I Made A New Friend Sachiko Ever After

My boyfriend threatens to commit suicide, is he manipulative?

I asked a question like this earlier this week. Im just having trouble because anytime i bring up to him that I dont know how much longer I can do this, he tells me that he loves me and will do anything to save this. He says that im a good person, and hes depressed. So hes saying, that he wants me to stick by his side.
Hes told me twice that he almost commited suicide over me, once when we were on a break and i went out with another guy for like a week, (months after we broke up) and then again a month ago when he snuck behind my back to hang with some girl and we almost broke up.
Then when he told me he hungout with this girl, even when he told me he was alone, it was only because her boyfriend was going to tell me. Then acouple days later, he said well youve lied to. and i was like when? and he was using an excuse from when we were broken up and i was hanging with some guy. He doesnt like me hanging with guys, he tells me he doesnt care, anytime i mention it he gets all mad and pouts. so i end up staying home. But then when i tell him this he goes, I said i didnt care. Making me feel like the bad one.
He tells me everything I do wrong, and it seems when we fight its all my fault. But when i bring that up he gets mad at me for putting words in his mouth.
Weve been going out on and off for over 3 years, and im just realizing that hes being manipulative and controlive.
Im still a virgin, he is too. In the car a little over a month ago he told me that if I dont dont stuff (sexually) with him for a whole month then i might as well break up with him. He always is pressuring me. Then denies it. Hes blamed me before for why he does so bad in school, why hes depressed. then he turns around and says it isnt me. I just, don't know what to do. Because he does this then turns around and is really sweet and we get along great. I love him, and I feel terrible considering breaking up with him. Because im "all he has."
Im sorry this is so long, Id reallly like some advice:/ Thank youuu
Oh, and his dad is manipulative, his dad even beats his mom. He hates his dad, says he never wants to be like him. But could he have picked this up from him? and could he get abusive?
Wwhenever were in the car and fight he starts 60 in a 30 zone

Have you ever been caught naked?

I was selling my house and using a friend/coworker, Phyllis, as the realtor. Phyllis is about 10 years older than me and married, but we would have friendly banter around the office. I had moved out of the house, but went back to cleanup a mess under the back deck. Unfortunately, it was quite muddy and I got a lot of it on me and my clothes. Since I was alone I stripped naked by the back door and went to take a shower. All I had was a small wash cloth that I saved to dry off with. After finishing the shower I was walking toward the back door I ran into Phyllis who was showing the house to a young woman and her daughter. Here’s the picture. I’m standing in the living room with only a wash cloth covering my privates. Phyllis is looking at me with the mother. Soon the daughter, I’m guessing 12 or 13 years old, comes into the room and all three are looking at me. The mother is looking down, but Phyllis and the daughter are trying had to see through the wash cloth. Phyllis is loving my embarrassment and keeps trying to get me to drop the wash cloth. I keep saying “no” and just want to get past them to my clothes. Phyllis would have nothing to do with that. Finally, I ask if the daughter should see this and her mother comes to life saying she has brothers, so wouldn’t be shocked. Once I got assurances that I could get my clothes if I dropped the wash cloth, I did it. Trying to be funny I said something like “Anything for a sale”. My plan was to give them a 5 second look and head for the backdoor where my clothes were. Phyllis surprised my by clicking a picture as soon as I dropped the wash cloth. I demanded she erase it, but blatantly refused. They all seemed to enjoy my humiliation and I tried to keep it humorous which I thought was better than the alternative. I was able to dress and get out of there. Phyllis never showed the picture to anyone, but continues to threaten to do so. The woman did buy the house and I had to face her at closing and a few times since. Nothing was ever said, but she would always give me a knowing smile.

Games like Ib, or Mad Father?

I really want to start a new game, but I have tried .flow, and the witches house, and they don't work. I really like games like Ib especially, I LOVE Garry. and I would really like to play a new one, but I have a mac. I have a windows on x, and a zip/rar converter, and all the basic 200 and 2003 RTP RPG makers, which a lot of these inie-horror games require. Mad Father i found on mac, but Ib i had to work my magic programs to make work. it took a while. and i will work that hard again for a good game, but i don't know which one?! PLEASE HELP!!! (ps, the games that would be easiest for me to run would be awesome, unless the game that is hard to get is flipping amazing :)

Ending to nana?

ok so i have the anime (i know its not really complete) of nana and the manga but i just cant get myself to read it or watch it im kinda going thro something simalur and it sucks(i just left my babies dad and its not going to be pretty when we go to court) so i dont want to start crying or get all depreassed so can someone tell me EVERYTHING you know i know she has the baby but does she stay with him does the other nana become a star what happens anything will help me please and thank you oh and if the manga is over tell me what chapter please