I Keep Having Dreams About My Father Who

Having dreams that im sleeping with my father?

i know it is father and i have a normal relationship and i love him normally...but sometimes i dream that he is going to have intercourse with me...and last night was the worst..because im still a virgin and i dreamt that we had sex and he took my virginity..the worst part is that i liked the sex..the dream was so detailed and i enjoyed it but then when i realised that im not a virgin any more and that my father took it i was so depressed and i hit the wall of what does that say aboyt my psychology??by the way i have a boy friend and we are deeply in love and we fool around a little bit...but it is a long distance relation ship so he is not around currently

Why do I keep having dreams about my father who passed away? There was a lot of unresolved issues by the time he passed.

In your dreams, does your father speak? Maybe he is trying to resolve those issues. When I was learning kinesiology, we had subject-related weekends, and one night during the weekend where we were resolving family issues, my mother (who had already passed away) came and thanked me in my dream. So it was clear to me: mission accomplished! It was a very moving experience.On the other hand, when my father died, there was an immense amount of unresolved issues. So a friend advised me to write him a letter, and to put everything in it: What is was like to be his child, how I felt about the way he was with me and my siblings etc. I was to burn the letter and he would receive the message. So I sat down thinking half a page of notepaper would be enough - and ended up writing 7 pages! The next day I went to the park and burnt is - instant relief! My heart felt so light. I have used this method since to communicate with (living) people I could not talk to, and it also worked! Their attitude towards me changed…

Why do I keep dreaming about my dead father?

I keep having this dream about my father. He passed away 4 years ago when I was 9. I've had the dreams 3 times in the past month. In the first dream...we were at a party and we had a good time and then he left...I was screaming, "Dad, don't leave me again, I can't let that happen!". The second dream I was with my friend and there was something like a war going on and we went into a house and hid in this room. We went in, closed and locked the door, turned on the light....and I saw my fathers dead body...I started shaking him and kissing him and he woke up (Which happened when I was 9 , I saw his dead body and kissed it but I didn't know he was dead at the time.)He left and said he wasn't going to let anything happen to me...again i was screaming, "Don't leave me" and "I can't let you die AGAIN." The third dream I had was a couple nights ago.There was a knock on the door and I opened it, It was him....I started hugging and kissing him telling him how much I miss him and then I woke up.

I keep having dreams that my dad is cheating on my mom, ok what does this mean?

It means there is something in your own personal life that you are afraid of. It has nothing to do with them. It's your subconscious trying to let you know that if you don't start paying attention, something bad is going to happen. Look around your life and see what loose ends you can tie up. The dreams will stop after that.

My father died 10 years ago and I'm still having dreams about him, why?

If you are stricly a logistic and rational person, I would say that either you miss him a lot, or you feel guilty. It is all in your head, and you should either take some help or think it over until you convince yourself that he is gone, and it is not your fault.If you have spiritual tendencies, he really might be trying to reach you. This is what my mother believed, and just like you, she was feeling very guilty about her mother. Once she made peace with her thoughts as well as her decased mother, she saw her once more in her dreams, in which she told my mother to be at peace, and entered into a garden restaurant the two of them liked to go together. For my mother, this was a sign that she was at peace (or paradise) and that she has forgiven her.In both situations, you need to face your father and your guilt. Hope you will find your peace, best of wishes to you.

I keep dreaming that my father dies, but he's still alive.?

My father isnt dead in real life. I've dreamed that he dies severel times now. It seems so real and I always wake up crying. What does it mean?

Also, i have long black hair and ive dreamed a few times that i cut it, something i would NEVER do. once i even dreamed that my mother shaved the back of my hair off....what does it mean?

I keep having dreams that my dad is killed in front of me?

This sounds like a very stressful dream!As you probably know, many dreams represent unresolved issues, which could be anything from a minor problem encountered that day, to unresolved childhood trauma. Repetitive dreams tend to force us to confront something that we consistently repress during our waking life.As others have suggested, your father in the dream could represent authority, and his death your separation from him as you grow and mature, which can be a frightening prospect. Not only do you lose his protection, but you feel in imminent danger. Examine how you feel about leaving your family’s sphere of influence and eventually striking out on your own. You may be experiencing a very natural reluctance. Fortunately, you have a lot of time to adjust to this, which is why these recurring dreams seem unnecessary. If you strongly feel there is something deeper and more troubling, I suggest talking to a therapist.One way to stop such disturbing dreams is to take control of them. This takes a bit of conscious effort (difficult when you are unconscious!) but it is possible to recognize the recurring dream as it unfolds, and affect the outcome. Make the gun fire, envision yourself reaching your father in time. I like using kung fu or some other martial art (which I never learned) when vanquishing the bad guys. They are your dreams, and it is really empowering to face troubles in your dreams, and overcome them.Good luck.