I Need 5 Primary Sources From The Holocaust Anybody Have Any

Holocaust help!?

if your going to be ignorant dont even reply to my question i looked all over and i couldnt find anything and if someone was going to do my "project" i wouldnt have to be incharge of finishing it i could have easily given it to someone else in my group and risked a chance of failing because of them

***************Primary and secondary source help? **************** :' |?

10 primary sources ( primary sources are accounts written by people involved in the event)
1. Facing the Lion – by Simone Arnold Liebster – You can view this book on Amazon
It is memoirs of a young girl in the Holocaust
2. Julius Caesar’s conquest of Gaul France (Julius Caesar’s account)
3. Autobiography of Anne Frank
4. Autobiography of Helen Keller
5. Autobiography of Mark Twain
6. Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin
7. Exodus (Moses account of the Exodus of Egypt)
8. Diary of Queen Victoria
9. Diary of George Washington
10. Autobiography of Charlotte Bronte

10 Secondary Sources ( these are studies of primary sources made at a later date)
1. The story of the Cherokee Indian (modern)
2. World History Encyclopedia by Dempsey Parr
3. Sequoyah by Catherine Cate Coblentz
4. Life of Tecumseh by Benjamin Drake’
5. Famous American Indians by Federick J. Dockstader
(I'm sure you can think of 5 more secondary sources. :)

Primary Image Sources
1.Personal photographs of World Trade Center
2.Painting of Cistein Chapel
4.Pictures of Neil Armstrong’s Space flight
5.Photos of Churchill, Roosevelt and Stalin together At the Yalta conference in 1945

Primary Document Sources
1. The Declaration of Independence
2. The Gettysburg Address
3. A Store Receipt
4. Your computer Documents
5. Someone's last Will and Testiment

Primary Oral Sources
1. Mother describing the birth of her baby
2. An eye witness to an accident
3. A person telling about their ride on a roler coaster
4. Neil Armstrong explaining what it was like in outerspace
5. Person telling their experience in the earthquake that happened in Chili

Holocaust help? Facts? What are the Barracks?

Does anyone know what the barracks are? Does anyone know any interesting facts about the holocaust?I need helps for a school project! Any links that have great facts? Thanks!

WW2 Secondary sources??



Websites for Holocaust Education

(Some of these links can be upsetting.)


Concentration Camp Listing

The image galleries on this site have been grouped into ten sections for your convenience. Click on the sample thumbnail photo to view all of the galleries in any section.


History Essay HELP! compare and contrast the holocaust and Armenian genocide?

I really need help with an essay for history. It needs to be 5 paragraphs long comparing and contrasting the holocaust and the armenian genocide. I have done some research already and have started to put it together but keep confusing myself more because i am having a hard time getting it all to flow and sound good and make sence to me and of course my teacher. Can someone please give me an example of a good essay on this topic! Thank you so much!

If a mainstream scholar on the Holocaust were to publicly debate a Holocaust denialist concerning the evidence that six million Jews were killed by the Nazis, what effect would it have on public opinion?

Let’s come at this from a slightly less charged perspective: If the director of NASA were to publicly debate a moon landing denialist on the evidence of the Apollo 11 mission, what effect would it have on public opinion?It would make moon landing denial seem like a much more credible position to take. Just by standing next to an respected scholar or scientist on a stage, there is an implication to anyone watching that the two people (and, therefore, their ideas) have something approaching equal merit. There is also an implication that the NASA director, by virtue of agreeing to debate, feels like this is a subject worthy of debate. Which, again, seems to make moon landing denial much more credible.So the effect would be to strengthen the position of the moon landing deniers, but, and this is key, not as a result of any merit to their position. In a debate of this sort, the quack essentially gets to borrow the prestige of his opponent, without having to do any of the intellectual work. This is, of course, why the director of NASA would never agree to such a debate.Similarly, I find it hard to imagine a prominent scholar of the Holocaust (say, Professor Timothy D. Snyder of Yale) agreeing to a debate with a Holocaust denier. From Snyder’s perspective, there isn’t anything worth debating: by definition the Holocaust denier hasn’t done enough research to have any assertions worth debating. And by agreeing to the debate, he’s giving his “opponent” a prestige and gravitas they haven’t remotely earned, and making it seem like their “research,” almost certainly based on the internet and secondary sources, is roughly equivalent of his, which involves reading thousands of primary source documents in 5 or 6 different languages in Eastern European archives.And, most importantly, Snyder wouldn’t have anything to prove. He’s correct, and the entire scholarly community, as well as the huge majority of people in general, agree with him. At a certain point the evidence for a particular view is so overwhelming that, barring exceptional evidence to the contrary, one can just assume its truth and move on to more productive issues.