculator from online. Your body fat percentage have to be under 14% to visible any sort of abs. Ideally you have to be at 10–11% body fat.Continue this process and you will see the difference. You will see how quickly your body fat percentage is reducing. By the time you have ended one month, you should have six pack abs if not then you have a problem with your diet. Remember, you have to eat very strictly.

How can I get bigger arms, chest, shoulders, and a six-pack? How should I eat? I'm 18, skinny, and weigh about 140 lbs.

The good thing about your age is that you are able to put muscle on at a much quicker pace than us older guys. Go to IIFYM Macro Diet Plan for Fast Weight Loss - IIFYM and use the calculator to figure out what your TMDEE (total maximum daily energy expenditure) is. That will tell you how many calories you have to eat to maintain your current weight. Once you know that you can adjust your macros or calories to a surplus. If you comsume your target numbers you will be able to bulk up.I would throw sit ups, crunches, and flutter kicks in your workout at least 3 times a week. You will not see your abs while you are in the bulking stage. Abs will come once you attain mass and decide to lean out. I would bulk straight for 3 months and then lean out for about 2 months and repeat until you reach your goal.Your diets will change, you will have a surplus of calories while bulking and a deficiency of calories while leaning out. Most everything else can stay the same. Good luck and let me know how it all works out!

What kind of exercises,as a kid,i can do to grow muscles?

I'm a 14 year old boy and i'm really skinny. all in my class have more muscles. I have a dumbbell, 3 KG. I used it but as time passes i forget... Tell me some exercises for my arms ,chest and neck.I have muscles at my legs.Please Help me. I want to beat people at skandenberg. PS I'm really,really skinny. PS again : i want to impress girls(But that's on the 2nd place)

Can you work out your biceps, triceps and chest the same day ?

Workout routines are what exercises, how many sets, how many reps etc. that you do for each muscle. For example, 3 sets of the flat bench press, 3 sets on the incline bench press, and 2 sets of flat bench dumbell flyes is an example of one of the many chest weightlifting workout routines. A workout split is a term given to how you split up your workout. What days you do what muscle on. For example, doing biceps back and legs on Monday, and doing triceps shoulders and chest on Thursday is a workout split. Here i will give you some sample workout routines, the routine I use, and tell you how to make your own workout routine.

One rule when making weightlifting workout programs is to make sure to split it so that you aren't overtraining. Doing chest on Monday, then triceps on Tuesday, then shoulders on Wednesday will overtrain your triceps. Why? Because just about every chest and shoulder exercise works the triceps secondary. And almost every back exercise works the biceps secondary. So, you would need to do 1 of 3 things when making your workout routines and splits:

1) Work chest, triceps and shoulders on the same day, and biceps and back on the same day so that it's ok if the secondary muscles get worked that day, because your doing them anyway.
2) Separate those muscles that work a secondary muscle so that they are far enough apart not to overtrain you. For example, do Chest Monday, triceps on Wednesdays, and shoulders Friday... and biceps Monday with chest, and back Wednesday or Friday.
3) This is personally what I prefer, and do myself. Do chest and triceps Monday, and shoulders Thursday, and back and biceps together on Friday.

Can i get big biceps just by working out with light dumbbells ?

hello guys....i have brought 6kg dumbbells (each) and i m working out since 3 months but there is no change in my bicep's or tricep's size !! I can't get bigger dumbbells as they are very very costly !

Is there any way by getting huge strong biceps just by working out with light dumbbells?

At 38, is it too late for me to get a big chest and arms? I can lose weight, and I’m not going to worry about definition, but I would like to have a bigger chest and arms. Did I miss my chance in my 20s or early 30s?

Uhm. No. Hell, starting at ^^60 years old^^ isn’t too late. Should you have started earlier? Yep. Is it too late? Hell nah. But, there are some things a 38 year old needs to consider that a 20 year old won’t have to worry about.Dealing with Injury/Preventing InjuryInjury is the one thing a 38 year old would need to worry about a little bit more than a 19 year old.Why? Because a 19 year old has higher testosterone levels which will allow him to recover from stress on the body more easily. A 38 year old will need to take recovery a bit more seriously. Whereas, a 19 year old could be shot in the arm and be ready to hit arm day the next week.Also, I don’t know about you specifically, but a 38 year old is more likely to have previous injury to deal with. When creating a training plan, previous injuries have to be considered.Here are some steps to dealing with injury.Use higher reps. Lower reps create more stress on the joints, and you can build just as much muscle with high reps as you can with low reps.Use blood flow restriction training. Blood flow restriction is a method that will allow you to get as much muscle fiber recruitment as heavy training, but with a fraction of the weight (making it safer).If it hurts, don’t do it. It doesn’t matter that everyone says you NEED to do squats. If squats bother your knees, don’t do them, period. The same thing goes for any other exercise.Always get stronger. On every exercise you do, make sure you’re getting stronger. Weight training increases bone density and can make injury harder to occur.Get 8 hours of sleep. Sleep is when you recover, and it means everything when it comes to your arm and chest building progress.