I Like Being Friends With Sociopaths / Compulsive Liars / Psychopaths Because I See It As A

Is my ex-best friend a psychopath/sociopath?

This may be an odd question....but I have a feeling that my ex-bestfriend is a psychopath/sociopath.

Here are some of her "symptoms":
-compulsive lying about day to day things and even about major events in her life
-bragging/attention seeking
-lack of guilt/can hurt people easily
-little empathy
-lives "in the moment"
-creating false identity of herself and family
-creating false characters such as an ideal boyfriend or best friend who is a figment on her imagination general, she is the type of person who would use other people to reach her own goals and she has no remorse or guilt about hurting people's feelings.

Is my girlfriend a psychopath/sociopath?

im 14 and i was recently in a relatioship with a girl who i think may be a sociopath. while we were dating she told me that her doctors thought she was one and i disregarded it at the time. but im looking back now and she seems to show all the signs; shes a compulsive liar, she has a large intrest in drugs and risky behavior, she doesnt have many friends and she uses that to get sympathy, she doesnt have a life plan and doesnt seem to regret hurting people with jer behavior. she takes big risks and has tried to kill herself in the past, she jokes about morbidity and being depressed and she is wildly unpredictable. i still care for her a lot and so im worried that she is a sociopath because all of her symptoms are spot on. that also would mean that she never really loved me. also i have a really close relationship with her mother, should i tell her what i think? if im wrong i could seriously hurt my exes feelings but i dont even know if she has feelings...

ive already asked this question and all my answers were asking if i was sure i wasnt the sociopath. please dont ask that.

How can I tell if my friend is a psychopath or sociopath? He is very charming and social, but he lies about his friends, education, and occupation. He’s good at getting details from people, including bank accounts and passwords. Is he a con man?

Your friend is a sociopath. In her book, 'The Sociopath Next Door' , psychologist Martha Stout says she has been asked time and again how to recognize a sociopath. Her answer is to look for the pity play. Psychopaths (the two terms overlap) tend to  concoct stories, exaggerate facts and cut a pitiful figure in order to make people feel sorry for themselves and get their way. Basically this is a manipulation tactic. Your friend also exhibits other classic traits like pathological lying, manipulation, lack of conscience and superficial charm. Having done some reading on this subject, all research suggests that the only way to deal with  psychopaths is to stay away from them. Psychopaths don't have a conscience, will do pretty much anything they can get away with, and normal people usually cannot win against them. Catherine Trammel in 'Basic Instincts' is a good example of a highly functioning psychopath.Don't warn your other friends, as most likely they won't believe you, and if those doofuses report back to the psychopath, it won't serve you well to get into the bad books of one.  Try to gently drop facts that nudge them to think in that direction.As for you, don't let him suspect you know, try to distance yourselves from him slowly, and stay out of his way. Good luck!

Whats the difference between a sociopath and a compulsive liar?


Sociopaths have relatively normal temperaments; their personality disorder being more an effect of sociological factors like parental neglect, delinquent peers, poverty, and extremely low or extremely high intelligence.

Both sociopathy and psychopathy personality disorders are the result of an interaction between genetic predispositions and environmental factors, but psychopathy leans towards the hereditary whereas sociopathy tends towards the environmental.


A compulsive liar is someone who keeps lying out of habit. Lying is their normal reflexive way of reacting to questions. They feel comfortable lying and will become tense when speaking the truth. It is observed that compulsive lying disorder symptoms develop during childhood, when they needed to speak a lie out of necessity.

Compulsive liars are not manipulative and cunning like pathological liars. The pathological liar symptoms are different from a compulsive liar. Pathological liars lie to achieve their goals without caring a bit about hurting the feelings of others. Whereas, for compulsive liars it is an automatic response to any situation.

Compulsive liars are also called habitual or chronic liars. Compulsive lying disorder is a type of obsessive compulsive disorder.

Compulsive liar disorder is like an addiction to many people, just as smoking and drug abuse.


Have you ever met a sociopath? or psychopath?

I've never met a psychopath, as far as I know!
As for the former, my ex boyfriend was extremely close to being a sociopath. He was really shallow, the most selfish person I've ever met, self-absorbed, egocentric, he couldn't take criticism and he was manipulative. If I was upset about something he'd done he'd flip it on me and act upset so I'd feel bad. He was a compulsive liar. He told weird, petty lies for no reason, even when no one asked about the situation. He did it so cooly as well, without flinching. It was unnerving how he could just lie to someones face like that without even batting an eyelid. He didn't seem to have any deep emotions at all, and was very charming and friendly to all those around him. He's very popular. With his friends and acquaintances it was like he had a mask up; a charming friendly funny mask. With me, he had another mask up, he was bitchy, extremely selfish and disrespectful. The only thing I can see that separated him from being a sociopath was that he cried when he dumped me. However, whatever it was it wasn't guilt-he never felt guilty or had empathy about anything. even when he'd done something to really upset me. Sorry this sounds like a bitter ex attack. But it's all true. I wish I hadn't picked someone like him to be my first bf he was so cold and callous and so so selfish,,,i can't beleive people that slefish actually exist

My daughter is a compulsive liar, is she a psychopath or something?

OK, first thing first. Everyone lies to their parents, and it's disturbing when you realize that your kids lie to you because it means there's a shift in the balance of power between you.It's unlikely that your daughter is a psychopath, and it certainly requires more than just being a good liar to be a psychopath.There's a difference between being a good liar and a compulsive liar, in fact most compulsive liars aren't very good at it. They do it without thinking, it's a reaction. A good liar is aware of what they are doing, and they are doing it for a specific purpose. Compulsive liars do it to make up for poor self esteem, that makes them sloppy. Anyone can look you straight in the eyes and lie if they feel it's justified.Stop worrying if your daughter is psychologically unsound and instead challenge her about her lies. Tell her that it undermines your relationship and makes it impossible for you to trust her. Listen to what she has to say, most kids lie because their parents are being unreasonable. She isn't the only that might be wrong.If you want your daughter to be honest with you, you have to make it safe for her to do so.But don't pathologize her. And if, by chance, she is one of the few people who suffers from a mental condition, take her to an actual psychologist, don't ask the internet.