I Need Advice About Anxiety

About an anti-anxiety pill (celexa) I need advice?

I used to be on this! Its an ANTI DEPRESSENT that they perscribe for people suffering from anxiet. You MUST take it every day for it to be effective. I really liked celexa. I'm off it now, but it is DEFINITELY not something you can just STOP taking. its actually extrememly dangerous to do so.. Stopping this medication can cause withdrawls and you can suffer from panic attacks and from seizures *I don't think i spelled that right* and can go into a coma too. My friend stopped taking hers and she was rushed to the ER :( Be very careful to take it everyday!!!
If you want to take something just when u feel the anxiety, it would have to be something like atavan, valium, xanax, prozac.. etc. Those take it away AFTER it happens.. Celexa is a mood stabelizer that PREVENTS it before it happens.. and one u have to take everyday for it to work. Give it 2 weeks to notice full results, because it takes a while to get fully regulated in your system.

Any advice on medication for anxiety?


ive had so many pills for anxiety and the side effects are not fun. i had to quit seroquel because of the sideeffects and am on alprazolam, loratemazepam and effexor. after quitting seroquel things got a lot better, but also im left with high anxiety.

im looking for a change in medication. what i need mostly is something that helps me sleep. and it needs to be something that can be used and is effective permanently.

ive thought of mirtazapam. but the side effects include weight gain. i have tried it before and wanted to eat so much...

what is a pill that can make me relax, help me sleep at night and takes care of anxiety during the day?

Anyone have advice on anxiety and sweaty palms?

hello everyone, i have been having problems with panic attacks and anxiety. the attacks are increased in ANY social situation, but i am very good at pretending i am fine. my palms are sweaty nearly all day everyday and i find that almost all of my thoughts are thoughts of fears, which cause the panic attacks. my heart starts pounding and i begin to sweat all over but extensively worse from my hands to the point that you can easily see it. this sucks being around the girlfriend and being tied up with some random fear in my mind and then having her snap me out of it by grabbing my hand and then commenting on how disgustingly wet it is. i always wear my hood in doors and most of the time the sleeves to my hoodie are wet from my palms. i just need some advice about my anxiety attacks, anything would help. thnx!

Do you have life advice to deal with anxiety?

At the end of the day, the only thing that helped me was medication. I am slowly transitioning from depending on xanax to just being on something daily that keeps my rapid thoughts at bay. You don't have to suffer. My doctor is a kind man and said many people want to simply avoid triggers—which sounds like a good idea, but the problem is that when you have an actual panic/anxiety disorder your trigger will always change. After my baby was born I was convinced I was going to die. Oddly, this became beneficial because I was so concerned for my health I joined WW and lost 100 pounds, but after I got some health issues under control my trigger switched to my marriage. I developed severe paranoia surrounding my husband and EVERYTHING he did I questioned. I still struggle with it. But the medication is quickly stopping those rapid thoughts and I'm able to control what made me feel so helpless before. Xanax is there in the event I can't get a handle of things, but mostly my daily regimen controls it. Don't suffer alone and best of luck

Cancer, or do I just need anxiety therapy? Any advice means the world to me?

Have you heard about "A man who is hospital". He did not have any disease. But he studied some medical concepts and then he started to compare symptoms of many disease with himself. Guess what he found, he has every disease's symptoms in him. Even though he was not sick at all. Be calm, do not panic.
In case you still think you have cancer, here are some techniques which can help you out

Advice on how to deal with anxiety and depression?

for the past few days, i have missed school due to my anxiety and depression being so severe. i'm always anxious about school but i always push myself to go because i know an education is important. however, lately, my anxiety and whatnot are just too much for me to handle. i have a meeting with vice principal of my school, truancy officer, etc. on friday to discuss what would be best for me, education wise. i've been telling myself "why go? something different will probably be done on friday so going to my school is pointless." i know i need to go school. i know missing school is not helping the situation. i've tried getting ready in the morning but i become so nervous, i decide to just stay home because i can't deal with it anymore and i want it to go away but by the next day, i feel the same. my doctor prescribed me anti-depressants last week and i have an appointment with a psychologist on monday. is there anything i can do to help my situation right now? i've tried thinking optimistic but it seems like it's impossible. my negative thoughts just flood my mind. i can honestly say i'm miserable.

What is the best advice that you have received regarding anxiety?

The best advice regarding anxiety is what I learned myself and wrote it in a form of a lyric in the song “the happiness principle”“Worries bring you down, so take it up when you’re ready,Be yourself and start enjoying “One thing about anxiety is it is about something of the unknown and probably in the future . It is a disabling feeling that have one thinking “if I think hard enough, maybe I will have my solution.”Well for me It never does, and i’d be insane if I choose to let it manifest within myself, killing every bit of joy I have inside me, while instead I could just tell myself“hey , that's not me to be like this. Yes the problem is there , and I will resolve it like how I see other problems, I plan to know more about it and develop the know how to fix it. Let not future worries deprive me of the joys of the present. I need to live in the present, do the things I like. Period.”Although I have written the full song , I lack the spirit and courage to have it produced (personal reason), my anxiety of writing bad lyrics plague me, but it doesn't mean it can't serve to help others in bits and pieces . I hope this can be useful.

Having panic attack/anxiety over breakup. Need advice in general?

I have had a girlfriend of four years and I am 20 years old. We both go to school close to each other, so we decided to rent an apartment together and put a payment on it. However, she says now that she needs her space, but we both promised when we broke up that I would still live with her, since we both paid and she would not be able to afford it without me. However, my parents need to sign my school loan papers, and they are threatening to not sign them if I move in with her, whether we get back together or not, because they are sick of this. So I could lie and say we're back together. I don't know what else to do.

I care too much about her even as a person to screw her over and make her not go to school by not being able to live in the apartment. (Its too late to sign up for dorms too)

So we are just waiting to see if we want to see other people or not. I want to be with her, but she doesn't know yet and she feels like since we've been fighting for the last few weeks, she's not happy with me. But when she flirts, she is happier so it confuses her. I agreed with her, because I am the same way when I flirt with girls.

But not to the point that I think I am not happy with her.The other problem is I have terrible panic attacks. So what normal people feel after a breakup is magnified for me. And this girl is the first girlfriend I've ever had that was serious.

So just throw out some opinions of how to get over her, whether to just wait it out and see if she wants me back, how to deal with anxiety, and what to do about the living situation.

Depression, anxiety, sleep paralysis??? Need advice?

Hi, I am an 18 year old female. I ve suffered with depression for as long as I remember around the age of 16 I developed moderate anxiety, it was under control at the time. Shortly after my 17th birthday I began having suicidal thoughts and these strange periods of time where I would swear I heard voices I ignored it and I was fine until after turning 18 they weren t easy to ignore anymore, but this I ve learned to live with. I moved here about a year ago, give or take a few weeks and began to have an issue sleeping but only slight. I thought it was just my depression and the stress of the move. I spoke to my doctor and tried somewhere around 6 or 7 different types of antidepressants, none helped I gave up on taking them. It s been over 6 months since then and my insomnia has worsened I will go days without sleeping until I pass out from exhaustion when I do sleep I have nightmares, this is every time I sleep. 4 months ago I began having sleep paralysis which has worsened my anxiety causing me to begin having anxiety attacks none serious but I fear it this progresses they may become worse. I now have these things that I call black outs, it s just a period of time in which I have no memory of what happened. I always feel unsafe and paranoid. I m often very fidgety. I m growing very fearful of the whole situation, what should I do?
Thank you for your time.