I Know You Need At Least 8 Hrs Of Sleep But What If You End Up Waking Up A Couple Times In Between

When I sleep 8 hours, I am more tired than if I get 5 hours of sleep. Does the amount of quality sleep differ from person to person?

I will tell you a story. Four years ago my 44 year old father was diagnosed with chicken Guinea. It is a disease which  spreads because of mosquito bites. He was not able to get better even after lot of treatments. So finally one doctor (a really famous one) asked him to have his dinner at 5.00pm and not eat anything after that. He also asked my dad to get a 8.5 hour sleep every night. So my dad started sleeping at 8.30 and would wake up by  six in the morning. Did he feel lousy?  Yes he did. But that is only because he was used to sleeping six hours every night. So the 'feeling tired after sleep' period lasts for about three days. Then you are much fresh and happy. This good sleep and early dinner worked wonders for my dad. He was cured of his disease. His productivity at work increased and he is a happier and healthier person. So good sleep is very important. Please do not ignore your sleep. But sleeping only five hours everyday and then sleeping for eight hours a night  before a test will make you feel tired. Maintain a routine. Make eight and a half hour sleep your routine. Believe me. Find time for your sleep and it will reward you with more productivity, efficiency, happiness and health.  Have a great sleep and a good life.

Is 6 hours of sleep enough for a 13 year old?

NO. Your body is changing at this age and growing. It really does need you to let it sleep for at minimum 7-1/2 to 8 hours. Try your best to get into this habit. I read an article not long ago that stated teens can even 'need' 10 hours of sleep a day. Many adults will sleep on short hours like you but it catches up to them, is fairly unhealthy, and you can even lose a bit of your brain power (which in your case is not good for school). I am sure you're a smart kid and realize you are a very important person to yourself : therefore know that you and kids your age, need all the help you can get to have & keep the kind of grades you need to start a good life for yourself. Good night and sweet dreams!

Ways to sleep better- a cup of hot chocolate or warm vanilla milk (good) just before bedtime... or a herbal tea such as 'camomille'.
Recipe vanilla milk:
1 cup of milk
spoon of sugar or 1 sugar substitute
a capfull of vanilla... and a dash of cinnamon
Microwave for about 1 1/2 min til nice and warm.
Read a book at bedtime and even in the middle of night if you awaken. This always makes me fall asleep and I end up learning something in the process.

Is 6 hours enough sleep?

As an adult, it depends.For the body health, from 11 pm to 5 am you’d better sleep during this 6 hours.First, 9-11 o'clock in the evening for the immune system (lymphatic) detoxification time, this period should be quiet or listen to music.Second, at 11 pm, the liver detoxification needs to be carried out during sleep.Third, 1-3am, the detoxification of gallbladder, the same.Fourth, 3-5 am detoxification of the lungs. This is why coughing people cough the most during this time because the detoxification action has gone to the lungs; do not apply for cough medicine, so as not to inhibit the elimination of waste.Fifth, 5-7 am, detoxification of the large intestine, at this time you should go to the toilet for defecation.Sixth, at 7-9 in the morning, when the small intestine absorbs a lot of nutrients, you should have breakfast.Seventh, midnight to 4 am for the spinal hematopoietic period, must be asleep, should not stay up late.Through the above information, we can understand that 11:00 pm - 5: 00 am is necessary to sleep, at 5:00 am wake up to defecate, start morning exercises and so on. These are all based on actual conditions such as your own physique. If you feel full of spirits the next day, this proves that 6 hours sleeping is ok.

Despite sleeping for 7-8 hours every night, I feel extremely sleepy each morning. How do I change this?

