I Know This Might Make Me Sound Crazy But I Seen The Devil

Have you ever met the devil?

I unfortunately have. I am able to comunicate with multi dimentional entities. I have a fairly large number of angels that surround me and protect me A family member had to go to a psychiatric hospital for depression. When he came home, the atmosphere changed drastically in my house.My angels said he unknowingly brought demons back. I couldn't see them. I knew of someone who could see them, so I took pictures of my house and family members, and there were, in fact, several demons. It was a very long and arduous process to get rid of them. I ended up seeing them 2 different times. Once was in the shower after I had done some saging. When I closed my eyes to wash my hair I saw a bunch clearly, and they were attacking me. It was horrifying! Knowing demons were in the house was one thing, but actually seeing them was another matter.The second time I saw them was also after I saged my house. I was doing a salt water cleansing footbath and closed my eyes. Once again, I saw the demons attacking. I felt utterly helpless. I had some new angels helping me who could banish, but as soon as they got rid of one, another would show up.I ended up finding out we had a portal, that was why they were so hard to get rid of. A friend was able to finally close it and remove the remaining demons. I haven't had any problem since.The same friend told me my son has powers to see entities as well, which I had no idea. I just told my son to close his eyes and tell me what he sees. He was able to see a lot of our angels and has also seen Archangel Raphael heal our family. He sees Archangel Michael quite often as well. He is able to communicate with them much easier than I ever have.

Help I think my girlfriend is the Devil?

I know it sounds crazy but recently when me and my girlfriend go to sleep she starts speaking this insane sounding language. When I try waking her, her voice gets deep and and she starts screaming. If anyone has had a similar occurrence please let me know.


Could the devil or a demon be following me, and why?

Well pray and ask Jesus Christ to shield your eyes.... There is a such thing as demons.... Maybe you should see a priest about this. Because it sounds like a act of the devil when he trying to scare a person

How can I tell if the devil is near?

"How can I tell if the devil is near?"

You start to get a chubby.

I've been hearing scary evil voices, seeing evil spirits & I'm scared?

Schizophrenic? Crazy? Where do you come up with this stuff?

Look, there are countless conditions that can cause hearing voices, and less than a quarter of them are 'crazy' conditions. But you do need to see a doctor about this, because you do have something wrong. There are even physical (as in not crazy) conditions that can cause that stuff, so get checked out.

This is a very real problem you have, and blaming it on evil spirits is not going to help at all. You need professional real help, not stories from the internet and not teenage girls who think they're psychic. No one believes you, and there is a very real reason for that.

Especially the sleep paralysis, because that's hell. I went through that once (I have a diagnosed sleep disorder, and I'm crazy just not legally crazy), and it scared the living snot out of me. I'm a grown man who can handle any 2 guys in a bar fight, and I was too scared to sleep for days after that happened. That really will mess with your head if it happens regularly, because that level of fear is physically dangerous.

You know how I know you're not crazy? Because crazy people don't question their own sanity, and you do. Right there, that's proof that you're not crazy. But you do have a problem, I mean within your body, so get help with it. You're not a doctor, so no you don't know what your condition is or isn't. You've tried all the superstitious stuff and it didn't work, now go ask for real help. You don't have to live like this.

You asked for serious answers, you got serious answers. What you do about that is now up to you.

I hear voices in my head telling me to do evil things like murder or other things. When I answer those voices, I get a reply. I feel like I'm going crazy. What can I do?

Remember, the voices are coming from within you. So the answers are coming from within you too. Don’t talk to them in response, or try to maintain confidence. One phrase that works for me is actually a quote from Labyrinth. Whenever I hear the man in my head talking to me and commanding me to do things (you’re experiencing command hallucinations) I tell him, either mentally or out loud ““you have no power over me.” See a psychiatrist and ask if they can prescribe you either an antipsychotic or another mood stabilizer like lithium. Personally, antipsychotics didn’t work for me because my hallucinations kept coming back, but for most people they work. Lithium works for me, and I’m at only a moderate dose. I also see a therapist weekly to discuss stressors, which cause my hallucinations, so I manage my stress to keep the hallucinations away. This may not be the case if you have a schizophrenia spectrum disorder, as these are not rooted in anxiety. I haven’t been diagnosed with a schizophrenia spectrum disorder, I have severe OCD and Asperger’s which makes me psychotic. Good luck to you, I hope you find a form of treatment!