I Need A Smartphone But Which One

Question about smartphone plans?

I don't know why you refuse Tracfone. If you are a light phone user, Tracfone can cost about $8/month (by using either 90 day 60 minute card every 3 months, or by using a 1yr 400 minutes card - the minutes for a Tracfone smartphone get tripled to 3x each of minutes texts and data Mb). I have a very nice Tracfone Android phone LG Ultimate 2 (L41C). Some of the other brands they carry have problems but this phone is nice and has a 1-year warranty against defects (not against drops/spills).

Review and very long thread of Tracfone owners of this phone

I got the above phone (Tracfone version) from shopcelldeals on Ebay (or you can use their website) WITH 1 yr 400 minutes included for under $120.

The above Tracphone model ends in C so at Tracfone it uses Verizon 2G/3G. But you now have the option of bringing your own unlocked 3G or 4G LTE phone (models ending in C use Verizon, models ending in G use AT&T) to Tracfone with their BYOP program.

I chose Tracfone for myself and for my elderly inlaws because it's the best deal under $10 and perfect for a light phone user. They don't use smartphones but I do, and I am usually near Wifi (have Wifi at work and home) so the low amount of cell data is not a problem for me. I leave cell data turned off unless I need it. Also, Tracfone minutes/texts/data ROLL OVER every month unless you let your service days lapse.

Other services..

Also, you could look into Ting - they use Sprint and you can set up your own plan, including under $10

And there are a couple listed here that are only good if you can usually use Wifi for calls

How does it feel to not have a smartphone when everyone around you has one? I feel it's a distraction and I spend way too much time online. But, if I get rid of my smartphone that would mean that I have less in common with my peers as well.

Never had a smartphone in my life (I'm 40), but I've plenty of computers and tablets around, both in the house and at work: I feel very much online *all the time*.I don't have the urge to check email or FB or anything when I'm out with somebody - that is, when I'm not on a connected device myself (and I admit I'm quite pissed when I talk to somebody and he/she pulls out a phone and starts playing with it).If I'm in need, there's the iPad to help me find a street or something.Somehow, I've plenty of smart devices and it's ok to have a phone that can "just" be a phone.100% of my friends and business colleagues own smartphones (not on the cheap side, so to speak); possibly they see me as snobbish, yet I couldn't care less (which means they're right :-) Digital devices are a status symbols like any other (expensive) gadget: owning an iPhone dispatches the message you can afford such a gizmo. Yet ranking among your peers is defined not only with what you can afford to have, but also with what you're able to do.Say you're a bowling player: either you have a very expensive ball, or you strike all the time with regular balls. I would personally focus on your skill set (in general terms) rather that on your collection of message-dispatching objects.Google "Company hilariously thinks Bill Murray is a homeless man loitering near workplace", it's the same idea :-)

Which smartphones have whistle ringtones?

My coworker has a smartphone with a simple quick whistle ringtone and I hear it going off all the time. It's one of the newer smartphones but I want to know which one so I can get the exact same ringtone and prank him. Anyone have any ideas?