I Love Robert Pattinson Tell Me About

Robert Pattinson or Matt Dallas?

Robert Pattinson

Matt Dallas

Who's better looking? I want to know who gets the most votes.

Does Robert Pattinson have any flaws?

I have heard that he smokes. Is that true? Has he ever been arrested? Does he have any flaws at all? I love Robert Pattinson so much! I just need someone to prove to me that he is human, if you know what I mean. So far in my eyes he appears to be perfect.

Is Robert Pattinson a good actor?

I think if you asked me this question a few months back:I would say, absolutely not.(Not that the opinion has exactly changed).His acting is Stiff and stiltedHe looks like a pile of dogshit and basically personifies the text book definition of fugly .One of the worst actors in Hollywood everRather, I thought he shouldn't have joined acting career.He's utterly talentless.But then, I spotted him In Harry Potter GoF movie last month.And was surprised that once upon a Time RPatz looked quite good and acted decently enough.It was surprising weird and pathetic at the same .It really doesn't change the fact that he was still talentless,but he had more potential than what he actually made out of his career.Not that he was a great actor-but he was definitely good looking in his teens.He basically had nothing except his looks to work for him.But he has wasted them away by bad habits, most notably drug addiction. I also believe instead of slacking away in London, he needed to go to a proper drama school and work quadruple harder to compensate for his lack of innate talent if he really wanted to be a respected actor. Harry Potter is a very famous and respectable franchise All over the work, and Rpatz got quite good reputation from working in that movie.He had a really good start. It would have been good if RPatz actually had the initiative to translate that into a respectable acting career.As he's not much talented, he should've worked 100 times harder than a naturally talented actor to actually become a good actor.The fact that majorly bugs me about him is that he's not a hard worker.He could've grown into a good looking average actor, but now he's just a crap hippie who gives off gay vibes.

What makes robert pattinson so attractive?

I now this sounds like a stupid question.
But, what PHYSICAL things make robert attractive.
Give me a list and no stupid answer please.
brow and eyebrows
face shape
the fact that he plays edward.

I love the Twilight series and I am a big fan of Robert Pattinson. I get mocked for it. How can I come out of this disorder?

First of all, I wouldn't consider this an disorder.Secondly, most people make fun of grown-up humans for having a lollipop and a lot of them prefer blowjobs. This might just be me, but I prefer to have an piece of candy in my mouth than somebody's penis.Nobody is wrong, they just have different preferences. Be proud of your choices and stand by them. The world will eventually move on to other things. P.S. - Most Twilight haters were once die-hard fans. They are too embarrassed to admit it. The mocking is a defense mechanism.

Is it true that Robert Pattinson converted to Islam?

As a quick look at online material suggests, it’s not firmly established yet that actor Robert Pattinson has formally converted to Islam. He did seem to be interested in a Quran translation and after having a look at it, he seemed to have found it quite appealing.But the story probably ends there with no formal declaration of his faith.However, having said that, the Quran might have had a profound impact on his mind. He might have turned Muslim in spirit rather than in name. The name may not matter to him, as many are non-Muslim in name but who are Muslim in spirit in the sense of adoption of the same ethical and moral values.

Do you think Robert Pattinson is the new Zac Efron? Do you think he will make it?

I don’t think one can particularly draw a comparison between the two and also Zac Efron’s shoes are really hard to fill.As a performer, Zac Efron is a triple threat who currently has five musicals to his credit(High School Musical 1, 2 and 3, Hairspray and the Greatest Showman) and numerous performance oriented movies (Paperboy for one). On the other hand the only substantial credit that Robert Pattinson has in his name is the part of a brooding vampire, (but they were 5 pretty good movies). I honestly cannot imagine him either singing or dancing onscreen.As far as looks are concerned, both do fall under the conventional category of handsome although I personally prefer Zac’s abs over Rob’s flat stomach. I also feel that Zac has a more charismatic personality and is far more adventurous (he rode a tiger shark for God’s sake!) than Rob ever will be.

Can Robert Pattinson sing? If so, which songs has he sung?

yes he does and he is great. if you want to say he isn’t very good that is because you are jealous. for one he is amazing. just cause you can’t sing does’t mean you need to talk down about him. I AM HIS BIGGEST FAN!!!!!!!!