I Need Advice About What To Study

Need help and advice for studying Anatomy and Physiology!?

Anatomy/Physiology is a b*tch... Personally, once I understood which muscles affected each other and what actions they produced, identifying them was a lot easier.

I have this little book it's pretty cheap and I found it to be quite helpful.

Another idea is making cue cards...for every muscle. It will take you a long time... you can speed up the process by googling the muscle and printing off a photo (saves the effort of drawing it).

This coloring book is also kind of handy I'm a visual person, so spending 5 minutes shading in a muscle helps me remember where it belongs. There's also one for physiology...I didn't use it as much -

Ooh, the internet is so delightful - check out the photographs online of your muscle model I used this torso and that head!! Where was this three years ago??!

Or, you could ask santa for your very own model! This one comes with interchangeable genital inserts!!

Your school bookstore might sell the above books (at an inflation...). The bookstore might also have these laminated cards that go over the different muscle systems, I have one of those sitting around here.

I used all of these methods. If you're still not confident, talk to your prof or lab TA and see if you can sit in the lab and check out the skeletons and models outside of class time. Sometimes it's better to work at your own pace. Learning the models is still the best way to prep for exams.

There are so many things to learn, you won't be able to cram it all in, it takes constant reviewing. It is a pain, but the payoffs later on will make it worth it.

You can draw the muscles on yourself as study (um...obviously not before an exam).

Also, sounds silly, but those 'Body Building' magazines are awesome for pictures. Buy some of those, giggle at the photos and see if you can identify their muscles. These guys have such low body fat that you can see so many of their muscles. Also, you can see what positions are needed to flex the muscles, so it can help you put the muscle's actions into perspective.

Help! I need advice with studying! I've been trying to study for a math test for days but nothing is sticking. What would you suggest I do?

Math is essentially a problem solving object.It's constantly working on mathematical problem solving. A lot of problems. All kinds of problems. The more, the merrier! The harder, the better.Tackling past exam series is one way to go, and to get better at it, preferably under simulated exam conditions.At its core, Math entails and necessitates a thorough understanding of each and every variable, and their inter-relationship, in the formulas and equations.You also need to spend an inordinate amount of time to understand and work on the proofs, in most instances.In class, you simply need to pay attention to all the worked examples as shown by your lecturer or professor on the white board, or from your textbook, and then you put your acquired knowledge into your solution working, covering a myriad variety of new problems given in class by your lecturer professor, or taken out from your textbook, all on your own.When you have attained Q.E.D. while problem solving, step back and ask, is there another way to tackle the problem? A better way? An unorthodox way, if any?You may want to talk to knowledgeable persons, including your Math teacher or professor.Mathematical problem solving basically teaches us how to think logically and reason rationally.The way you see the problem is the problem. Can you relate it to mathematical problem solving? Play with "what if" scenarios.Do your level best to transpose your mathematical problem solving to the real world, in your personal setting. Explore some real life scenarios and see how the logic goes.Last, but not least, dedicate at least one hour every day on your Mathematical problem solving.This is what you should do with your Math subject. Studying it is counter-productive.

Need Advice, should I continue studying in this institute? (see description)

It happens. In every city there are people who are teaching English at the same time as they are learning it. For the students, the trick is to find good teachers, rather than good institutes. But what students often do, they flock to those institutes where they find the crowd of other students (particularly of opposite sex). I happen to teach at one of such Institute at Bathinda city. The owners asked me to teach students from the exactly same type of notes as you have described. I got frustrated. And next day there happened another talk with the owner of the Institute. When I told him how can I tell those students who don't know even most basic 3 words sentences,  that they can talk in English very soon, he told me that we don't have to worry what they learn and what they don't. According to him, the parents of these rural students have got money which they have to spend anyhow. And the students come more to enjoy than to learn. After learning about his thoughts, I had no other option but to resign. But, I later found that he too wasn't fully wrong after all. Because the students who praised my coaching in the class and had often said that if I didn't teach them in that institution, they would come to me at my place to get the coaching. But the same students kept studying in the very institute even though they were now aware of the philosophy of the such institutes.Now tell who is at more mistake, students or these institutes?!

I need an advice on what to study in college: psycology or physics? (Career related)

You would want to offer a lot more information if you wish to have a realistic response to this question. Who you are as a person, what you are good at, what your main interests are and what you are hoping to do with your college diploma first are all things to take into consideration.You might consider finding people who work in either of those disciplines (preferably with at least 5 years of work experience) and ask them if they are willing to give you some time to ask about why they chose that and what they like/dislike and what they think is important for you to know about it.Also take the time to talk to people in your life and ask them for things to consider before you choose a field of study.To start this process first be very clear on why you are considering each of those fields first and then when you have talked to people in the field compare what you are thinking about it with the realistic ‘been there’ information they offered you. Does this align with what you thought?Ultimately you are the only person who can decide what is right for you and while you want to take in as much information from others as possible you want to make the right decision for you.

I need some really good advice, please help : Studying abroad and/or Braces?

If you need braces, get the braces and wait until you are used to the braces or until they are off to study abroad. Braces are uncomfortable and painful when you first get them and it would lessen the experience of your study abroad if you were in pain. Also, it's important to keep up with orthodontic appointments after you get the braces, and I'm not sure if you can just set up appointments with an orthodontist temporarily in another country. I would wait until after your study abroad to get braces if you don't absolutely need them, or wait to study abroad until after you get your braces off. Plus you'll be more confident with your shiny straight teeth in another county :)

What advice would you give to someone who wants to study abroad?

What Linesman says is true about the experience some students have, but it doesn't have to be that way. For example, I know a brother and sister who both did a study abroad in France at the same school but at different times. The boy made friends with a lot of local people, stayed a year, became very fluent in French. The girl went with some friends from her school, hung out with them all the time, stayed only one semester, and didn't improve her French much. A lot depends on the personality and motivation of the student, but it's a valuable experience in any case because they see how things are done in a different place and it gives them a new perspective on the world and people in it.

I need advice on my career I wish to study engineering course but don't know the real one to study?

A2A. I don’t have any advice about how to choose one engineering program over another except you pick one and see if it is a good fit.The lower division courses for engineering are the same, so it will be taking upper division courses that will determine if you like one more than another. The fact is you may like many or none at all.Everyone thinks good planning is about coming up with the right decision, but the truth is good planning is how to make things right when you made a wrong decision. This is especially true with choosing a career.Bottom line: Pick one, and if it is the wrong choice, plan for alternatives. You do that by looking at the curricula to see when you will be taking course not required by the others.

Final Exams are freaking me out! xx advice?? study?

8 exams! Woah that's a lot! Are they all spaced out from each other, or do you have like 4 in one day? I know you must be stressed out. What I would do is study the subjects you have first, also study the easiest ones first too, that way you can leave lots of time for the really hard ones. I don't think you need to start studying right now, but definitely start 2 and half weeks before your exams. During that time, you seriously cannot distract yourself with anything, just settle down and start studying a couple hours a day. You can take breaks, but if you study really hard for a couple hours, then you can take a huge break where you don't have to worry about studying. Don't worry, you'll do fine. =]