I Knocked My Elbow Today And I Have Slight Pains What Could It B

I hit my elbow 6 weeks ago and it still hurts to straighten out x-rays were normal what should I do?

Couple of things.  If the x-rays were taken within 24 hours of the injry you may need to be re-x-rayed.  Many times a hairline fracture does not become visible on x-ray for up to 7 days until bone healing highlights the fracture. In other words, they can be easy to miss in early x-ray studies.The joint most likely will not fully extend because inflammation within the joint creates fluid which acts like a ‘block’ to full extension.  Healing requires you to reduce the inflammation.  After 6 weeks your condition is chronic.  Therefore you can begin home therapy.  First use moist heat around the joint. Once you have the joint warmed up you can before gentle ROM exercises to limits of motion and gently try and stretch the ROM as much as possible.  After a period of stretching ice the joint down which helps to ‘lock-in’ gains.  Do this at least once a day (preferably twice) for a couple weeks.That is basically what a Physical Therapist would do and by doing it yourself you can perform it more often and less out of pocket expense.

I hit my elbow on a door and the hand started burning. What happened?

It sounds like you clobbered a nerve, and stunned it or bruised it. If you hit the outside of your elbow then you most likely bunged up the radial nerve, and you would be having this burning sensation in the dorsal aspect of the hand (i.e., the “back side”), possibly out to the thumb/index/middle fingers. If you bonked the “inside” of your elbow, then you probably dinged the ulnar nerve where it passes through the “cubital tunnel” (this is like the “funny bone” thing), and that will zing you in the ulnar aspect of the hand, i.e. the ring and little fingers and that part of the hand on both the palm side and the dorsal side.Most of the time this goes away on its own within hours or days.

Have i broken my elbow?

I doubt that your elbow is broken, that however is not to say you're not in awful pain. The bone itself has no feeling in it, although the bone is a living thing, its when a broken bone moves against the muscles and sinews that bad pain is felt. You could have chipped the bone, but certainly its not a clean break, otherwise your elbow would be flopping every which way in odd positions etc.

All the same you do need to go and see a doctor about this, damage to the muscles etc is always more painful, and that tingling sensation was the nerves running down your arm when you got that injury. No doubt the elbow area is swollen, that is the bodies way of trying to protect the injury, and left alone the body will eventually heal itself. But if people even with broken bones, left it up to time to let the bone heal and grow again, they would often be left with permanent disfigurement in that area. So you see broken or not, you need to see a doctor. He will tell the right pain killers to use, plus no doubt put your arm up in a sling so that it stays in one position and is less painful.

Ice packs can help the inflammation go down, but some people are unable to take the icy cold feeling on their skin, especially when underneath there is pain there already. But try and keep your arm bent upward with your hand resting on your shoulder, and get someone to take you to the doctor or the emergency room for treatment. Don't suffer needlessly when a doctor will soon have you feeling more comfortable.

Good Luck, hope your well soon.
Billie UK

I hit my elbow on the wall last night, it really hurts but i dont know if it could be fractured?

you just brusied it. No worries.

Just ice it for the next couple of days.

Might want to put some Bengay while your at it or icehot.

you'll be fine.

Next where you are going. =]

I hit my elbow and now i have numbness and tingling in my pinky and ring finger?

i hit my elbow really hard a week ago, like when it happened i swear my vision went blank for a second and my arm hurt so bad i wanted to cry, and my middle, ring and pinky fingers were really tingly and numb, it felt like they fall asleep.the pains gone now but my pinky and ring finger are still numb and tingly and it feels weird to touch anything with them. plus when i put pressure on the spot where i hit my elbow it sends a pain up my arm right to my pinky finger and its weird like one of my tendons connected to my pinky gets tingly and it hurts so i have to let go immediately.its kind of hard to explain but i was wondering if this happened to someone before and if it will heal up on its own or not..

Is my elbow broken? Should i go to the hospital?

If you have a full range of motion then it's not broken in the sense of a full break but can be chipped or have a hairline or green stick fracture.

If it was fully broken it would be totally swollen and the pain so unbearable you would not dare move it.

The numbness can be from the swelling and bruising pushing on the nerves that supply your arm or from a small fracture that I mentioned above.

If you have this small hairline fracture the swelling is less and so is the pain. Movement can still be obtained but hurts like Hell. You would drop things from the hand in that arm also.

It wouldn't hurt to get an x-ray. But to save sitting in the ER for hours, I would wait and see until tomorrow morning and then go and see your Doctor.

For tonight take some pain relief like Panadol or Neurofen. But DON'T TAKE ASPRIN. Apply a cold pack. And bandage and rest it on a pillow.

If it's no better by tomorrow or the pain and swelling get to bad today go to the ER then.

Why does my elbow still hurt two months after falling on it? Could it be fractured without me knowing it?

If you want to do anything useful, have a competent doc look at it, rather than having an X-ray taken and then what, you lacking any medical expertise. People don’t realize that doctoring is much, much more than ordering blood test, X-rays and what have you, taking one’s history and doing a proper examination are still the mainstay of practicing proper medicine. Otherwise why would you need docs for?Many would start by consulting a competent GP (my preference). Some would directly go to an orthopedic surgeon.As you can see from this pic there is much more than just bones involved: muscles, tendons, ligaments, joint surface, bursa, they can be damaged, inflamed etc. etc. and cause pain.All the best!

Hit elbow now my elbow kills?

The Ulna bone in the forearm is aligned with the small finger and takes abuse if struck. The ulna bone has its nerve exposed, so when you accidently strike your elbow(tennis elbow), it becomes numb for a few seconds.

A swinging door struck my elbow and slightly damaged the ulna nerve and I could not move my arm because of pain. Then, before Aleve pain pills became over-the-counter, relieved the pain and repaired my elbow. I never learned to play tennis, but I can see how the force used to drive a tennis ball could eventually affect the ulna nerve.


Why do we feel a shock like an electric current when our elbow is hurt on a specific point?

You have hit right on it, so to speak.The ulnar nerve runs along the ulna bone which forms part of the elbow joint. This is a large nerve that is not protected as it runs along the elbow.This can cause: loss of sensation, especially in your ring and little fingers, loss of coordination in your fingers, pain, tingling or burning in your hand, hand weakness, weakness that worsens with physical activity, and loss of grip strength.When it just a slight bump on this nerve, we call this our “funny bone”.When you hit your funny bone, it seems like the worst thing in the world, but imagine experiencing chronic irritation there, like someone banging on your funny bone day and night.It sounds like a method of torture you'd dream up in a revenge fantasy, but it's a very real problem called cubital tunnel syndrome.Muscle weakness in the forearm and hand can also set in, and the pinkie and ring finger can curl up in a position called the "ulnar claw." The condition can usually be helped with elbow splinting and the correction of aggravating postures, hand therapy or, in extreme cases, surgery that provides more space for the nerve and reduces the amount of pressure on it.

Elbow and lower bicep pain/soreness, got hit while throwing football?

I would ice it anyway (a couple times a day for 20 minutes or so at a time) as a precautionary measure and just to keep inflamation down, even if it doesn't hurt you all the time. Try throwing with the brace and see if it helps. If it's tingling, it's probably with the muscles, ligaments, or other tissues rather than the bone itself- in that case you could have pulled or strained something and it might just need rest. If you play for a high school, talk to your trainer about it- they should have something to give you to wear or would know more about the injury.