I Made As In Public School Now Im In Online School Im Failing And My Parents Wont Let Me Go Back

My parents won't let me go to online school?

I'm a sophomore in high school and I enjoy learning but not going to school. I loved school in middle school, but now I hate it. It's not the learning or the work that I hate, but it's the people and the fact that we barely get anything done or learn anything.

I go to a private school, and it's the best school in my area, but there are a lot of rich kids who just don't want to learn. Money isn't a problem for my family, either, but I'm at school to learn and the other kids are there just because their rich parents want to them to go there. The kids are really snobby and mean. I have a small group of friends whom I get along well with.

I approached my parents about online school last year, and they just didn't want to hear it. I finally got my dad to listen, but my mom wouldn't have any of it! So... I went back to my school this year. There's nothing wrong with my school as a whole, it's just all of the snooty kids have no desire to learn. This is even in the honors and AP classes I take.

I am motivated to learn, which is why I think online school would be good for me. In addition, I am a musician and very passionate about playing my instruments (trombone, clarinet, and saxophone), but I haven't had a lot of time to dedicate to it because my school is over an hour away from my house.

I want to bring up the topic of online school again, but I don't really know how to. They also think that colleges don't accept degrees from online schools. Is that true?

How to convince my parents to let me go to public school?

this is an easy one.

Show her that Colorado has determined that K12 students test in the bottom 11% statewide and have a whopping 22% graduation rate:

(CO) Colorado Virtual Academy Answers Tough Questions on Operations, Academic Performance

Not in Colorado? How about:

(AZ) More stories of failing K12 Inc schools

(FL) Recording: K12 Inc. struggled to comply with law (May. 12, 2013 )

(GA) Georgia DOE blasts Georgia Cyber Academy, threatens to pull charter in report

(IA) For-profit education companies under scrutiny (4/3/13)

(IL)K12 Virtual Charter School Under Heavy Fire by Illinois Jobs Activists (3/15/13)

(ME) 5/9/13
Maine Voices: To embrace virtual schools would be to shortchange Maine students

(NC)Tough times for K12, Inc.
Mary 3, 2013

(PA)CYBER-CHARTERS: Cyber-charter pupils not connecting well on Pa. tests

(TN)Andy Berke criticizes 'dismal' scores of for-profit virtual school

and I ran out of alphabet with the 10 that yahoo will permit. Try googling your state""K12 Inc." and "investigation" and see what comes up.

How do I convince my parents to let me online school?

First of all, don't be anxious. I know that your school literally hurts you. But you will not be faced with ANYTHING that you cannot bear.

1. Explain to them the advatages of online school. Make sure they know what it really is and what it offers.

2. Make sure they know the seriousness of the pain you are going through. Tell them exactly what the other students say to you. Don't just say that you're bullied by the other students. Tell your parents exactly what they've said and done to you.

3. You are not "running away from your problems" you are FACING and DEALING with your problems by finding solutions such as online school. Make sure they understand that.

If you feel burdened or alone you can always talk to me. Don't give up and don't forget your purpose!

My parents wont let me go to online school.?

I'm in the 8th grade and I hate school. I think it's boring and I could learn more on online school. My parents think it's a bad idea and say I won't get any social interaction. How do I vonvvon venue them to let me go?

My mom won't let me go to online school??? :(?

I don't know why people would underestimate homeschooling. I too am on the eight grade and ever since little, I hated school so much that I puke before i go to school. Middle school was sooo much worse and I bet highschool, I would hang myself already. I began homeschooling awhile ago and I love it! at first I was shy too and all the things you describe, I was actually amazed that you're like me. This is how i convinced my parents. Since I was young, I wanted to be advanced so I told them that. I wanted to study hard and still have social life so everyday, I prove my parents that I can do it, I could manage and one day, they considered it and said yes. What you said was true, homeschooling does have tons of benefits and that's what I truly love about it. Now I'm not shy anymore, I interact with people a lot and I love my life thanks to that. I recommend you go to University of Miami Global Academy for middle and high school. Go through that and show it to your mom. Never give up (:

My parents wont let me be homeschooled?

Lately school has been making me depressed and have very bad anxiety to the point i puke most mornings before school. I am in 8th grade and a little over halfway through the year. I get picked on some because im am smaller than most people in my grade, and 1 of my teachers is always saying stuff about me and my grades, once in front of the class. I am failing 3 of my classes, and i rarely understand what my teachers are teaching. I told my parents all of this and asked to be online schooled and my mom said that i wont get the social interaction i need in online school, and that it is not an option. The social part is what my problem is. I have very bad social anxiety and ive never had a social encounter that i didnt feel was awkward or wanted to get out of. I told my parents all about online school and all the good things it offers and how it would get rid of my anxiety and depression. They basically came up with any excuse to say no. I asked to at least finish this year with homeschool and they said no. Please help my life is miserable right now.

My Parents won’t let me get Homeschooled?

First of all, go for treatment for your anxiety and treatment.
I have 12 years old son. Homeschooling was always in the discussion. Mainly because we live in a country where schools are very time consuming with less effects on knowledge. Bullying is part of normal behavior and politics overrules sanity. Good reasons, right?

What I still hesitate is that 1. I don’t want to spend my time on teaching my son. 2. I don’t trust him that she will concentrate on his studies as much as he should. 3. I don’t trust myself that I will see when things don’t go well.

So, I was trying to find a good school, but parents are not brave to try new things 2 years before high school.

He could convince me if he would take his efforts to prove. Then I decided to use an online curriculum. I spoke to my son about it and he agreed because he also wanted to join the He didn't want to continue with regular schooling.

Now come straight to the point. A big part of persuading someone is to do more listening than talking. Get to know what their goals and fears are. What do they want for you? Why do they think a school will get it for you? What do they fear will happen if you homeschool? To persuade them you need to find ways that work for you to soothe their fears. Don’t ask them to let you do it for the rest of your education because they won’t agree on a long-term plan they haven’t seen proven. Ask for one year, just to get a break from having to deal with being at school. If you can look up the laws in your location, and the online school options, and put together a kind of “sales packet” for your parents, a sales presentation to sell them on the idea of letting you learn from home. In other words, make it easy for them and have a plan for how to get help if you need help they cannot provide.

Good luck!

How can I convince my parents to let me test out of high school?

I'm not talking about dropping out and getting my GED. In California, students can take the CHSPE (California High School Proficiency Exam) and, upon passing, be considered a high school graduate, regardless of what point in their schooling they're at.
I hate high school. I'm about to become a senior with little chance for graduation. If I take this test and pass it, my parents can sign me out of school and, not only am I considered a high school graduate, but I will have graduated early.
I'm willing to pay for the test myself and determined to study and make sure I pass with the highest score possible.
I just don't know how to convince my parents to let me take this test. In my current situation, I'm looking at a complete schedule change that would require me to be in school for almost 12 hours a day, five days a week, including adult school after hours. I know that it's my fault. My best friend passed away in March, and I didn't realize how bad it affected me until I failed three classes. I screwed this up, and now I have to make it right.
I honestly don't know if I can handle that work load, but if I have to, I will. I just need to convince them that there is another option. The sooner I graduate, the sooner I can enroll into an online college, get a job, and get out of their hair.
Please help me convince them that this test is the best option for me. I've had such a rough time going through high school. I don't want to go back, and I don't want to drop out.