I Know I Have Asked This Recently But Need A Little More Information Parasite In Cats

Could a human get worms from a cat scratch or bite?

Nope. Not from scratches or bites, although there are other things such as bartonella that could potentially be passed to you. You should take the kittens to the vet for a checkup, wormer medicine, and vaccinations, then you'll have no worries.

Worms are spread by feces. It takes one month for roundworm eggs to become infective. If you made contact with infective eggs in the soil (for example digging in a garden where a cat has defecated) and then didn't wash your hands and ate some food or otherwise made contact with your mouth, you would then ingest the eggs. You won't get worms living in your intestines, but there can potentially be other problems associated with the larvae developing and becoming 'lost' and traveling through your body. This is pretty rare in adults, but not uncommon in children.
more info:
(probably more than you want to know! lots of good info at this site. other worms are a possibility such as tapeworm. again, a vet check will discover what worms the kittens have and which medicine will take care of them)

Best wishes!

Should I worry about getting worms from my indoor cats?

I'm in no ways an expert, just trying to remember what was I told this by my veterinarian:PrevalenceUnlike dogs, cats are almost certainly infected by the mother during lactation. The worm eggs are small enough to be passed thru with the milk. Virtually all puppies are infected with multiple worm species. They tolerate worms much better than dogs, their immune system suppresses them well, they're mostly asymptomatic.ManagementCompletely killing the worms is almost impossible, however with regular administration of worm killer drugs the infection is easy to manage. My doc recommended that the drug be administered in every 3 months, then 14 days later again, then next one after 3 further months etc... The reason is that the drug kills the mature worms only, the developing eggs/larvae are unaffected. After 14 days later they mature and get susceptible to the drug. Waiting too long would allow them enough time to lay further eggs, maintaining the infection. With this technology the worm load can be greatly reduced.Dead worms might be spotted in feces after drug administration. I've never seen anything special. My cat might be clean or I might be looking for the wrong thing?)I'm using Vitaminthe paste on my cat. (Niclosamid + Oxibendazol) Usually it's administered by the veterinarian during the regular visits, but it can also be purchased and administered by the owner. I opted for that.Human infectionIt's possible and the consequences can be disastrous like losing eyesight, brain damage or even death. Humans are not definitive host for the cat worms, they're not able to multiply in us. That makes wiping them much easier with similar drugs. (Same active ingredient but different form and name)But they can make a lot of trouble. The risk is very low especially with a well maintained home cat. We're sleeping with her and not afraid of worms at all. However I'm scared to death by Toxoplasma ;)

My cat has worms and i bought it "hartz ultra guard rid worm paste" and the worms seemed to go away after

It isn't advisable to use over the counter de-wormers. There is no way for the average pet parent to know what type of worm their cat has. Not all worms/parasites are visible to the naked eye, they can only be seen under a microscope. The only way to know for sure is to take a stool sample to the vet and have him/her do a fecal test. Then, the correct medication will be prescribed for your cat. Your vet will advise how many times your cat should be de-wormed.

If money is tight, you can contact your local SPCA for free/low cost veterinary references.

If worms are not properly treated, they can lead to vitamin and mineral deficiencies, severe weight loss and in some cases death.

I have 3 cats and they seem to want food all the time? Two of them are 6-8 month old kittens. Is this normal? And how much should I feed them?

Until 1 year old, kittens should be allowed to eat as much as they like, since they still grow.I am also convinced that you can “train” most cats to eat approriate ammounts of food, to cover the hunger, but not more, quite like human kids. Of course there are some cats that will be munchers, but cats don’t tend to overeat in nature. They eat small portions and stop when they’re full.This has worked great for my cat. Since she was a kitten, she always had a more or less full bowl of food. She is now three years old and very healthy, agile and thin. Depending on the food brand she eats about 150–200 gr per day. She’s small and agile, but I also feed high quality cat food, so she doesn’t need much of it to sate her.It’s hard to do much cats who are not used to it and older, but I would recommend it to anyone who starts out with kittens.Now, another questions: Are they really hungry? Or do they just beg? I usually feed my cat before making breakfast for myself. She eats a bit immidiatly. One I open up the ham, she starts begging for human food, while her own bowl is still almost full. Cats are a bit like kids. Just don’t give in.As the others pointed out, check them for worms or other health issues. Even indoor cats can get worms.My best suggestion is: - feed them high quality wet food, if you don’t already. (High in protein, little to no carbs, no sugar, healthy fats, if possible grain-free)- if you have the time, feed them smaller servings three or four times a day- look up the feeding recommendation (this can also indicate high quality, a 4kg cat should not need more than 200–220gr. per day, otherwise it’s junk and cats need to eat more of it to sate their nutrious needs) estimate what your cats need and try to stick to it. Individual needs of cats can vary of course. Some are very active, some have a natural high metabolism, size matters …

Do all kitten have WORMS?!?

I was just given a little black kitten for Christmas (6 weeks old as of Christmas Eve) & his belly is hard but not bloated looking nor do I see any worms in his BM? He has never been outside (I live in Alaska) & his parents were both indoor cats. I also have ferrets that run about the house...could they get the worms from my kitten? D:

Can a human get worms from the kitten licking their face? :| This cat lays there and bathes my arms & neck at night & I can't get him to stop...but I can if it will give me worms LOL.

....I don't have the time or money just yet to rush him into a vet sooo here I am -____-