I Know There Are Alot Of Garlic Supplements For Fish Food Can You Feed Them Minced Garlic

What homemade food feed to dog?

Um i have a australian sheperd his 3 months old and eats 6 cans of food per week plus 2 cups of dry food, it really expensive and it would be better for me to make his food, i heard rice is good any other ideas?
thx recipes are welcome =D

If I take garlic pills, is it necessary to take aspirin, fish oil and Centrum?

I am not really sure what you are trying to prevent, but if it is for overall health and immune system function...all supplements are taken for different reasons.

First, garlic pills aren't even close to as effective as fresh garlic. I have read that after an hour of crushing garlic, it loses all the benefits. So you need to ingest it right away. I bought garlic pills too, and I just started swallowing crushed garlic for an immune system boost instead.

Second, fish oil is very beneficial and if you are lacking in vitamin D (which most of us are) cod liver oil is good in the winter when we get less sunshine. Another one that I take is flax oil. It is not absorbed as well as fish oil but still beneficial. I mix it in my shakes in the morning. Omega 3's are good for so many things....including brain function and healthy skin.

Centrum is just a basic multivitamin and mineral supplement with very minimal amounts of vitamins and minerals in it. It would be much more beneficial to go to a local health food store and buy a high quality multi. It will probably be around the same price as Centrum. I don't take a multi anymore. I add trace minerals to my water and I take the most important vitamins for immune function: Vitamin B, Vitamin C complex, occasionally vitamin E complex, selenium and zinc. Echinacea is also a great supplement to take to boost your immune system, but you must take breaks in between for a few weeks or it won't work all the time. And instead of vitamins, if you can get most of your nutrients from food instead, this is much more beneficial. Supplements won't fully make up for an inadequate diet. If you can eat more fruit, vegetables, nuts, seeds and legumes, they are the healthiest things you can eat. Whole grains too. This is much better than taking a pill.

Phew...okay, on to the aspirin. I saved it for last because I don't believe in aspirin as a preventative for anything. Over the counter pills CAUSE disease (in my opinion), they don't prevent it. So....if you are wanting to prevent heart problems, a healthy diet and less stress will help a lot more than a drug.

I have included a couple articles from mercola below. I think you will find them interesting. Have a great day!

Does pickled garlic have the same health benefits as raw garlic?

If we think it through, pickling is a process whereby you cook raw veg or fish using hot and/or spiced vinegar both to preserve it and to make it more digestible. The pickling vinegar is rarely consumed.The benefits of raw garlic are legendary. They do need to be crushed so the enzymes within the cloves are activated. If you crush or chop raw garlic and then leave the cloves for 15-30 minutes they retain 90% of their raw benefits.If you pickle raw garlic, having crushed them to activate the enzymes you would retain an amount of active ingredients but some of the properties which are water soluble will leach into the pickling vinegar and be lost if you don't consume the vinegar as well.So, my answer to your question would be that no, eating pickled garlic would offer most of the health benefits of raw garlic, but not all. If you pickle garlic in cider vinegar and then drink the pickling vinegar with honey and boiling water as an oxymel/honeygar you would be consuming everything.One of the easiest way to consume raw garlic is to make a garlic infused honey and eat that by the spoonful or on toast after infusing for 4-6 weeks. That way you consume everything and get the health benefits of the honey as well.I tend to consume garlic either in cooking or in fire cider vinegar where it supports the anti-viral effects of ginger, horseradish and other spices.Hope that helps

My Dog Ate Cloves - not garlic?

I boiled chicken and put whole cloves (not garlic) and cinnamon in the boiling water to infuse the flavor into the chicken. Then I gave my dog a few bite sized pieces of the chicken and later I put the infused broth in her food. I know cinnamon isn't bad for dogs, but are cloves (the type you make pumpkin pie with)??

Should I be worried? Should I take her to the vet? Or do you think it will pass on it's own (diarrhea, vomit)?

What happens if you eat too much garlic?

