I Need Advice Asap Preferably From Older Brothers. But Anyone Cam Try To Help

My older brother touching me?

my older brother is my half brother, we have the same mom. anyway he lives with his dad and at first he hated me when we were little. then when he grew up he started visiting and it was really awkward, then one day he slept over and we got really close after that. at first he didn't force himself on me or anything, when i was about 10 or 11 he started asking if he could play with my feet lick my toes. im a girl by the way. i though it was funny and let him. we dont live together but he stopped visiting for a year or so, then he started visitng again. now he comes frequently. before he started telling me to kick his private parts, and suck it. or kick it without his pants on, and he showed it to me once. that was the last time he came over. as i said now he's 15 and starts coming over again, i'm 12 now. and now i know what it means, and i get this sick feeling whenever he asks because i obviously dont think of him like that. he constantly begs if he can lick my feet.

I think my brother molests me?!?

TaeMint I really hate knowing about such situations because I really couldn't just come over and help you with it unless you live in Malta.

This is serious business young man and you have to fight it, no one else would fight it for you not even your mother.
Now one advantage for you is that you have grandparents living in a different house.
Now parents are good people but they tend to think that you are exaggerating because it never gets to their mind that these things actually happen in their home with their kids.

Grandparents on the other side are very comprehensive and will understand you and support you.
Now you listen to me carefully.

Courage is not the absence of fear ok? it is ok to fear these things ok? But you cannot let fear stop you from fighting your way through understood young man?
You fear because you are courages, do not listen to others who told you to hit your bro
(who is an ugly beast). They know nothing about it. But we 2 know that hitting him is a mistake cus he's older and won't affect him, but a bigger mistake would be to shut your mouth and say nothing about this.

You have to be courages on this one ok? You need to know that your life course and people you acquaintance with may change, you have to be able to handle changes man ok? And not for anyone else but you young man, fight your way through for your self cus you are worth it ok?
And whatever you do young man always keep God in your heart believe in him and in his miracles. God is the only one you need.

Now first things first is to go to grand parents you and them only in the home, make sure you make them sit down and make sure they give you full attention and calmly talk about what is happening,what is bothering you, and what you need ok,you promise me you do it.
I want you to keep contact with me ok and tell me what happens,I am taking this seriously. I will reveal secret privately.
Keep contact with me on I will guide you.

God Bless you

Husband in denial about perverted father?

My FIL repeatedly sexually harassed me. It was mainly about my breasts but he also took a picture of my thong and backside and kept it on his camera until my husband found it. My husbands response was always that his dad has ways been a pervert, and as it made him happy, it was fine by him. My FIL also groped my hips, came so close to me that I could feel him breathing on my face and chest, telling me how beautiful I was. My husband says as he didn't touch my breasts or rape me, it's tolerable. He wants our very young kids to spend time with his father, preferable without me. I want zero contact for our kids. He accepts that if someone did this to our daughter, it would not be OK, but says I have to deal with it as its his father. It's been 5 years and I can't take it anymore. He's a lot more understanding now, but still in denial about his dads intentions and what his father is capable of doing. Even if he won't sexually abuse the kids, a sick in the head pervert like him should never be allowed near women or kids. This man also spends a huge amount of his time preaching religion to people of other faiths in his community. I don't want to leave with the kids, but I can't take the stress anymore of fighting with my husband and protecting my kids from a pervert.

How many mothers out there does not know the teenage language?

How many moms does not know what BFF is, or what the teens text message, the secret codes are, I dont, iam a mom, And i feel like iam the only dummy who doesnt know what BFF is, or IDK, means? huh? can anyone please help me with some of this logos?

Is it possible for a 12 year old girl to get pregnant?

Yes, if she’s been through puberty and has had vaginal sexual intercourse with a man, that’s a possibility.When I was in 5th grade, one of my 10 year old classmates started gaining weight, not a lot, just a bit. No one thought much of it, and she wore big sweatshirts to hide it. One day she had a terrible stomachache, and her mother took her to the hospital, where she gave birth. She hadn’t even known she was pregnant (no one knew), because she didn’t know enough about the reproductive system and her body—she was just a kid! She gave the baby up for adoption so her mother could adopt the baby, and her mom raised her baby as her sister, instead. It turned out that her uncle had raped her.So if a 10-yr-old can get pregnant, so can a 12 year old.If you think you are pregnant, they sell pregnancy tests at the dollar store that are just as good as the ones at the doctor. But if you pee on the little stick and it has even a faint 2nd line on (read the instructions), get yourself to a doctor asap for prenatal care.I’m sure you realize this, but 12 is way too young to be having sex. If someone older than you is pressuring you, say no and tell an adult. Tell your parents, or your teacher, or your school guidance counselor. Save your body, save your heart, and wait for a man who loves you, and preferably, wait until you’re married.