I Just Want To Know If The Hair Comes Back Darker And Thicker

If you wax, does hair grow back darker/thicker?

I know that the hair doesn't actually become thicker, as we're all pre-wired with the number, thickness, and darkness of hair. I usually shave my legs and forearms, and the hair begins to grow back quickly. I know that because the entire hair isn't removed from the follicle when shaving, the "stub: leftover will be on top when hair grows back, making it appear darker.

But I heard that with waxing, hair takes longer to grow back, and when it does, it is not stubbier/thicker/darker, and may in fact be thinner/lighter/softer. Is this true?

So is it safe to wax my legs, belly, back, arms, and shoulders without worrying about having to continue on with this forever and ever?

Does shaving make hair grow back thicker or darker?

Shaving hair make your hair thicker is totally a myth.Shaving will neither make your hair grow back thicker nor darker, nor grow any hair faster.Additionally, shaving does not increase the diameter of your current hair follicles or grow back hair that you have lost (these factors are largely determined by genetics).You need to know that it is totally an illusion; the fact is that after shaving the hair the short hair shaft becomes more noticeable.The important thing is that the hair pores or follicles are present deep inside the scalp skin. So, it is clear that shaving cannot reach to the deep root of the follicle. After 12 hours only, the hair starts appearing from the follicle.In a nutshell, going bald is not helpful for hair growth or healthy hair.Benefit of shaving head is that the new hair growth happens better without any damage and it is away from chemical treatments or regular day to day wear and tear.That is why the appearance of new hair looks amazing and healthy.Moreover, regular hair trimming or cutting remove all the split ends and damaged parts. But apart from that, if somebody is having dandruff on their scalp then shaving hair is a great move.It even makes sense to go bald because it clean the scalp from dandruff form the core.Remember that if your hair growth is not visible or you are having problems with hair thickness and volume, please consult a doctor who are expert in hair related problems, they help you to diagnose your problem and provide corrective method to stop hair fall.Today everyone is facing the hair fall problem. You will get the best clinic for hair treatment in India. The best way to find the clinic is by having proper knowledge and research about them.

Will my arm hair grow back thicker or darker if I wax it off?

Hair does not grow back thicker or longer when it is waxed, shaved, trimmed, anything like that. If that were the case, then a lot more people would look like gorillas by now. Shaving would also become the cure for baldness, too.

In some cases there is the illusion that hair grows back thicker or faster when removed, but that happens more during puberty when you have immature hair being replaced by thicker or longer hair as the hair follicles are maturing.

Despite what people say about shaving, the idea that hair grows back thicker is not a possibility with any form of hair removal -- period.

The hair matrix is embedded deep within the hair follicle. You would have to get pretty deep into your skin to affect hair growth, and if you're going that deep, you won't have to worry about hair growth because it doesn't grow on scar tissue.

Why does just one hair grow thicker, darker and longer than others in my eyebrow?

This is known as an OMGWITHAITT hair (Oh My God, Where In The Hell Am I This Time). This hair was more than likely programmed to grow on another part of your body, but it wrote down the wrong directions and it zigged when it should have zagged then got lost on the way to its final destination.This kind of rogue hair can cause uneasiness among the other hairs. So unless you feel the look adds character and/or has the potential to start a new trend, you may want to have that wayward hair removed.This would be much better for the little guy anyway because nobody wants to spend the rest of their life where they’re not wanted or where they don’t fit in.You can keep it in a mini-Ziploc bag and look back on it 10 years from now and write a children’s book called, “The Little Hair That Lost Its Way”… ;0)

If I shave the hair off my butt will it grow back thicker?

yea it will grow back thicker.. cause hair is just thin because its worn out by time.. & after it gets to a certain length it stops growing.. so when you cut it.. it MAKES new hair grow.. & this hair is insaniaaaaaaalllyy newer than your older hair you had on your butt.. SO!! this, in turn, will make your new butt hair that grows back THICKER! way thicker.. & you know.. that makes it darker too.. so it will be more noticeable.. if you get lazer treatment though.. it WONT grow back! YAY! & if you get it waxed.. it will stay smooth & hair free WAYYYYYYYYY longer than if you just shave it.. but when it does grow back, also, it does too unfortunately grow back THICKER!!! sorry hun, your sexy though! luv yaz!

Will upper lip hair come back darker if I remove it?

Dark Hair means having very thick hairs, usually upper lip will be very thin before waxing or threading but it will start growing thicker once it is waxed or threaded,it will too worst if you shave it, you may mustache like men,.If you want temporary solution then go for upper lip hair removal cream which will safe and never allow grow darker hairor you could use permanent hair removal solutions like permanent hair removal products or laser hair removal treatment or electrolysis.As cosmetic treatments like laser and electrolysis will be expensive then you could try permanent hair removal products.Continue Reading Further Here………

Why does leg hair come back darker after you wax or shave?

That’s one of the shaving “myths” that’s been passed down over the centuries, is pretty incorrect:Shaving does not cause terminal hair to grow back thicker, coarser or darker.This belief arose because hair that has never been cut has a naturally tapered end, as it emerges from the skin's hair follicle, whereas, after cutting, there is no taper. The cut hair may thus appear to be thicker, and feel coarser as a result of the sharp edges on each cut strand. The fact that shorter hairs are "harder" (less flexible) than longer hairs also contributes to this effect.Hair can also appear darker after it grows back because hair that has never been cut is often lighter from sun exposure. In addition, as humans grow older hair tends to grow coarser and in more places on the face and body.For example, teenagers may start shaving their face or legs at around 16, but as they age hair will start to grow more abundantly and thicker, leading some to believe this was due to the shaving, but in reality is just part of the maturation process.Hope that dispels the shaving myth for once and all! I’m blonde “all over” but as I’ve aged, I’m now “a silverback”. LOL……as I said, aging is just part of the “maturation process”.

Does shaving really make facial hair grow back thicker?


"Shaving is the most temporary method of hair removal because it merely cuts the hair off at the skin surface. Shaving does not make the hair shaft thicker, darker, or grow faster or slower. However, the short hair shaft may be more noticeable as it grows out because it has a blunt tip instead of the normal tapered tip. Shaving should be done after applying some type of moisturizer to the skin to help the razor glide over the skin, not cut or scrape it. Common moisturizers include water, shaving cream, hair conditioner, or body wash."
Hair Removal Methods
Bleaching, Shaving, Plucking, Waxing, and Sugar Waxing
By Heather Brannon, MD,

TO Yars (right below me):
You are incorrect. The reason some men have to shave more than other, or that it comes in thicker is due to testosterone levels and genetics!

"No. Shaving hair doesn't change its thickness or color. The color, location, thickness and length of hair on your body mainly depend on genetics and hormones. After you shave body hair, it may feel coarse or "stubbly" for a time as it grows out. During this phase, it may be more noticeable — and may appear darker or thicker. But it's not."
Lawrence E. Gibson, M.D.