I can say with experince. I once asked my mum to crush garlic in a juicer for me to take a few drops with water, thinking it helps to fight colds and flu. She dutifully did so. The next morning I took the crushed garlic pulp that was in a cup and subsequently poured some hot water into it. I then drank the whole thing, forgetting I was only to take a few drops and mix it with water rather than the whole thing.What happens when you have too much garlic? Well in that cup was around 25 individual cloves. After a few seconds I realised my mistake but it was too late. I began to perspire from every single part of my body. I mean it - my sweat was like being in a rainstorm! I began to feel an instense pain in my chest. I began to vomit - my body’s natural reaction - and I was laying down on the carpet exhausted, feeling like I had done 12 rounds with Anthony Joshua. After about 1 minute which felt like 1 hour, things quickly subsided but not after I sweated tons more.I felt lucky to be alive that morning.Moral: no wonder vampires were scared senseless of them!

Can freshwater fish eat garlic?

Garlic is fine for freshwater fish ... it builds the immune system,aides digestion and has anti-parasitic properties.Also a good appetite enhancer for finicky fish.
You just don't feed raw garlic to fish,or put it in the tank ... most fish won't touch it raw and it will really foul a tank and filter fast.

The usual method is to add garlic to "home-made" food recipes for fish or to soak food in either a pure garlic extract or garlic supplement like GarlicGard or Garlic Supreme. Most better quality prepared fish foods have garlic as an ingredient anyway.

Edit: forgot to mention you can also mince garlic and soak food in the juices ... also that garlic is often used in quarantine of "wild caught" fish for all the previously given reasons.

Rope Fish or Senegal Bichir?

Ropes need multiple ropes to be comfortable, 3 is a minimum if you don't want them to constantly hide. Senegal are the smallest of the bichir family and don't care whether they're the only fish in the tank or there several bichirs that are too big to swallow and too small to swallow them. A 40 gallon breeder is the smallest tank for a senegal, 55 gallons for a trio of ropes. Ropefish do not get as proportionately thick as bichirs and are much more flexible, which is why they can be kept in a 55.

Both fish will normally ignore fish too big to swallow. Any fish that is small enough to swallow though, generally will be, sooner or later. They are nocturnal ambush predators. Some snapping is normal as they determine pecking order, but it's MOSTLY bluff, actual bites are fairly rare.

Ropefish and bichirs can BOTH be trained to pellet, even WC(wild caught). HBH Super Soft krill formula is good to get them started on pellet, it's my "go to" food for starting picky predators on pellet. If it's not available in your area, roll a good quality sinking pellet in fresh crushed garlic, garlic is an attractant and an appetite stimulant. Most predator pellets have some, check your ingredients. Fresh works best though, as usual.

Once they start eating the pellets with little or no hesitation, you can quit rolling them in garlic, getting them to recognize the pellets as food is the hard part. You can supplement their diet with pesticide-free earthworms, gut loaded crickets(if yours will eat from the surface, many won't), cut up frozen fish(not cooked or salted, no seasonings)

Awesome place for polypterus info:

Beblondie's Poly Primer in the stickies is loaded for bear with good info for new bichir fans(Ropes are related)

Does garlic “make it good”? If you don’t like garlic, why don’t you?

I suppose there must be a few people in the world who do not like garlic. There are those who shun all members of the onion family for their own reasons, which as I recall seemed quasi-religious.I hold neither belief or practice in my cooking habits and ‘joie de cuisine’ as it were.They make garlic ice cream at the garlic festival in Gilroy, California just north of Santa Cruz. I have never tried it, nor been, but it (the festival) is a wildly popular annual event, and the ice cream I am told is a must, if only once, for everyone to indulge in every one's lifetime.Yes, garlic adds a lot, to so many foods, and it does “make it good” as you put it, as its absence would “make it [less] good.That said, whatever some people say about avoiding it prior to a date or other intimacy is the height of absurdity, short of neglected oral hygiene and munching on cloves of raw garlic which would more bring into question upbringing, personal awareness and self-esteem rather than reflect on Allium sativum