You can get 7–8 hours of sleep but not get quality sleep. Getting an extra hour or two of sleep is a big deal, and some people need more than 7 hours of sleep. People who are depressed tend to oversleep, and that can cause further fatigue.If you don’t have depression, you should track your sleeping patterns to see if you are actually getting deep sleep. If you keep waking up at night you are not getting enough deep sleep. Also try to sleep 8–9 hours instead of 7— an extra hour or two can make a huge difference.It’s also normal to wake up feeling sleepy, even if you slept well. Our beds are comfortable and we don’t want to start the day. It’s more enjoyable to stay in our warm bed. It also takes time for our brain to wake up. Taking a cold shower, having coffee, forcing yourself to move fast and get your blood flowing, getting a morning workout in— can help you to wake up faster. Doing cardio, strength and flexibility exercises helps you to wake up in the mornings without feeling stiff. Having good circulation and a strong body helps you to jump out of bed quickly. Not eating the night before and having an early dinner, can help you to wake up more easily. You feel more motivated to wake up when you are in bed and your stomach is grumbling for food.I need 8–9 hours of quality sleep to function at my best. I usually don’t get that much quality sleep, so most of the time my mind and body is not functioning at optimal levels. At 6–7 hours of sleep I am moody, forgetful and have slower reaction times. At 5–6 hours I am very irritable and get very little done, even when I try to get as much done as I can. My mind is just not working. Sleeping 4–5 hours or less per night for more than 2–3 nights in a row, is dangerous for me. I’ve almost fallen asleep driving during weeks when I couldn’t get much sleep.I wish I was one of those people who are productive and healthy when they get only 5-6 hours of sleep every night, but I need at least 6–7 to remain sane, 7–8 to be healthy and 8–9 to have optimum mental and physical health.

I only get 4-5 hours of sleep a night?

your still very young so right now you might feel fine but i can tell you that it will catch up with you later in life. Sleep is the only real thing that recovers our bodies from the work we put it through every day and you need to be asleep for 3 straight hours to to get REM sleep. REM sleep is what the body and brain need to properly rest. Looks like your getting a little but not enough and then your body eats as much up on the weekends.

don't ever think you can "catch up" on sleep. I have heard so many people even older than me say that in life, and sleep is one of the few things you can can't catch up on, in other words if you get 4 hours, that's what your body will use and feel like that day, just because you got 14 hours on the weekend doesn't mean it lasts more than a day, the 14 hours just lasts your body that day alone. Try getting 6 hours, still not that healthy but much better than 4 or 5.

Good luck

Good luck

How many hours of sleep do you get in basic military training?

Edit My first lot of Recruit training was done by by veterans of WW2 yes it was hard but not Vindictive they knew what was required to train us to survive some of these Instructors had Distinguished Flying crosses Atlantic stars Burma stars North African stars

when you stand in front of a warrant officer in the RAF who was in charge of your recruit training course and you see 14 medal ribbons with bars and mentioned in Dispatches that wins your respect

The reason i wanted to join the RAF was because i watched the battle of Britain From the Ground

and i had the Honor to meet a VC holder a Warrant Officer and Douglas Bader

End Of edit

I did two lots of Recruit training in 2 Air Forces in 2 countries and the daily training finished before Dinner about 1800 Hrs and apart from preparing Uniforms for next day and Study for a couple of hours i got 8 hrs sleep on Most days

remember the Instructors have a life and Go Home at the end of the day

14 year olds bedtimes?

ok im am 14 2 months from being 15 and my sister is 12.
we both have to be in bed by 9.
I have a tv and i can stay up doing homework or i read (for school)
i think i should have a later bedtime.
at least 9:30?
whos right in this matter?
i think 9:30 would be appropeite?
when i am in my room from 9-9:45 or 10 i read and study for test at school.
but i think staying up tell 9:30 on the computer might be fair might not? this is why im asking
please will parents or kids at my age give me a honest answer.

on weekends i go to bed when my parents do 10:30 to midnight.
Also on school days i have to be up at 7
im pretty good at getting up and ready tro go by 7:30

How many hours of sleep should a 14 year old get a night?

Sleep studies have proven that during adolescence, the body needs 10- 12 hours of sleep a night. Interestingly, sleep professionals have found that a teenager's body functions better if the times are between 11 pm and noon... so a later bed time and later waking time than adults. There are a lot of hormaones, growth, and development that a teenaged body goes through, and sleep is very important. by the late teens to early 20's sleep patterns tend to regulate, and less sleep is needed. Here is a link that explains it all. Hope this helps... Good luck! :)