I Lost The School Election But The Girl Who Won Seems To Hate Me

I hate this girl at my school!?

You actually believed Bridget when she said she hated your speech, and never liked you? That was actually funny! Who cares what she thinks of you! Instead of crying you should of laughed in her face, and said, "Cool do not talk trash, because you lost!" That was the reason why she told you that! She lost against you. Of course she is going to be pissed off! So now, that you hate her so much, and took your BFF your going to have it her way? Damn, she is definitely getting a good laugh out of it. Be strong, and get rid of the word "hate." Hate is the worst word a person can use. Niamh is your close friend, thus she has rights to hang out with whomever she likes. Why not just make amends? You cannot loose your best friend just because of your pride. When you want to speak with Niamh, and Bridget is there stay! Do not let Bridget think that she WON, she haven't. Your going to speak with your friend not bridget. When I was a teen, I had a friend who was friends with a girl I disliked. So what, I still joined in the group, because of my friend! Karma is a total *****, if you get Bridget in trouble, it will bite you in the rear end. Good luck, and continue being friends with Niamh.

(Girls only) What are middle school locker rooms like?

-Uhm, don't really look around the locker room, just focus on getting changed. I've accidentally done that and I made eye-contact once with this girl who was changing. Super awkward.

- Change shirts first. Shirts tend to be a little long, so they can sometimes cover your underwear.

- Bring a light body spray (nothing too strong) if you don't have showers. That way you can freshen up afterwards so you don't smell. Don't forget deodorant!

Story- Our gym lockers are in alphabetical order, and my locker was right by the door that leads into the gym. I change pretty slowly, so girls come and go into the gym. Once, I was changing my shirt, and some girl opened the door really wide. Sadly, a bunch of guys saw me shirtless. :L That happened once or twice. I recommend you change quickly, and if you have a locker near the door, bring your clothes into the bathroom or to another spot in the locker room.

I wish I had tips for showering, but our school didn't have showers. Good luck, you're gonna love middle school!

Daughter won't go to bathroom at school?

It probably has something to do with either privacy or cleanliness. You need to talk to your daughter about it. I suggest that you pick her up from school and make a "pit" stop at he bathroom for yourself, and suggest that she go as well, because it will be awhile before you will have access to a restroom. But wait to say this until you are in the bathroom yourself. Make sure you at least pretend to go "potty". Then see what her reaction is. If she refuses, take the opportunity to ask her why. If she doesn't give you a direct answer, then start dropping hints to help her. Ask about the cleanliness, does that bother her? If she demands no, then start with the privacy issue. Does it bother her to go potty at school where her friends may come in and know what she is doing? Does that embarrass her? Stay in the bathroom and investigate. Maybe it is the toilet paper they have. Do they have soap? Paper towels? Are there other girls that pick on her in the bathroom?
Once you narrow it down, then you can try to fix the problem. Maybe you can speak to her teacher, and she can go to the nurses offices to use that restroom. We use to do that all the time! I hope this helps!

I have a fake personality at school?

I completely understand, i can be much the same. The thing i have come to realize, is that you are what you feel. You WANT to be a respectable person and you HATE being immature. You don't hate who you truly are, because the real you is different. It looks down upon your home-self, not embraces it.

The real you is your desires, your passion. To help show who you truly are at all times, i would try acting the way you do at school at home... you say the home you is the real you, but, to me, or seems like the other way around.

Sure, maybe you judge people, but you don't treat them badly for it. There's a reason for that. Maybe you don't like that person, but deep down, you believe they are your equal, and that's what truly matters.

Sorry, got a bit rambly, but i hope that helps!

Am I a loser for crying in a bathroom stall?

So I was really sad that I lost an election for vice president. Mostly because I worked so hard on my posters and handed out candy like a mad woman, and all she did was be "her" and she won. So I just felt really depressed and I hate crying in front of other people so I went to the bathroom and stayed in there, crying for like 15 minutes. It felt weird, but i just wanted to get it out :/