I Need A Little Help Understanding My Math Homework

I need a little help on my math homework please? :D?

Is this right? Simplify this expression:

3 + 6 x 4
My answer 3+24 =27...

16. Simplify this expression:

[2 + (6 * 8)]- 1

17. Simplfy this expression:

(21 + 15)/(3 + 6)

18. A student found the value of the expression 30 ÷ 6 -1 to be 6. Explain the student's error.

23. Insert grouping symbols to make the following statement true:

7 + 4 * 6 = 66

24. Insert grouping symbols to make the following statement true:

7 * 8 - 6 + 3 = 17

Thanks SOO much!! :D

Need some help with math homework?

need a little help with factoring by grouping. can you help break it down for me so i can understand how you got the answer.thank you. The problem is 4x+8y-3wx-6wy.

I Need A Little Help With My Math Homework.?

If Mr. Smith's salary is 70,000. How much of Mr. Smith's salary is left after he gives 1/5 to federal income taxes?

The piano player pressed 5/8 of the 88 piano keys during the concert. How many keys were not pressed? Don't put the word "keys" or any spaces in your answer; just put the number of keys.

How do I help someone who is not understanding math?

Unlike other subjects, math is extremely cumulative. There are many levels from adding and subtracting to calculus, and each new level uses many of the previous levels.I find the main reason anyone has trouble with math is because they don’t have a good understanding of old material which makes learning new material difficult. And it just gets worse overtime since when they don’t understand the new material too well, it’s even trickier for them to learn what comes next. And then harder yet to learn what comes after that and so on.Math is easy for anyone that keeps up with it.The keyword here is understanding. A lot of school unfortunately just comes down to memorization and a lot of teachers and curriculum teach math that way. Just memorize the formulas and step by step how to solve each type of problem, and often with far too many steps involved.Raw memorization may work for other subjects, and it may get you through the immediate quiz or test, but it doesn’t work well in math, espcially not long term. Get a problem that’s a different type or presented a little differently and you won’t know what to do. You won’t know how to apply it to future levels either.You will also quickly forget what you memorize without understanding. But if you understand the material, then it sticks with you.

How can I help to my little sister to understand math easily?

Stop, Look, and Listen:First, your mom needs to STOP -- if these exercises your mother is forcing her to do are driving her to tears, that is a form of mental and emotional abuse.Second, your family needs to LOOK and LISTEN to find the root of the problem. Don't ask how to make her understand it -- try to find out why she doesn't understand it. There are a lot of reasons she might be having difficulty with understanding maths, and asking her might shed some light on the trouble, but looking at the exercises and materials used to teach her could also help.There are different learning styles that might help -- mathematics are actually a very abstract subject area, so sometimes just being presented lists of numbers and memorizing solutions doesn't help students. Try doing maths with things, not paper. Blocks, dolls, food -- making the numbers connect to the physical world can help, but even that isn't always the solution. Maybe your sister needs to be keep active while trying to learn and do maths. And maybe it's not about learning styles:It's possible that there is an actual developmental disorder at play here, such as some form of Dyscalculia, which means she has an actual mental difficulty with numbers and arithmetic that may not affect her in subjects unrelated to numbers. If this is the case, you need a qualified professional to help your sister.

Math homework. I need help with scientific notation?

First, you have to think about how many significant figures you want to use in your calculation. Usually people only use two, but it's up to you.

Step 1, count how many numbers are between the first number and the decimal place, not counting the first number. This is the number you will put as the power of ten. For example, 1,000,000 would have 6 numbers in between, and therefore have 10^6 as the power.

Step 2, decide how many significan't figures you want to use, and put it in decimal form. For example, 43,500 would be 4.35

Step 3, now put it all together. For example 43,500 ----> 4.35 x 10^4

I need a bit of help with my homework?

What your teacher is asking for is a theme. Themes follow a specific format: Introduction (including thesis sentence and three examples), three body paragraphs (including three supporting details/quotes each), and a conclusion.

Introduction: Write a few general sentences to begin your essay. Your introduction should end with your thesis sentence (which the teacher provided) and your examples, "In To Kill a Mockingbird, there are occurrences of different kinds of prejudice. The prejudice shown in the book includes preconceptions based on race, social class, and gender."

You will then write one paragraph on each of the items (race, social class, and gender), using three specific examples (direct quotes) from the book to illustrate each point. For example:

One way prejudice is illustrated in To Kill a Mockingbird is through racism. For example, Atticus chooses to defend Tom Robinson even though he knows he will not win" (include a supporting quote from the book at this point). Then add two more examples.

Your social class paragraph should include quotes about the Cunninghams and the Ewells, and your gender paragraph should include Aunt Alexandra's treatment of Scout and how women's lives differ from men's in Maycomb.

Once you've written your three body paragraphs, add a conclusion (just a summing up of what you've written), and you're done.

Good luck!

I just need a bit of help on my homework.?

I am not asking anyone to do this for me, but I don't understand what I am supposed to do. All I need is help with my question..

Use figures 6.3 & 6.4 on pp. 182-183 as a guide to complete Appendix D, basing your
answers on a real or hypothetical work environment. Describe the components of the contingency theory of leadership as it applies to the
work environment you selected. Conclude with your recommendation for the best
leadership approach.

Pretty much I just need some examples so I understand what needs to be done with the work environment thing.. does this mean that I just have to pick any work environment?

My daughter needs a little help figuring out her math problem of the week.?

Here is the question:
Jamie read 50 books in 5 months. Each month he read 3 more books than the month before. How many books did Jamie read in each of the 5 months.

Can anyone help with this question. Thanks